Another Doujinshi

"What's wrong, Nii-san?" Sagiri asked, feeling strange under Homura's gaze.

"Oh, nothing. I was just thinking about when you'll fully accept the pen name 'Eromanga-sensei' like Eriri handles her doujinshi matters. You know?"

"I don't know anyone with that name!"

Homura chuckled and shook his head. "As expected, your reflexive response is to reject it."

"Well then..." Homura turned to the others and said, "Let's call it a day for now. Everyone goes back to their own homes, and we'll gather again on the day of Muse's concert!"

"Speaking of which, Muramasa, I'll go with Elf in a couple of days to persuade your family. A lot is going on these days, and I need to sign the promised signatures. Tomorrow is also the release of the new issue, so I need to observe that."

"It's alright, Minamiya-kun." Muramasa shook his head. "I've already decided. I'll stay at this demi-human's house for a while, and then we'll go to my home together. After all, if I wasn't there, my father... my father wouldn't let you guys through the door..."

"How many times have I said this already!" Elf exclaimed frustratedly. "Don't call me a demi-human!"

"Alright, Yamashita-sensei."

"It's Yamada! Look at my lip movements, Ya-Ma-Da!" Elf suddenly paused. "Why am I arguing about this with you... just call me Elf!"

Watching the two of them argue as if nobody else was around, Homura couldn't help but feel helpless.

"But... really? He wouldn't even let us in?" Homura muttered to himself, catching Elf's attention.

"By the way, why your father wouldn't let us in?" Elf directly asked the person involved.

"My... father opposes me writing novels, so he refuses to see anyone associated with the industry. He would even physically throw them out."

Elf raised an eyebrow. "Then how do you write novels?"

"I write them on my own. Why should I care about him?"

"But how do you get them published? Didn't you say that your editor came to your home to pick up your manuscripts? Wouldn't your father forbid the presence of editors like that?"

Muramasa explained the complicated situation in just one sentence.

"Because Kagurazaka-san is my... father's benefactor's daughter."

"Is your father someone who values gratitude so much?"

"I don't know..." Muramasa shook his head. "Kagurazaka-san probably wasn't allowed inside either, but somehow she managed to sneak in. At that point, my... father would just pretend not to see her."

Elf was dumbfounded. 'What the heck is this situation?'

"Does being an editor also require ninja skills?" Elf muttered to himself. "Kagurazaka Ayame... Ayame, that name does have a ninja vibe to it!"

"Elf, aren't you overthinking it?" Homura said with a wry smile. "At most, she climbed over the courtyard wall, right? Like, maybe there was a tree or something..."

Homura recalled memories from his previous life. For some reason, when Kagurazaka asked Masamune Izumi to help her receive the manuscript, he couldn't get through the door either. He asked her what to do, and her response was—"Thank you for your hard work. I am Kagurazaka! Regarding the matter you asked about, there's a suitable tree on the east side of the house. Please use it! I leave it to you!"

It was an extremely terrible answer from various aspects... She even placed a capped beer box under the tree.

That was something an ordinary person couldn't do.

"Alright then, but have you told your father that you'll be staying at Elf's house, Muramasa?"

"I told him beforehand, so it's fine."

Homura nodded, and only Nayuta and Izumi were left.

"So next are Nayu and Izumi, you two going back home too, right? After all, you guys weren't originally living here."

"Senpai, whether we go back home or not doesn't matter now!" Nayuta exclaimed excitedly. "Once the work starts, I'll be staying here, right?"

Upon hearing this, Izumi became nervous and carefully stared at Homura's face.

"Yes... because we still have to attend school, so most of our working hours are in the evening, and it's very unsafe for you to go back home during that time." Homura replied, nodding. Nayuta didn't mention the fact that she was not attending school.

She refrained from speaking about the bullying she experienced at school, as she wasn't mentally prepared to share that with them.

"Uhm... Minamiya-senpai, I'm not from Another Dimension, can I really participate in the production with you all?" Izumi couldn't hold back from asking.

"No problem. I've already talked to Kosaka Akane. You can hone your skills with us, and during this time, you'll be our artist." Homura grinned mischievously. "And if you still feel uneasy, why not join us officially? You could switch, you know?"

Undeniably, Izumi was tempted because of the benefits of being an artist here, thanks to Mashiro and Eriri's presence. So now, Izumi's face was filled with conflicting thoughts.

Homura chuckled as he watched her struggle; it was a good sign because indecision meant there was a high chance of acceptance. Even if Izumi didn't end up joining Another Dimension, Homura knew she wouldn't refuse if he asked for her help.

"Take your time to consider. I'm not asking you to make a decision right away. Just follow your heart, okay?" Homura advised.

Izumi nodded and then seemed to remember something. She turned to Homura and said, "By the way, Minamiya-senpai, I've drawn another doujinshi. Can I ask you and Eriri-senpai to take a look?"

This was a perfect opportunity since Eriri would return home soon.

Homura: "..."

How did she manage to create another one so quietly? Could it be another Yaoi-themed one?!

He wanted to decline, but looking at Izumi's hopeful eyes, he couldn't bring himself to do it.

"Who are the main characters this time? Is it still Nozaki and Mikoshiba?" He tried to resist, but his mouth couldn't stay shut.

"No, it's Tomoda and the protagonist!" Izumi's eyes sparkled as she quickly took out the prepared doujinshi.

Homura was astonished. Izumi, you're really talented! You brought to life a character from the manga that only had a fleeting appearance in the original work!

"Tomoda and the protagonist?" Eriri frowned, trying to recall. "Sounds familiar. Who's the protagonist? Which one?"

"It's a character from Monthly Girls, right?" Eriri said, her memory fresh from reading Izumi's doujinshi yesterday. "Come to think of it, Izumi has some good ideas. This could really pique people's interest since the manga only gave a rough outline about them and couldn't include this kind of thing."

Homura facepalmed, "So that's why you people blatantly drive in the doujinshi?"

"Yup, because it can't be done openly, that's why doujinshi exists," Eriri replied with a mischievous grin.

"Oh..." Elf suddenly realized, followed by a mischievous smile. "Seems it looks interesting!"

"What?" Sagiri approached curiously. "I want to see it too! What kind of doujinshi is it?"

Homura covered Sagiri's eyes with his hand. "It's the kind you're not allowed to see!"

"I want to see it! I want to see it, I want to see it!" Sagiri clawed and scratched.

'Izumi... You've given me a trouble...'

Homura said in his mind tiredly.