Determining Logo

That evening, after dinner had ended, Homura addressed the group of girls.

"Since we are going to appear in the public eye, shouldn't we register the club? Or circle?"

Eriri said, "Yes, our club is officially a doujin circle now, and we can just do it online, as long as people know about it. The key is the circle logo!"

{TN: Doujin Circle - A group of people in Japan who share an interest, activity, or hobby that involves creating creative works, either original or based on existing works usually in the form of manga, novels, or games. They can be amateur or professional circles.}

Homura nodded, "Let's ask for everyone's opinion on the logo."

"Since it's called 'Another Dimension', the logo should be related to that, right?" Utaha gave her opinion.

Everyone agreed with this and began to think, "What is related to Another Dimension?"

"Black hole," Mashiro suddenly blurted out.

Everyone was speechless, and Homura was also embarrassed, "Mashiro, a black hole might be a good idea, but if we draw it, it will just be a black ball... it might be a bit too monotonous, don't you think?"

Mashiro listened to him and imagined it for a moment, then said, "Then let me think about it."

"If a black hole won't work, what about other astronomical phenomena?" Nanami continued Mashiro's thoughts and offered an opinion.

"But the other astronomical phenomena don't seem to fit, do they?" Eriri thought about some astronomical phenomena and felt that they weren't quite right.

"How about we make a planet instead? A planet that is different from Earth," Megumi's opinion was also the one that Homura liked the most.

The girls were also somewhat interested in this, as it did fit the requirements of Another Dimension.

Homura looked at the little one who was playing with a penguin plush toy and his eyes lit up, "Do you think Megumi's idea is good?"

Seeing that no one objected, Homura immediately said, "Then let me add something to it?"

"What do you want to add?" Eriri asked in confusion.

"Let's add a mascot to it, how about that?" Homura shifted his gaze to Haru, and the girls followed his gaze and immediately understood his idea.

Their eyes suddenly lit up, and everyone loved the little one, so there was not a single person who disagreed with this idea.

"There's only one problem!" Eriri spoke up, "Adding a mascot is fine, we all have no objections, we even want to add Haru-chan as a mascot to the logo... but how do we add it?"

"One planet, one cat, how to combine them?" Eriri proposed this question.

Homura raised two fingers, "I have two ideas! First, the little one stretches out her cat paw, and the planet rests in her paw."

The women imagined this scene and felt that it was good. So what about the second idea?

"Second, use the little one's current posture, but replace the plush toy with the planet!"

Everyone looked at Haru's current posture, lying face up on the sofa, holding a plush toy and occasionally rolling around...

Suddenly, Haru flipped over and sat up on the sofa like a human, his torso blocked by the plush toy, with his head, paws, and tail exposed while holding the plush toy. The cute appearance was so adorable!

"That's it!" (x7)

All seven of them were moved, and Homura took out his phone to snap a photo. All they had to do was replace the plush toy with a planet!

"Wow! I really captured something good!" Homura was very happy, showing off the photo on his phone to the women.

They also loved the way Haru looked! They couldn't help feeling a little jealous of Homura's proud expression! They all took out their phones, but unfortunately, Haru changed his position!


Homura burst out laughing, and they all looked at him unhappily.

"Okay, okay, I'll send you the photo right now!" Homura didn't tease them anymore, as he didn't want to provoke their anger any further.

Looking satisfied with the photo on their phone, more than one person set the picture as their wallpaper.

Homura exclaimed once again, "It's so good to have Haru around!"

Everyone nodded in agreement. Haru was not only cute and well-behaved but also made them feel happy just by being around her. They also solved the problem of the circle's logo with her help!

Haru had already become an indispensable member of Another Dimension!

The happy group of people played with Haru for a while longer before going their separate ways.


After their activity had ended, Homura watched the happy little one playing on the cat climbing frame. Without calling out to her; he returned to his room alone.

Sitting in front of his computer desk, Homura thought for a moment and then opened the System.

[Character Name]: Minamiya Homura

[Level]: 59 (725370/2400000)

[Title]: Junior Mangaka (Increases the attractiveness of manga works by 3%)

[Skill Points]: 64

[Main Mission]: Increase the sales of Manke Weekly

[Mission Objective]: Boost the sales of Manke Weekly within a week

[Mission Status]: Completed

[Mission Reward]: Unlock the function to combine Life Skills (Two Life Skills of the same type can be merged into a higher-level skill when both are at Level 9 or above)

[Pet Name]: Haru

[Level]: 24


"The changes are really significant!" Homura exclaimed, "The required experience has already reached millions? It won't be easy to level up smoothly from now on."

Homura had previously thought that he would level up quickly, but now it seemed that reaching billions of experience points was not far off.

"My title has also got upgraded! This title is actually an experience bonus!"

"And Haru is also level 24... I still don't understand how this level works."

Homura pondered, "It should have a slight impact on her physical strength, but judging from the nature of life simulation or sims, the higher the level, the cuter she probably gets, right?"

Homura had previously felt that Haru was much cuter than Nana's Hachi, and touching her felt the most comfortable.

Thinking about this, Homura felt a bit embarrassed. After all, the System that came from life simulation did not have much impact on combat power, and it was uncertain if there would be any changes in the future.

Finally, it was time for the most crucial matter...

"It seems like whatever I need, it just appears!" Homura was surprised because when he needed to create game music and his current skills were definitely not enough for that, but at the right time, this new unlocked feature appeared!

"Let's take a look!"

Since it was an unlocked feature, Homura went to the System settings to find it.

"It's really here."

After opening it, there were two boxes, each with a dropdown list at the top.

Upon opening it, all the Life Skills at Level 9 were there. Homura felt a bit regretful that other skills couldn't be added in as well.

"No Cooking?" Homura discovered strangely that there was no Cooking Skill on the list.

"Perhaps there is no other skill related to Cooking of the same type? Then Cooking is probably the highest-level skill now. Its lower-level skills should be things like pasta, cakes, and stir-frying."

"Next, let's combine!"