The three girls were dressed in outfits that seemed to be a simplified version of the clothes depicted in Homura's drawings before. The only difference was the color. The original version of those clothes would likely be something Umi wouldn't even consider wearing.

With their heads lowered, eyes closed, and smiles on their faces, he could sense their eager anticipation. He could only feel deep remorse as he waited for Muse to be reborn from the ashes and soar into the sky at that moment...


Opening their eyes, reality hit them hard with the empty grand hall that appeared brutally cruel.

They remained silent, their hearts filled with anxiety and a sense of helplessness. Nevertheless, even in such a situation, they stood firmly in their places.

"...I'm sorry." A barely audible voice of Honoka came as the three appeared. "Although we have tried our best..."

Their smiles faded away, and uncontrollably, they remembered the days of their relentless training. They also recalled the countless efforts they had made, running around tirelessly, all to ensure that more people could witness their first performance.

At that moment, they caught sight of Homura and Ayano, and a glimmer of hope arose in their hearts. However, their last hope got crushed to nothingness when all they could observe was only his poker face while holding a pen and paper in his hands as if he didn't care about their performance but his manga.

What a pity, they couldn't see through his inner thoughts. In reality, he could barely suppress his excitement and maintain his poker face.

They opened their mouths, but no words came out...

Honoka managed a forced smile. "That's only natural... Things in this world are never that simple and easy... it's too good to be true..."

She struggled to control her emotions; she really wanted to cry and scream to vent all of these emotions. It was no different with Kotori and Umi, the two were also shaken and just stood there in a daze.

Eli disappointingly shook her head, turned around, and prepared to leave...

"Huff~ Huff~" Finally, Hanayo arrived!

Honoka and the others naturally noticed her, observing her panting heavily and covered in sweat. It seemed she had rushed over with all her might.

"Huh? Where's the concert? Strange... Hasn't it started yet?" Hanayo appeared confused.

At that moment, she resembled an angel, bringing brightness and hope to the three on stage!

"Let's go!" Honoka instantly shouted with determination. "Sing! Give it our all!"

Eli halted her departure, and a tiny flicker of anticipation ignited within her heart. 'Have you managed to gather yourselves so quickly? Alright, I admit, I underestimated you. I wonder... can you impress me next?'

"Because... this is what we have been striving for until today!"

Indeed, Honoka was the unquestionable soul and core of Muse. As a result, Umi and Kotori also regained their spirits!

"Let's sing!"

Suddenly, Hanayo noticed Homura standing up and waving at her. She hesitated for a moment before quickly rushing over and giving a bow to Eli as she passed by.

And then suddenly, Hoshizora Rin dashed in, catching sight of Hanayo just as she was about to sit down, and swiftly ran to her side.

"This is... a VIP seat!" Just as the three performers turned away on stage, Homura couldn't hold his poker face any longer! In a swift motion, he took off his coat! Ayano was shocked! The remaining girls were equally startled!

Because, to their surprise, he was wearing a Muse support T-shirt!

Where on earth did this guy get such an outfit?!

Then, under the stunned gaze of everyone, he pulled out a headband and put it on, also featuring Muse's support merchandise!

Finally, he took out a glowstick! With a look of awe from the others, he handed two to each of them!

The performance officially began.

As the music played, the three turned around one by one, and in the instant, they opened their eyes widely...

Umi: "!!!"

Kotori: "!!!!"

Honoka: "!!!!!!"

They were almost dumbstruck and nearly forgot their moves when saw Homura's appearance! Fortunately, they managed to hold back and didn't forget that this was their important performance which will decide everything, but their hearts were filled with gratitude.

'So, Homura-kun actually prepared so much for us!' The trio on the stage exclaimed with great emotions in their minds.

They also figured out that his previous antics must have been deliberate; otherwise, the change wouldn't have happened so abruptly.

What else could they do? In order to repay him for doing so much for them, they could only put more effort into their performance, right?

"I say~~ Hey! Hey! Hey! START:DASH!!"

"Hey! Hey! Hey! START:DASH!!"

As they began to sing, Homura's body swayed with the music, and he waved the glowstick in his hand in rhythm!

Eli's temple throbbed with annoyance!

What the hell was this guy doing?! He must be here to ruin the show, right? Making such a fuss to draw attention for himself!

But she was just overthinking it. Who would bother looking at such a weirdo? The girls on stage were the ones worth watching.

However, now that they all had glowsticks... might as well wave them!

Everyone started swinging and moving to the tempo, with Homura being the most conspicuous...

For the three performers on stage, it was quite a unique challenge.

Their emotions were contradictory; they found it both funny and touching. If it weren't for their rigorous training and muscle memory, they would have probably forgotten their own moves and lyrics.

As the music continued, the three of them kept dancing and singing. A petite third-year student sneaked in from the back row.

Homura who was jumping along with the song, tilted his head and noticed a new audience member. He tapped Ayano's shoulder and gestured towards the back, then resumed his swaying.

Ayano was puzzled but turned her head to look. If her eyes hadn't been sharp, she wouldn't have noticed that half-exposed head.

She smiled and thought to herself, 'Yazawa Nico? So she really came! But how did Homura manage to spot her?'

The three girls on stage, who had been focusing on him, naturally noticed his actions. Taking advantage of the dance breaks, they also spotted the new guest - their senpai, Yazawa Nico. It ignited even more strength within them.

Homura knew that Nico would come, so he spotted her almost as soon as she arrived. Only she herself was unaware that she had been exposed.

And now, Nozomi and Maki should be outside the auditorium, right?

He looked over and, sure enough, Maki was already standing there. He tapped Ayano's shoulder again and pointed.

Ayano was exasperated. Couldn't he let people watch in peace?!

But she still took a glance and thought, 'Hmm... another one! Is that Nishikino Maki?'

In fact, he didn't want this to happen either. But who made them bet?

Soon, the song ended.


Applause filled the air. Homura and Hanayo clapped the hardest. In a nearly empty auditorium, they managed to create the effect of dozens of people clapping.

The three performers on stage wore smiles on their faces, panting heavily and drenched in sweat.

Eli walked out from the side, and that was when Honoka and the others noticed her, as they hadn't been able to pay attention to their surroundings.

Homura took out paper and a pen and immediately drew the manga. Now, it was time to entrust it to Eli!

"What are your plans now?" Eli asked the trio.

Honoka wore a determined expression and replied confidently, "Of course, we will continue!"


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