
"Although your understanding has a few small issues, it's still a great improvement."

"Please explain it in detail, Minamiya-san." Rizu's voice sounded serious.

"Alright, let me explain briefly."

"Firstly, your approach to this problem is correct. The only issue is that you didn't consider my feelings."

"Personally, due to my personality, I don't want my friends to apologize over trivial matters. So, if you could understand me just now, even with a light laugh, you would have understood my intentions."

"It's quite complicated..."

Homura smiled and said, "Yes, human feelings are indeed complicated, so you have a long way to go."

"Yes, even if it's difficult, I will overcome it!"

"Good job, Ogata-san. Contact Furuhashi-san and let me know later. I'll be waiting for your message."

"Alright, Minamiya-san. I'll contact you afterward."

Homura got up and returned to his room. In the meantime, he could sign some books. Otherwise, he wouldn't know what else to do.


Ten minutes later...


"Minamiya-kun, it's me, Fumino!"

"Furuhashi-san?" Homura was taken aback. How did the person on the other end of the line change?

"I have discussed the time with Ri-chan. Can you make it for the entire afternoon tomorrow?"

Homura raised an eyebrow. "Afternoon is fine since an entire day won't work..."

"Ri-chan originally wanted the entire day, but I know you definitely have something in the morning tomorrow, especially because of the new manga release."

"So, you knew about it."

"Yes, unlike Ri-chan, I pay attention to these things. Since you introduced manga to me last time, I've made an effort to learn more about you through various means." Fumino's idea of 'learning' probably involved gathering information online.

"If that's the case, why not schedule it for the entire day on the day after tomorrow?"

"Well, an entire day would be too time-consuming for you, and the same goes for Ri-chan's family shop. Although she wouldn't mind, it's difficult for her to be away for a long time."

"Also..." Fumino's voice hesitated a bit. "There's something I'd like to ask of you, Minamiya-kun."

"Go ahead. Whether it's a favor or not, if I can help, I will." Homura laughed.

"It's just that... I have two friends who also want to meet you..."

"That's it?" Homura was speechless. He thought it was something difficult. "Since we'll be studying at your place anyway, why do the people coming to your house need my permission?"

"... Maybe they want your autograph or some tutoring?" Fumino said.

"I see... No problem." No wonder they needed his opinion. It must be because of that. Fumino personally made the call for this reason. But why was it phrased as a question?

But speaking of which, who are these two friends of hers? Is one of them Takemoto Uruka? And who is the other one? Hopefully not that Kashima of the 'Thorn Club' or something.

Homura quickly shook his head. He hoped it wasn't the case! That secret club was too peculiar!

The Thorn Club, also known as the 'Sleeping Beauty Guardians', clearly existed to protect Fumino, who was referred to as the 'Sleeping Beauty of the Literary Forest'!

Their mission was to 'protect Fumino and be wary of men approaching her,' constantly observing and judging male students who approached Fumino to determine if they were suitable for her!

The problem was... Fumino herself didn't know about it! Everything the Thorn Club did was their own initiative!

Hopefully, her friends weren't part of that club... Otherwise, it would be a battle of wits and courage!

"Can I ask, is there any subject that your friends aren't good at?"

"Hmm, while Uruka-chan is good at sports, she's not great at academics. But Miyako, on the other hand, is pretty good! She has above-average grades in all subjects."

Wait a minute... 'Uruka' is not a surprising name, but this 'Miyako'... It's fortunate that she is not the Kashima he had been imagining. Could it be that she was that person?

Well, let's leave it at that...

"Alright, I understand. By the way, can I bring Haru with me tomorrow?"

"Of course. I was just about to ask you to bring Haru-chan too." Fumino said happily. It seems she really likes the little one.

"Also, can I bring someone else? It's something I thought of at the last minute, hoping to get Furuhashi-san's agreement." This is Homura's main purpose!

"No problem... "

"This child hasn't been going to school due to certain circumstances. So I think it would be very helpful for her to have some contact with you guys."

"I see... No problem, Minamiya-kun. Please make sure to bring her. I will also tell everyone."

"Okay, thank you, Furuhashi-san. You've been a great help. Let's end this here, see you tomorrow."

"No need to thank me, Minamiya-kun. See you tomorrow."

Homura put down his phone with a smile on his face.

"I hope I'm not wrong..."

Then he reluctantly started signing...


The next day arrived quickly.

Homura didn't expect that he didn't even have to inform Nayuta, as she came on her own.

Nayuta came early and had breakfast with Homura and the others. Then, they all set off together, heading straight to the Manke Bunko Store.

As they walked down the street, Sagiri couldn't help but ask, "Nayu-chan, why did you come today?"

"What's so strange about me coming?" Nayuta asked in response.

Sagiri hesitated, "... It seems like there's nothing strange."

"Hehe! Actually, I don't know either! I woke up very early and suddenly had the urge to follow Senpai all day today! So, here I am!"

Elf grumbled, "Haven't you always been like this? Is there a need for a sudden urge?"

Everyone knew that ever since their first meeting, Nayuta had been unusually close to Homura, so they didn't find her words strange.

As the person mentioned... He seemed to be deep in thought and said something, "I have to go for tutoring in the afternoon, so I won't be at home, okay?"

"Ehh?!" Nayuta frowned for a moment, then pouted and said, "Then I'll come along too! I've already made up my mind today, Senpai, you can't shake me off!"

"I'm going to someone else's house, are you okay with that?"

"It's alright. After all, Senpai, you will protect me, won't you?" She said this with full confidence.

'By the way, why does it feel like Nayu coming over is just too coincidental, almost as if it's orchestrated by fate... Could it have something to do with Furuhashi's friend, Miyako?'

Homura wondered about this mysterious coincidence.