
The reactions of the girls varied.

Honoka and Kotori were deeply moved. However, Honoka had a silly smile on her face, appearing somewhat embarrassed, while Kotori's eyes sparkled, and she murmured to herself, "If miracles had colors... they must be our nine colors, huh?"

What an embarrassing thing to say! Especially when said face-to-face! Just look at how Umi and Hanayo were almost too embarrassed to show their faces!

After asking Homura, Nozomi observed the reactions of everyone.

Eli... seemed a bit unnatural, occasionally scratching her cheek.

Only Maki and Rin looked confused.

"Umm..." Maki trembled as she raised her hand. "If I didn't mishear, does that mean I'm also one of the nine?"

"Yes!" Honoka immediately rushed over and grabbed Maki's hand. "Hehehe... Maki-chan, you can't run away!"

"Is Rin too, nyaa~?" Rin pointed at her own face, shaking her head frantically. "No, no! Rin can't be an idol!... Rin is not cute at all..."

The last sentence was barely audible, but Hanayo, who was next to her, heard it clearly.

"That's not true!" Hanayo grabbed her shoulder. "Rin-chan is very cute! I can guarantee it!"

"Right~" Honoka leaned over again. "What Hanayo-chan said is right! You're such a cute girl!"

Umi and Kotori also wore smiling faces, vigorously nodding at Rin.

"Kayo-chin..." Then she looked at the others. "Senpai..."

Seeing the perfect atmosphere among the few people, Homura turned his gaze to Maki, who was twirling her hair. This action revealed that she wasn't as calm as she appeared.

"So, it's better to join!" Homura said with a smile.

"Because..." He paused and looked at Nozomi.

Nozomi also smiled and took out a tarot card. After glancing at it, she spoke, "Destiny!"

Maki: "..."

Eli looked at the great cooperation between the two of them and unconsciously had a black line on her forehead. She thought that these two seemed to get along well.

"So, when will you join, Nozomi-senpai? Will you wait until Ayase-senpai joins?"

"Yeah~ Eli-chi will probably train them for a while, so she can convince herself like: I joined only to prevent the school from closing, not because I wanted to. Absolutely not willingly!"

"Pfttt~" Homura couldn't hold back. She was definitely intentional, Eli was just a serious person, not tsundere.

"Hey! You guys!" Eli rushed over, furious!

"Even if President hasn't joined yet, I believe she will join soon!" Honoka and the others appeared at some point.

"Yeah, I guess it'll take about ten days at most?" Homura just made a guess. Maybe she'll join in a little while?

"Now only Yazawa-senpai is left..." Umi sighed. In the blink of an eye, all nine of them would gather.

"We don't really know what kind of person Yazawa-senpai is..." Kotori seemed a little worried.

"Don't worry!" Homura waved his hand. "I'll teach you a trick that's guaranteed to work when inviting Yazawa Nico."

"What is it? What is it?" Honoka curiously asked, while the others, including the first-year trio of Maki, Hanayo, and Rin, looked interested and turned their gaze toward him.

"Compliment her! And then ask her for various advice on idol activities." Homura presented the best method, but everyone else was confused.

The latter sentence is fine, but what does it mean to compliment her?!

"Don't doubt it!" Homura continued, "She is the most serious when it comes to idols. As long as you sincerely seek her advice, even if she refuses, keep seeking her advice... Soon, you will be able to win her over!"


Ayano asked in confusion, "Homura, is this method reliable?"

Homura didn't say anything; he simply looked at Nozomi, and as expected, she replied, "Very reliable. Homura-kun's method is the best one."

"Wow~ you are amazing, nyaa!" Rin was on the verge of shock. "Are mangaka really that incredible?"

"No wonder she said it was destiny..." Maki commented sarcastically. "With such an incredible person guiding us, who can escape?"

"But... what does complimenting her have to do with it?" Kotori asked, puzzled.

"Oh, that's just an assist. When you ask for her advice, you can compliment her at the same time to achieve better results."

"It's not surprising that she has a personality that loves the spotlight and doesn't like to lose. So, complimenting her is the right thing to do!"

"Let me give you an example, 'Nico-senpai! Do you have any suggestions for the next song and dance? If Nico-senpai, who understands idols so well, gives her input, it will definitely be a great help!' Something like that. Just say a few more lines like that."

"Amazing!" (x5)

'Indeed, her weak point has been exposed... Nico-chan seems unable to resist.' Nozomi thought with interest.

'This guy has an absolute talent for deceiving people!' Eli sarcastically remarked in her mind, but she was still quite satisfied. After all, they were about to be complete.

"You're really something, Homura!" Ayano patted his shoulder. "It seems like there's nothing that can stop you!"

"It's nothing, it's nothing," Homura modestly replied.

"Oh, by the way! Everyone, let me tell you something." Homura clapped his hands to grab everyone's attention.

"You probably understand from the manga that I won't appear there. So, I need to make some reasonable modifications about how each of you joins."

"Why?" (x2)

That's right, those were the questions asked by Honoka and Rin.

"Just imagine, there are only several audiences at Muse's first performance, but just after that performance, they suddenly join Muse? No transition, backstory, and reason at all?"

The girls imagined it for a moment and realized it would indeed be awkward and rushed!

"Even if you don't think much of it if I draw it like that, it will probably disappoint the readers. So, some reasonable modifications are necessary."

Seeing them nodding, Homura looked at Maki, Hanayo, and Rin from the first-year group. "Now, please briefly talk about your daily lives and, if possible, show some photos of your family and home."

"Eh?" The topic suddenly shifted to themselves, and they hesitated. However, seeing the encouragement from Honoka, Kotori, and Umi, they agreed.

Time passed as the three of them spoke, and he occasionally asked questions. He also took a good look at the photos on their phones.


Half an hour later, Homura had also gained a good understanding. He closed his eyes to summarize the information he had just learned, and the contents of the fourth chapter slowly emerged and rearranged in his mind...

All the women watched in silence and after merely three minutes...

He opened his eyes!


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