Little Sister

In response to the voice that came from above, Homura replied and glanced at the Skill panel, where he found something different.

[Other Skills]: Floor Language Lv6

Homura: "..."

'What the fuck is this Floor Language? It's comparable to my Programming Skill?'

'System! Don't you have a System fairy or something? Why do I feel like you are mocking me?'

After being annoyed by the System, Homura was about to continue theorizing about the System when a loud sound came from above.


"I know, I'll be there soon! Be patient!" His thoughts were interrupted, and Homura walked out of the room.

Recalling the new memories that appeared in his mind, Homura saw the day when his little sister came to the house.

A small figure hiding behind his stepmother, only revealing one eye peeking at him, under his mother's urging, she walked shyly with her head down to my front and quietly said to me, "Nice to meet you, Nii-san."

Oh no! This is the feeling of falling in love!

"Ah, nice to meet you too, and please take care of me in the future!"

Since then, this little loli has never left the house and became a shut-in for years.

At first, Homura didn't know how she got her clothes to change but later realized that she must have sneaked out when no one was home.

"So, is this the world of Eromanga Sensei?"

Homura felt he had discovered a blind spot.

"Then where did Izumi Masamune go? Could it be that I replaced his existence?"

Perhaps it was because of his Reasoning Skill, he vaguely felt that this was his own guess.

Touching his chin, Homura secretly thought, 'It looks like there is a chance to add up my Reasoning Skill.'


After entering the kitchen and looking at the environment and utensils, Homura felt a sense of familiarity. He realized that his Level 4 Cooking Skill was probably developed by cooking for his little sister.

"What should I make?"

He opened the refrigerator and looked at the ingredients and the cold rice in the electric rice cooker.

"There's not enough time, so let's go with something simple. Omurice or fried rice?"

After thinking for a moment, Homura decided to make fried rice because he had never made it in this world, and he wanted to test his System skills.

He effortlessly raised his Cooking Skills to Level 5 and felt the extra experience in his mind.

Homura then got to work, from heating the wok to turning off the heat, all in one go.

Yangzhou fried rice, done! {TN: Chinese Fried Rice}

"Adding some skill points really helped me become more proficient."

Homura felt it carefully and thought, 'The System only provides experience, but to really understand it and make it muscle memory, I still need to practice more and comprehend it myself. However, experience is really important.'

"Energy hasn't decreased?"

Homura looked at his energy, which was still full and guessed, 'Reality probably won't forcibly deduct energy, maybe it will only do so when fatigued.'

He put the food on a tray and headed to his sister's room upstairs.

At the door of his sister's room, he looked at the door that never opened and gently knocked.

"Sagiri, it's time for dinner! I've brought it for you."

After waiting for a while, there was no response.

Homura showed a helpless expression and put the tray on the floor, reminding her, "Alright, Sagiri, I'll leave the food here. Remember to come out and get it."

Although he knew from watching anime in his past life, it was indeed the Sagiri in his memory. After their first meeting, he had never seen her again.

Homura was a little unwilling.

He rubbed his chin and chuckled softly.

"Sagiri-chan, I don't believe I can't find and see you!"

After speaking, he made an obvious sound and left. Then he quietly crawled to the stairs, staring closely at a heart-shaped nameplate hanging on the door with the beautiful word "Sagiri" written on it.

After a while, the door opened a crack, and Sagiri's small head quickly popped out and looked around. Then with a "swoosh," the tray on the floor disappeared.


The door closed tightly.

Homura slowly emerged, grinning.

He had originally thought about suddenly jumping out, but he decided not to. Scaring Sagiri would be a sin.

Returning to the kitchen, he quickly made himself a simple fried rice dish. As he ate his own cooking, Homura felt that the taste was quite good.

"I didn't expect that my Level 5 cooking skill could make such a delicious dish. My past self couldn't compare at all!"

He exclaimed with some emotion, thinking about his other skills.

"I need to level up quickly, otherwise I won't have enough skill points! There are several skills I need to add, and I'm sure I'll trigger more useful skills in the future."

When he went to the character panel to figure out how to gain experience, he realized a problem.

[Level]: 1 (10/100)

Homura: "..."

He needed to figure out how he gained experience to level up.

Remembering the vague feeling just now, he enters the Skill panel.

[Life Skills]: Reasoning LV0→LV1

[Skill points]: 4

"Getting experience is definitely related to System operations, which means it's related to my skill. Cooking perhaps?"

Homura felt that it didn't sound right, but he still went to make a dish with a cucumber and added it as an extra dish for himself.

"Is there really no change?"

Homura didn't show any surprised expression and solved his lunch.

If it's not about cooking, then it must be about eating. However, eating it himself would probably be useless. So, these ten experience points must be...

"Contributed by Sagiri!"

Homura confirmed his speculation and also had a feeling that it was indeed the case.

"Is it recognition of my cooking?"


Ten minutes ago.

Sagiri's room.

The curtains were not pulled open, so even though it was a bit dark, the computer's light was enough to make out the girlishness of the room.

She walked into the room carrying a tray and placed the lunch on the small table. Looking at the unfamiliar dish in front of her, Sagiri muttered, "What is this? Yangzhou fried rice?"

"I know my brother has never made this dish before, but I can still barely recognize that it is not a dish from Penglai Province, but a domestic dish from Huaxia because I have seen it on the internet.

"Mmm, it smells so good and looks so beautiful. It must be delicious!"

Smelling the aroma, Sagiri felt her saliva secretion speed up a bit.

"Then, Itadakimasu!"

She put her hands together and said so to the dish in front of her. Sagiri scooped up a spoonful of rice and slowly put it into her mouth.


In an instant, a gleam of light flashed in her watery eyes.

Before the food was swallowed, she said with a bit of a whine, "Nii-san's cooking skills seem to have improved again! It's so delicious!"

"Um, it's so delicious!" She began to attack the food on the plate continuously.

"Mmm, I'm so full... my stomach is a bit bloated."

She reached out and rubbed her small belly, took a break, and put her hands together again.

"Gochisousama deshita." {TN: Thank you for the meal}

She climbed to the bedside, leaned against the pillow to relieve her overfull feeling, and didn't know what she was thinking, a mysterious blush appeared on her delicate little face. She hugged the pillow and buried her face in it, only some giggles of "hehehe" could be heard.


"If the ten points of experience are doubled, then the experience Sagiri originally contributed is only five points."

Thinking of the System's settings, Homura was still uncertain. For one dish, would it give five points of experience as long as it is recognized?

Or is it related to skill level? Or is it related to the degree of recognition?

"Well, let's study it slowly. Now, I should go out and take a walk, get familiar with the place, and then buy some tools for drawing manga."

With this in mind, Homura decided to say hello and inform Sagiri then go out.