Kotobuki Tsumugi

Homura actually felt that this was a win-win deal!

In the early stages, Another Dimension could give Nayuta a significant boost in popularity. With the foundation of her quality works, it could rapidly propel her fame to unprecedented heights.

And in the later stages, Nayuta's fame could contribute to the better development of Another Dimension.

Is there anything better than this?

"Alright! Let's eat!" Homura clapped his hands.

"I already ate before coming..." Weakly, Izumi spoke up.

"No problem. Just eat less." Homura chuckled. "If we're all eating and you're just watching, we will feel bad. Don't worry, the food is delicious, I guarantee it."

His black-belly side emerged again. She was obviously already full and couldn't eat anymore, yet she had no other choice but to comply if he said it like that.

Everyone got into action, with Megumi and Nanami helping to set the food on the table. Homura himself brought out Haru's meal, while the others sat and waited.

A breakfast that conquered everyone's stomachs!

Nayuta, Editor Shimano, and Izumi were especially surprised. They couldn't have imagined that the food made by him would be so delicious.

Izumi had a bitter expression as she only ate a bun. The gluttonous bug in her stomach kept tempting her to eat more, while the feeling of fullness prevented her... It was a conflicting bodily instinct!

He was tempted to take out his camera and capture her conflicted expression.

"By the way, this afternoon, everyone from our circle will go out together, for camping and hot springs and such. Nayu will come too, right?" Homura suddenly said.

"Yes, Senpai! I want to go!" She was full of excitement, feeling high-spirited ever since she was invited to join Another Dimension.

Editor Shimano poured cold water on her enthusiasm, "Of course, you can go and have fun, but Kani-sensei won't forget about the deadline, right?"

Nayuta: "..."

Why bring up such a depressing matter? Can't she let her be happy for a while?

"...I will finish it on time." Instantly, she felt deflated and weak, as if the allure of food had diminished.

Editor Shimano nodded in satisfaction, seemingly relieved that she wouldn't have to come up with various ways to chase after her manuscript in the future.

"In that case, go back home later and gather your essential items, like clean clothes. We won't be coming back until two days later." Homura spoke again.


After finishing their meal, everyone went to prepare individually.

Having reminded others, he also reminded himself not to forget! In addition to carrying clothes and such, Homura also stuffed his inventory with plenty of emergency items, including food, water, medicine, and some tools, just in case.

Feeling more or less ready, he remembered the phone call he had with his own father.

In his memory, the most memorable meeting with Tsumugi should have been four years ago. The two of them had talked a lot. At that time, he was only 12 years old, while she was just 11.

When he had just started middle school, she bombarded him with numerous questions about school, which gave him a headache because her curiosity was too strong!

Questions like school uniforms, the difference between co-ed and all-girls schools, or some interesting things and so on.

As he pondered upon it, a smile spread across his face. It was likely due to her privileged upbringing and elite education during her childhood that she developed a natural curiosity about certain experiences.

"Should I contact her? If we don't communicate now, should I do it when I reach the villa?" Homura muttered to himself as he took out his phone. "Kotobuki... Found her! She must be at home since it's a holiday. Maybe I should call her home first!"

"Hello, this is Kotobuki's residence."

Homura heard the voice of a middle-aged man.

He was somewhat uncertain whether it was the butler or Tsumugi's father. "Hello, I am Minamiya Homura. Is Kotobuki Tsumugi available?"

"Minamiya-sama? I am Saito, a butler of Kotobuki Family. Ojou-sama should be at school right now."

So it was the butler Saito!

"Alright, thank you, Saito-san."

"You're welcome, Minamiya-sama."

Homura hung up the phone and sighed. "Why did she have to go to school on Golden Week..."

Then he could only call her directly.

"Mugi? I dialed correctly, right?"

"Homura-niisan?" Homura heard a soft and gentle voice, "Why are you calling me?"

Before he could speak, he heard other voices coming from the phone, "Nii-san? Does Mugi-chan have a brother?"

That silly and adorable voice must be Yui, right?

"Ho~ho... Is that so? It's not necessarily, OH! Maybe it's her lov-- Ouch!" Before finishing the sentence, the owner of that mischievous voice cried out, as if she was being punched!

"Ritsu! What are you talking about?!" That was an angry voice.

It's Ritsu and Mio's voices, right?

"Umm..." Homura felt a bit embarrassed, "It seems quite lively on your side..."

"Ahaha..." Tsumugi didn't know what to say either.

"By the way, why did you go to school during the Golden Week?"

"Ahh, I joined the school's Light Music Club, and I came to practice with everyone this time."

"Don't tell me, you join because you find it interesting just like in the past?"

As they chatted, he felt the sense of distance that had been building up from not contacting her for a long time slowly disappearing. The conversation became more and more natural as they spoke.

"By the way, my dad borrowed a hot spring villa from your family. Did you know?" After chatting for a while, Homura finally brought up this topic.

"A hot spring villa? I think I have some impression..." Tsumugi seemed to be trying to remember, "Right! My father mentioned it casually yesterday. It seems the villa was lent out. So, you were the one who wanted to use it, Homura-niisan?"

"Yeah! Since my circle activities were over, I thought it would be great for everyone to go on a trip and have some fun together. Originally, I planned to book a hot spring hotel..." He sounded a bit exasperated, "But by the time I decided, there were no available hotels left, so my dad probably thought of your family's villas."

Tsumugi covered her mouth and giggled, "It was a last-minute decision, right? It's indeed your style, Homura-niisan..."

He broke into a sweat... It somehow turned into everyone going out for a trip together spontaneously.

"But it makes sense... Homura-niisan, you've been making big stirs lately. It seems like you've been under a lot of pressure for a while, so it's a good idea to relax and have some fun."

Homura was quite surprised that she knew about his activities. Come to think of it, he had made quite a public appearance during the recent signature event, so there was nothing strange about it.

"Mugi, why don't you come with us? Bring your friends along too. We can treat it as a group outing and stay at your villa. We can go camping during the day and return to the villa at night."

Initially, she wanted to refuse since it would be only his entire circle members together... But when she heard that she could bring her friends along, she did feel a little tempted. Plus, it had been a while since she last saw him.

However, she still hesitated a bit...