Girlfriend? Two Girlfriends?

Ayano: "..."

"So boring! I won't play this kind of game with you again in the future!" Ayano pouted and complained about his answer which was always right.

Homura was somewhat surprised and said, "Did they agree?"

"Sonoda Umi is the only one left, but with my efforts, she has also agreed. It should happen within these two days." Ayano said proudly.

"Well, it's all up to you. As long as you succeed, the manga will be created!" Homura also cheered her on.

"Don't worry! Everything is for the manga!" Ayano felt so sacred when said that.

"Ahh right, Ayano, stay for dinner!" Homura suddenly said.

Ayano was taken aback. She didn't expect to be invited to dinner, but...

"I really want to stay, but I have something to do at the publishing house. I have to leave soon." Ayano reluctantly declined Homura's invitation.

Homura nodded. "Okay, we'll definitely have a meal at my house when we have the chance. You can taste my cooking skills."

"Oh, you will cook, Homura? Wow... I'm looking forward to it. I'll definitely come if I have the chance!" Ayano said unexpectedly.

"Please look forward to it."

Later, Ayano said goodbye to everyone and left the Minamiya Residence.

"Speaking of which, where is the Eromanga-sensei that Homura mentioned?" On her way back, Ayano wondered.

'Where did the Eromanga-sensei go?'

Shaking her head, there must be some circumstances. She should have the opportunity to meet in the future.

After all, Eromanga-sensei is too mysterious.

'I'm so curious...'



The doorbell rang.

Homura looked puzzled. What was happening today? Why a lot of people came? Who could it be this time?

He opened the door and an unexpected person appeared before his eyes...

"Aunt Shizuka..." Homura whispered.

"Yahoo! Homura-chan, it's been a long time!" Shizuka, the mother of Sagiri, smiled and gave Homura a big hug, then complained, "Can't you stop calling me Aunt?"

Homura didn't dodge and he didn't have any resentment, so... he just silently felt her hug.

"What should I call you if not Aunt?" Homura asked.

"You can call me Mother!" Shizuka blurted out.

"That's impossible. Then I'll just call you Shizuka," Homura said calmly.

Shizuka pouted, "Homura-chan is really stubborn! Okay, call me Shizuka. It's better than calling me Aunt."

"You've been taking care of Sagiri-chan all this time. Thank you so much. This should be my responsibility," Shizuka said softly in Homura's ear, with tears welling up in the corners of her eyes.

"But Sagiri is my little sister, right? So taking care of her is only natural for me," Homura said, wiping away her tears and happily smiling.

"Homura-chan, you've grown up too! You don't talk like a kid anymore!" Shizuka said.

'But you're the one who talks like a kid,' Homura silently quipped.

"Homura-kun... who is she?" Suddenly, Megumi said behind Homura.

They were just wondering why it took so long for him to open the door and came out to see what was happening. Megumi was the first to arrive and saw Homura hugging a beautiful woman she didn't know.

Homura was about to speak, but Shizuka spoke first, "Girlfriend?"

Looking at him with a puzzled expression, Homura was about to explain when Utaha came out, "What's going on...?"

'Why is Homura-kun with a beautiful woman?' Utaha was surprised by what she saw.

"Two girlfriends?" Shizuka looked at Homura suspiciously.

Homura: "..."

Eriri also came out, "What... Aunt Minamiya?!"

"Huh?! Eriri-chan is here too?! And why are you calling me Aunt?!" Shizuka was full of question marks, wondering why Eriri was there too.

Eriri sighed and said, "Then, Shizuka-nee?"

Shizuka nodded in satisfaction!

"Aunt?" Megumi and Utaha gestured to Eriri to explain.

"She is Sagiri's mother."

The two girls immediately understood, no wonder! But Sagiri's mother looks so young!

"Why is everyone here?" Mashiro appeared at this time.

Shizuka: "..."

"HUHHH!!!" Shizuka was about to faint, and quickly shook Homura's shoulder and asked, "Homura-chan, what's going on?"

Homura rolled his eyes, 'Isn't it because Dad asked me to pick her up? Don't you know?'

"They are members of my club!" Homura, who was being shaken without any temper, could only say.

"Club? What club?"

"Well, Shizuka-nee, why don't we go in and talk? Don't stand outside the door." Eriri spoke up and suggested.

"Ah? Oh! That's right!" Shizuka was stunned for a moment, and quickly ran into the house, turning back to wave to everyone, "Come in, come in!"

Megumi and Utaha looked at Homura, and Utaha asked, "Is Sagiri's mother always like this?"

Homura helplessly looked at Eriri, the two of them looked at each other and nodded together toward Utaha and Megumi.

As for why Eriri also nodded, of course; it's because her mother is also quite similar... but Eriri's mother is intentional, while Sagiri's mother is hard to say... a natural?.

After Homura closed the door, everyone returned to the living room together.

"Speaking of which, why didn't you just come in by yourself?" This was the question that Homura was puzzled about from the beginning.

"I wanted to surprise you!" Shizuka looked depressed, "I didn't expect you to surprise me... tell me, what club?"

Homura thought for a moment, and waved to her, "Explaining will take some time, come with me! You'll understand when you see it!"

After speaking, he set off toward their activity room.


"Oh~! So that's how it is!" Shizuka's expression was full of surprise, and the group of Homura did give her a big surprise!

"By the way! Do you want me to notify Kosuke-chan? He will definitely give you the greatest support!"

Homura's mouth twitched. Every time he heard that name, he wanted to laugh out loud. He imagined the imposing appearance of his father; Minamiya Kosuke, and then suddenly, a "Kosuke-chan" from Shizuka ruined the moment!

Eriri also suppressed a smile as she shook her shoulders. She was on the same wavelength as Homura.

Under the gaze of Shizuka's questioning eyes, Homura finally managed to hold back his laughter and shook his head, "No, please keep it a secret. We don't have any problems ourselves, let's surprise him later!"

After considering for a moment, Shizuka nodded in agreement and looked toward Utaha and Megumi. She had already remembered the identity of Mashiro...

Utaha stepped forward and said, "Minamiya-sa-..."

Utaha wanted to say "Minamiya-san" but changed her mind.

"Hmm~~~?" Shizuka stared at Utaha, smiling.


"Umu." Shizuka nodded in satisfaction.

"I am the scriptwriter, Kasumigaoka Utaha, and this is our... " Utaha paused for a moment, "Kato Megumi, who is both an assistant and a programmer apprentice."

It seems like that's right?