Complicated Emotions

When games and anime are produced simultaneously, it puts the most pressure on the animators. Because the script is universal, even if there are some problems, they can be slightly modified with ease, but it's not the same for the animation part.

The game is one thing, but creating the animation requires a significant number of actual drawings. Even a single second of animation contains several drawings. Despite the addition of Hashima Izumi, it may not be enough, and they might end up exhausted. However, with the help of the 'fast man' Homura, they should be able to keep up without getting too tired.

But he didn't decide to do it himself. Because of the huge number of drawings needed for the anime, many of them are roughly the same, so computerized drawing methods can be used to meet the demand...

"Since we've chosen to collaborate, there's no need to waste any resources. Besides, Kosaka Akane has really gotten a big advantage from this since her circle's artist, Hashima Izumi will probably improve her skills in the process of imitating and making some modifications to our drawings."

As they watched his shameless expression and declaration, everyone had a look of exasperation.

Just say if you want to be lazy!

"Oh, it's so great to be able to discuss with you all. Since the problem's been solved, I'll work on both plans at the same time. Goodnight, everyone!" Homura bid everyone goodnight with a happy heart and went on to complete his work project plan.

As they watched his back, they couldn't help but find it a bit amusing.

"Is it okay for him to be so happy just because he can be lazy?" Elf smirked.

"I don't think Homura is the type of person who loves to be lazy," said Eriri.

Having known him for so long, she didn't think he would be so happy just because he could be lazy.

"Perhaps it's because of the combination of both methods..." Megumi expressed her opinion. "'Your Name.' used to be like that before, when it was released and well-received by the mass, he always looked so happy and had a smile on his face."

"Just like Homura-kun himself said, as an otaku, he wants to spread the culture to everyone. With two methods used at the same time, the spreading scale has expanded greatly, so Homura-kun should be happy about this, right?"

There was silence, and no one said anything. Because of this, they all felt that Megumi was probably... no, definitely right...

For others, they were just surprised that she could see this and understand him so well, but for Sagiri and Eriri...

Unwilling! Filled with unwillingness!

Among all the girls, both Eriri and Sagiri have known him the longest and have spent the most time with him, respectively. But now, the person who knows him best is not one of them?!

Eriri thought that most of Megumi's attention must be focused on him, so she could easily guess what he was thinking.

But should she give up like this? Admitting that her long-term relationship with Homura could not compare to Megumi's recent contact with him?

How could she give up... Didn't she decide long ago that she would never give up!

Sagiri also lowered her head for a moment but immediately raised it again. Even if the enemy was strong, she would continue to work hard!

She felt that it was not beyond her expectations at all. She had long known that Megumi was so powerful, so she was only slightly surprised and then returned to normal. After all, in her danger level list, Megumi's threat was already defaulting to the highest level, with no room for adjustment.

Nanami is the purest of them all, only envious that Megumi can understand him so well.

Mashiro occasionally glanced at Megumi and then at the other girls, her expression was always calm and it was unclear what she was thinking.

Elf is feeling complicated now. She always thought that Homura was a carefree guy who didn't care about the details that had a playful attitude, but through Megumi's words, she discovered that he also had such a relatively pure side, as if she was getting to know him again.

As for Homura himself, he didn't know how complicated the girls' emotions were after he left. He was busily writing and preparing for tomorrow, turning one plan into two. However, since the worldview was the same, the workload was considerably reduced.

And so, he only managed to accomplish a part of it before he had to move on to something else.


Early the next morning, Homura watched as the girls finished breakfast and headed off to school.

Now, only Elf and the little sister were in the living room, lying on the sofa and playing with their phones.

"Looks like you don't go to school," Homura said to Elf.

"Mhm..." It seemed like Elf wasn't paying attention to him and responded without any emotion, "This lady is a genius and can easily understand all that knowledge..."

"Alright then." Homura shook his head and turned to Sagiri, "When will you go to school, Sagiri? You should be able to go now, right?"

"No... I'll die without Nii-san by my side..." Sagiri responded with the same tone as Elf.

Homura: "..."

"Speaking of which... where did the little one run off to?" Used to the girls always being around, the sudden silence made him feel a bit uncomfortable.

He went to the courtyard and found Haru, who was sunbathing.

"You found a good spot!" Walking over and ruffling her fur, Homura felt the slightly warm sunshine and the gentle breeze. He took out his project plan and placed it on the round table in the courtyard, ready to continue his task in this environment.

"Will the wind blow these away?" The little one, who had jumped onto the table, asked him.

"Don't worry, I'll hold them down." Homura grabbed a mat and placed it next to her.

As he busied himself, the little one leisurely watched him with half-closed eyes, and for a moment, the atmosphere was especially harmonious...


It was already approaching noon and Homura had finished all the planning. After thinking for a moment, he invited Sagiri and Elf to have lunch together.

"What about you?" Elf asked with a puzzled look.

Homura shrugged. "I still have to go and meet Senju Muramasa, so I don't know what the situation is over there. I'll skip lunch for now and make two portions to bring with me later."

"Well then, I won't eat either! I'll go with you later." Elf declared.

Homura was surprised. Wasn't she having a problem with Muramasa? Why did she want to see her now?

"Are you sure you want to go? Why don't you stay at home with Sagiri?" Homura asked with a smile.

Elf's small face looked a bit conflicted at the suggestion. Should she stay with Eromanga-sensei or see Senju Muramasa?

Suddenly shaking her head, she called out, "Let's go together. I'm afraid you won't be able to handle her."

'Handle her?' His mouth twitched. Hmm, he must have misunderstood something, she definitely didn't mean it that way!

"Then should I prepare three bento boxes to bring with us?" Homura asked.

Elf nodded. "Of course! The food you cook is definitely better than what's served in restaurants. Although I'm not happy to admit it, I won't lie."

"Although the bento might not taste as good if they get cold," Elf muttered.

Homura rubbed his chin. Should he stuff them into his inventory when she wasn't paying attention?


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