I Know Someone Else Named Megumi

'What's on my mind? What else besides an indirect kiss?! Utaha-senpai must be doing this on purpose! Can't let her have her way.'

Naturally skipping over this topic, Homura told everyone to go home and he left first.

Utaha sighed, "Homura-kun is really different from Sawamura-san."

"What do you mean by that?" Eriri asked irritably.

'It's probably that Homura-kun isn't like Eriri, who you can bully as you please,' Megumi thought to herself.

"Nothing, just that you guys are of different genders," Utaha laughed it off, rarely refraining from any deeper attacks.

"Huh?! Do you mean you're the kind of person who always talks nonsense?" Eriri didn't believe it. This sly woman definitely had a scheme in her words.

"Who knows? Maybe it's due to my lack of sleep and poor mental state," Utaha said, sounding a bit confused. It seemed like this time she really didn't want to start a quarrel.

Eriri rolled her eyes and said nothing.

'How strange,' Mashiro thought as she ate the Baumkuchen.

The group with different thoughts headed back home.


"We're back! Haha!" Homura laughed and lifted the little one who rushed over.

"Welcome back, Nii-san." Surprisingly, Sagiri came out to greet him!

Putting Haru on his shoulder, Homura reached out and stroked Sagiri's head, softly saying, "I'm back, Sagiri. You've been working hard, and you've made progress every day. Nii-san is really proud of you!"

Sagiri blushed and enjoyed her brother's touch. Just as she was feeling good, Eriri came over and pinched Sagiri's face, "Only your brother? What about us?"

Sagiri struggled out of Eriri's clutches, rubbing her face and saying unhappily, "Oh! Welcome, guests!"

Everyone's faces except for Mashiro's froze. Welcome guests? Does that mean they're just considered as mere guests?

After understanding Sagiri's hidden meaning, they exchanged a brief glance and reached a tacit agreement; they couldn't let this little girl steal a march on them!

If Sagiri knew their thoughts, would she regret it?

Homura and Haru had a close moment, and after squeezing her paw for a while, he let her go. The other girls also took a turn touching her. Haru watched him tidy up the girls' belongings while she walked around the room. Eventually, she jumped on Megumi's lap and lay down.

Eriri enviously said, "As expected, besides Minamiya and Sagiri, only Megumi can get this close to Haru-chan!"

Megumi quietly stroked Haru's fur and helped her groom. Haru stretched lazily and purred, "Meow~ (Feels so good~)"

Seeing the scene of the two, Eriri couldn't stand it anymore. 'It was one thing for Minamiya to be like this, but why did Megumi also get to be so close to Haru-chan?'

Eriri ran to Homura's room and took out the cat toy, then came to Haru and caught her attention.

She succeeded!

Cats couldn't resist something that was wiggling in front of their eyes, so Eriri and Haru played happily together.

After that, Utaha then came took over, and finally Mashiro, and then Eriri took over again...

They were all playing with Haru for the first time, and for a moment, they were all excited. Homura could only smile and shake his head, sighing that the little one was just too adorable and precious.


As they were playing, the doorbell rang.

Homura went to answer the door, and when he arrived at the entrance hall, he opened the video camera on the door. A cute girl with similar hair color to Nanami and around the same age as Sagiri appeared on the screen.

It was her, Homura recognized her at a glance, and the cute girl said, "Hello, I'm Jinno Megumi. Is Sagiri-chan at home?"

"Just a moment." Homura hung up the video camera and opened the door for her.

"I'm Sagiri-chan's classmate," the girl said sweetly.

Homura smiled and said, "It's the first time Sagiri's classmate has come over!"

"Yes! I'm the class president!" The girl took a step forward and approached Homura, almost sticking to him. "By the way, are you Sagiri-chan's Onii-san?"

"Yes, what's up?"

Jinno suddenly changed the topic and said, "But you two aren't related by blood, right? Living with your sister... there's really nothing going on, right?"

"What could be going on?" Homura pretended to be puzzled. "Right, Jinno-san?

"Just call me Megumi!" Jinno said generously.

"But I know someone else named Megumi. What should I do?" Homura teased her with a smile.

Jinno's eyes twitched, and she said somewhat unnaturally, "Then just call me Megumin!"

"Alright. By the way, Megumin, is there something you need at my place?" Homura held back his laughter. 'It was fun to make this girl annoyed, but... she should be retaliating soon, right?'

"It's so strange... Is there a guy who wouldn't fall in love with me at first sight?" She muttered to herself in a voice that Homura could hear, and then asked, "Does Onii-san like guys?"

"How is that possible?" Homura shook his head and chuckled. "I didn't expect you to be so self-centered. How could I fall in love with you at first sight?"

Jinno pouted and looked unhappy.

"I guess your "dick" must not be working since you don't have any reaction to me," the girl said casually. She was really thick-skinned to be able to say that word so calmly.

"I can't believe you just said "dick" casually with your little mouth," Homura laughed.

"What's wrong?" Jinno pretended to be puzzled. "I love "dick" the most!"

"Oho? You love "dick" the most?" Homura smiled meaningfully.

"Yes, like other girls my age, we all love "dick" the most!" After saying that, she even turned into a cat staring at Homura's crotch.

"Hahaha~!!!" Homura burst out laughing.

"Huh?!" Jinno quickly stepped back. What's going on? It's scary.

"Little girl," Homura beckoned with his finger, "come with me."

Homura finished speaking and turned to walk into the room. Jinno swallowed her saliva and began to struggle with whether or not to follow.

'Is he going to show me his? No, no! I'm just kidding! Should I still follow?'

As soon as this thought came to her, she immediately rejected it!

'No! I came here to get to know Sagiri-chan and make friends with her! I can't just back down like this!'

'But... is it really okay? What if, today, I lose my virginity? What should I do?'

Indecisive and torn, should she go in or not?

Two conflicting thoughts were fighting in her head, and suddenly Jinno felt that it would have been better if she didn't come today! Otherwise, this kind of thing wouldn't have happened!

"Moshi Moshi~"

"Kyaaa~!" Jinno was startled.

"Do you want to come in or not?" Homura asked. He didn't believe that this little girl would be scared off. She was the most stubborn one, and she had to come in!

Sure enough, he saw Jinno clenching her fists as if she was cheering herself on.

'Come on, you can do it! You're the cute Megumin, you've got this!' She secretly cheered herself on and bravely walked into Homura's house...