
"That's impossible!" Eriri said without hesitation.

"Is that so..." Homura smiled and looked at Eriri and Utaha. "Then, I'll leave it to you two for the rest!"

Hearing Homura's words, Eriri looked at Utaha, who was also looking back at her.

The two of them made eye contact, then both of them slightly smirked and said together in unison.

Eriri: "Who do you think..."

Utaha: "... You are talking to!"

It's only in these moments that the two unexpectedly get along!

Looking at the two highly motivated girls, Homura shook the manga manuscript in his hand.

"Do you still want to see it?"

"""Yes!""" (x3)

Quick response! Even the silent Megumi joined in, it seems that the appeal of manga is still quite strong.

"Then come and take a look, I'll give it to Sagiri after you've read it."

As soon as Homura finished speaking, the three girls surrounded him directly. Eriri, who was the most impolite, snatched the manga manuscript and began to read it with the other two girls.

Shaking his head, Homura went to play with the little one, Haru.

This little one really touched him.

Unlike usual, even if Haru was waiting for him to eat; she didn't need to wait much because he would come quickly, but today was different. When Homura was talking to Sagiri, Haru was still waiting for him the whole time. Homura believed that if he went to do other things no matter how long... Haru may still continue waiting for him.

Watching the little one playing happily, Homura felt that maybe he should take her out to play and buy her some toys and accessories that she likes.

*King called me to patrol the mountain~* Homura's phone rang.

Homura took out his phone and saw that it was his father... probably about the manga!

He answered the phone, and Kosuke's wild voice came out directly.

"You brat! Where are you?"

Homura's eye twitched. As the head of the Minamiya Family, his father always refer to him as a "brat"...

It's a good thing he doesn't act like that in front of outsiders, otherwise; he might be seen as a nouveau-rich young master.

"... At home, what's up?"

"What's up?" That voice sounded playful. "When did you learn to draw manga? And you've even signed a contract. If it weren't for a subordinate's report, I wouldn't have known how awesome you are now, you brat!"

Homura remained silent, feeling somewhat uneasy inside.

"Say something!" Kosuke urged when there was no reply.

"What can I say? Do you want me to call you and tell you every detail of what I learned? Are you even interested or care?" Homura said calmly.

Kosuke also fell silent, having heard the underlying message in Homura's words.

After taking a deep breath, Kosuke said, "... I know you're resentful. Every child wants their parents to be with them..."

"I know what you want to say. It's nothing more than saying that the family is big and there are so many people working under us!" Homura interrupted, "But you don't have to say that to me. I already know, whether you come back or not, it doesn't matter to me! And I honestly don't care... but what about Sagiri? Do you think she doesn't care like me? If you were both here, would she still be a shut-in and stay in the house all the time?!"

Homura, who was a siscon, let out an angry roar.

Listening to Homura's almost roaring words and the sobbing sounds in his ears, Kosuke didn't know what to say.

After Homura finished speaking, he just sat quietly, stroking the little one who had come closer after hearing his roar.

He had vented out his emotions, and with Haru by his side, Homura quickly regained his composure.

Megumi, Eriri, and Utaha had come up behind Homura without him noticing, silently watching. They looked at each other and decided not to ask anything for now.

"...Yes, this is where we owe Sagiri the most," Kosuke's voice contained a touch of worldly wisdom. Then he made this decision. "Okay, I might find it difficult, but I'll try to make Shizuka take some time off to return home and accompany Sagiri..."

Homura was surprised. He never expected his father to do this.

Of course... which parent doesn't want to see their child? It's just that Kosuke loved deeply, but didn't and can't express it.

What else could Homura say?

Shrugging, he said, "Dad, I have a newfound respect for you."

"Hmph! Get lost! Do I need you to respect me?!" Kosuke shouted irritably. He could hear the understanding and emotion in Homura's words, and he also relaxed.

However, Homura realized that his father's tone sounded somewhat irritable and frustrated, almost like a tsundere?!

Homura's scalp tingled and goosebumps formed on his arms.

"Fuck me, the mental image is coming!" He shook his head vigorously, trying to shake the tsundere old man image out of his mind, but to no avail.

Haru looked at him with confusion.

"What's wrong? Are you sick?" She jumped onto his shoulder and licked Homura's cheek, asking, "Meow~? (What's wrong? Does it hurt a lot?)"

Feeling the warmth on his face and hearing Haru's voice, Homura immediately stopped his strange behavior that would seem weird to others.

"It's okay, little one. I'm fine, so don't worry!" He then rubbed his face against the kitten's face.

The little one nodded and didn't speak, just placing her paw on Homura's face to feel his warmth.

Behind them, Eriri watched enviously, wondering when she would have such a good relationship with Haru.

"Who are you talking to, brat?" Kosuke asked strangely. Was there anyone else at home besides Sagiri?

"A cat!" Homura said directly.

Why hide it? It's not like he hiding someone's wife or anything... Ahem!

"A cat? When did you get a cat?"

"About a week ago. This little one is much more reliable than you. When I was feeling down, she came to comfort me!" Homura said proudly.

Kosuke gritted his teeth and thought to himself, 'How could I, Kosuke, be inferior to a mere cat?!'

"Where did you get the cat from?" Kosuke asked, suppressing his anger.

Homura fell silent for a moment before responding, "I found the little one when I went to visit Mom. She was right by Mom's side when I first met her."

"Well, that's good then," Kosuke said absentmindedly, perhaps lost in thought about something from the past.

"By the way, your manga is really good! Shizuka also thinks highly of it. Keep up the good work!" Kosuke suddenly changed the topic.

"I will. Is there anything else?" Homura asked, going with the flow.

"There is indeed something else. If your manga wasn't good, I wouldn't have taken on this task!"

Homura's curiosity was piqued, wondering what it was.

"It's a child of an old friend who just returned from overseas. You need to go to the station tomorrow at six o'clock to pick up the child, and the child will be staying in our home from now on. You have to take good care of that child! That's it, I'm hanging up!" Kosuke hang up the call immediately and then said smugly, "Now it's my turn brat, you can't hang up on me like you did last time!"

Shizuka, who was beside him, immediately slapped his shoulder and said, "You're already old! Why are you still acting like a child!"

"Hehe..." Kosuke just replied with a sheepish laugh.


"Hello? Hello?!" Homura had a black line on his face.

Was this revenge? This was definitely revenge right?!

Recalling his father's words, Homura pondered for a moment.

Once again, it seemed like a familiar plot was about to unfold...