Homura, What Have You Done!?

After carefully examining the skill panel, Homura was about to exit, but he suddenly remembered something.

'Practicing Tai Chi can increase body coordination, and also lead to an improvement in skills such as playing musical instruments.'

'If increasing musical instruments skill levels can subconsciously increase body coordination and reaction time, will it accelerate the learning speed of Tai Chi?'

Homura suddenly felt that this was very likely! After all, this System is so mysterious, it's not strange for one thing to affect another!

Increasing physical strength will inevitably lead to an improvement in physical fitness, and this is a chain reaction effect!

He decided to try it out!

Homura did not directly allocate his skill points. He started by practicing Tai Chi and carefully feeling his current physical state.

Then he sat down, and raised his Guitar and Piano skill levels directly to Level 9, taking a break while also absorbing some experience from these two instruments.

Ten minutes later...

Homura got up and tried punching the air again. He could clearly feel that he had made progress, and it was not a small one!

If the feeling from the first round was like a student who was learning to drive and practicing for the second subject of the driving test, then the feeling from the second round was like a newly graduated student who just obtained their driver's license!

After verifying his own speculation, Homura felt that his understanding of the System had deepened a lot.

'Drawing analogies, with my current ability, I'm afraid that the skill levels for plucked string instruments and keyboard instruments will naturally increase as soon as I come into contact with them for the first time, rather than start being zero.'

In the future, if necessary, he would need to learn wind instruments, bowed string instruments, and percussion instruments!

*King called me to patrol the mountain~* Homura took out his phone.

"Homura, where is your manga...?" It seemed that Ayano's voice was quite helpless. What about the manuscript that they agreed on?

"Ah! Sorry! I'll send it to you right away!" After speaking, Homura rushed back to his room.

Ayano hung up the phone with a smile and said, "This guy, I don't know what he's busy with again..."

After Homura uploaded the manuscript, the others had already noticed that he had returned.

"Ah, Homura-kun, welcome back," Megumi greeted him, then asked about the manga's material gathering. "Did the material gathering go smoothly?"

"It's pretty good. I'll show you when you guys are resting!" He then asked her, "Were you girls in the activity room just now?"

Megumi nodded and updated Homura on everyone's progress, "Utaha-senpai is still adding sub-plot to the story, Eriri's original artwork is almost completed and she's currently teaching me some practical script operation."

"As for Mashiro-chan's manga, she has already finished drawing a part of it, as per Homura-kun's request, she only drew the storyline for Mitsuha. That's it."

"After reading Mashiro's manga, my senses have really been heightened compared to the game. I'm really looking forward to the upcoming movie," Megumi exclaimed in surprise, although not with a particularly strong tone. Homura was used to it.

"Hehe, let's look forward to it! It's definitely worth the wait!" Homura chuckled, "Our group is steadily moving forward step by step!"

"By the way, where's Nanami?" Homura asked since Megumi didn't mention her.

"Nanami went to the voice acting school, she should be back soon, I think?"

Homura checked the time, she should have returned by now. They had been at the Otonokizaka for several hours, and it was now time to prepare dinner.

He invited Megumi to join him and they entered the kitchen together.


In the courtyard, Homura took the big lamp from the storage room and said that they would do Hanami in the courtyard with it!

Everyone sat around, and Homura stared at Eriri. She had always been aware whenever he added some Cooking skills. Would she notice it this time as well?

After all, the higher the Cooking skill level, the greater the difference when it increases!

Homura guessed correctly. Just as Eriri took the first bite, her eyes widened instantly!

"Homura! What have you done? Did you drug me?!" Eriri was shocked and did not hold back her words at all.

The impact of this sentence was huge! Everyone, except for Mashiro, spurted! Moreover, they all looked shocked!

"Eriri, what does that mean?" Megumi spoke first. "I must have misheard, right? Homura-kun couldn't be that kind of person."

"Slipping drugs? Is it that 'kind' of drug?" Utaha pondered. "Even if it is that kind of drug, how could a person like Sawamura-san recognize the taste and smell?"

"Kasumigaoka Utaha! What do you mean by that?!" Eriri blushed and couldn't believe that she would say something like this. What was this woman thinking?

"Uhm~!!! Is Homura-kun finally making a move on us?!" Nanami blushed and thought wildly but unconsciously spoke loudly at the same time. "Am I going to be an adult now? Should I resist? No! We are still high school students!"

"Nanami... you said that out loud" Mashiro calmly retorted at Nanami.

"What! How embarrassing!" Nanami awoke from her fantasy when heard Mashiro's voice. 'Did everyone hear that? Including Homura-kun?! How am I supposed to face him in the future?'

"Nii-san! What's going on?! Is it really like what they said?!" Sagiri wore a sullen look. 'Is it fake? It must be fake, right?! Nii-san wouldn't do something like that!'

Homura, who was bombarded by their speech, looked bewildered. "Eriri, even though I was already expecting that you would have discovered something, how the hell did you come up with that conclusion?"

"Ahaha~ Sorry, maybe you've improved your skills again, and not just a little bit, so I..." Eriri looked at Homura with a slightly embarrassed expression.

"Ara? Sawamura-san, have you found that Homura-kun's cooking skills have improved a lot? To the point where you feel like being drugged?" Utaha's tone seemed to be defending Eriri.

Eriri was surprised, although she felt something was wrong, she still nodded.

"Does Sawamura-san know that 'feeling'?" Utaha smirked.

Eriri also realized it at this time and said fiercely, "Do you know how exaggerated that sounds? Exaggerated! How could I possibly know that kind of feeling?!"

Then she whispered, "But I've seen it online when I was researching for materials and inspiration..."

Everyone gave a meaningful "Ohh~" and understood what she meant. After all, their Kashiwagi Eri-sensei always drew that kind of thing. What's so strange about her knowing it?

Utaha's expression turned slightly frustrated. She hadn't expected Eriri to reveal her hobbies like that. How was she going to tease her now?

"At least I've cleared my name..." Homura said, making Sagiri and Nanami blush again.

"But speaking of which, Homura-kun has indeed made great progress this time!" Megumi exclaimed. "I feel like it won't be long before no one in the world can compare to you!"

Upon hearing this, Homura said indifferently, "Well, even if it were to become true, isn't that compliment a bit too cheap to make up for the earlier misunderstanding?"

What a dinner.

The girls were stunned by the misunderstanding, then ate in a good mood as if nothing happened, and happily finished the meal.

Such a good day right?