
"Yep, as long as the quality of our work is the best, of course."

Homura spoke firmly to everyone.

"In this internet era, you'll never be buried if your work is good enough."

"Everyone's figured that the new work's moving along nicely; I mean, we've already dropped the character designs."

Eriri chimed in, looking at various public responses, but paused for a moment before continuing.

"But Homura, should we announce the expected completion time for our new work when everyone asks?"

Homura also considered for a moment and then glanced at everyone.

"Considering the growth of our circle since 'Your Name.' became known, I believe that even if we plan for nearly a hundred hours of gameplay, we can get it done in about half a month."

The girls nodded in agreement as they knew how efficient Homura was.

With this kind of team, the game was not a problem, but the real challenge was the anime.

"Speaking of which, didn't Minamiya-senpai say that you would contact Kosaka-san?" Izumi couldn't help but ask.

"I was thinking of waiting until Eriri has completed the character designs for Shiro and Rin before contacting her. I'm sure we can impress her. We already have a foundation for collaboration, so it should be easier." Homura nodded. "As for the expected completion time, let's give them that for now. Just mention the game; we can keep the anime part a secret for now."

Eriri nodded and began typing on her phone.

"I'm thinking of saying it will take about three weeks... A two-week deadline seems a bit too tight." Eriri said while editing her reply.

"True, especially since we have a few procrastinators in our circle. It's good to leave some room..." Homura said as he glanced at Eriri, Elf, and Nayuta, agreeing.

Eriri, Elf, and Nayuta were feeling targeted.

"After joining this circle, I've never missed a deadline okay!" Eriri protested.

"I haven't either." Elf added. "As long as I have fun every day, I won't procrastinate, definitely!"

"Um..." Nayuta thought for a moment, trying to find something to say. "As long as Senpai is around, I probably won't procrastinate either..."

Nayuta's statement left everyone speechless; she seemed to lack confidence.

"Keep it up! I believe in you!" Homura encouraged her.

"Yes! No problem, Senpai!"

Evidently, as long as Homura was there, Nayuta would be all right.

As for Elf's claim of having fun every day, it seemed that her days had been enjoyable and fulfilling since she met him.

Meanwhile, after the people online receive Eriri's reply.


[Comment 1: Whoa! Three weeks?! 'Your Name.' dropped like, what, just two weeks back?]

[Comment 2: Yeah, crazy fast, right?]

[Comment 3: Three weeks feel kinda short, doesn't it? I mean, how are those companies that take months or even years to make a game gonna keep up?]

[Comment 4: If someone else said something like this, I wouldn't believe it, but for Another Dimension? The quality of 'Your Name.' speaks for itself.]

[Comment 5: Yeah, 'Your Name.' sales are still climbing, though slowing down a bit. But who knows when the hype will fizzle out?]

[Comment 6: Yeah, because Another Dimension's all about those big shots. Have you ever seen a circle or company pull in so many celebs? Just having one is a flex.]

[Comment 7: That's why we're all hyped about it, no?]


"Alright, everyone's been looking forward to this. We can't let them down, can we?" Homura smiled, looking at everyone.

The girls exchanged smiles.

""Of course not!""

As a result, everyone worked tirelessly until midnight, and their spirits remained high.

Muramasa and Elf were on a creative rampage!

Muramasa's writing was both stylish and elegant, from incantation to psychological descriptions, and of course, the battle scenarios. Everything was her strong suit!

As for Elf, she focused on the more erotic and NSFW scenarios, like the magical energy replenishment scenes. Although Homura and the rest were making an SFW version, it didn't stop her from adding some erotism to her writing.

Utaha and Nayuta, based on Muramasa and Elf's storyline, worked on the romantic scenarios. From the first meeting after the summoning to every decision and the psychological changes after each battle, they carefully formulated the choices that would be suitable and lead to different developments. It was safe to say that their workload was not small at all.

Eriri's character designs were progressing rapidly. Shiro's design was almost complete, while Rin's design was more than halfway done!

Homura completed all the Noble Phantasms that could be used and even drew some scene illustrations. He also wrote some small and miscellaneous scenes, like those related to Fujimura Taiga. These would be handed over to the other four to incorporate into the main storyline!

Mashiro, using character designs and scripts of others as references, created several original illustrations. Occasionally, she would correct Izumi's mistakes with a word or two.

As for Sagiri, she polished Eriri's previous illustration of Illyasviel. After all, she was more familiar with drawing loli characters, and her modifications on top of Eriri's work were incredible!

Homura also assigned Sagiri the task of drawing young Rin and Sakura, as well as Medea Lily. These were characters set to appear in flashback scenes.

In fact, most of what Eriri had completed for Rin was based on Sagiri's depiction of young Rin. After all, it was important for the player to recognize characters in both their childhood and adulthood at a glance.

It could be said that Sagiri made a significant contribution to the character designs.

However, she was still pondering how to depict young Sakura.

"Are we going a bit overboard today?" Homura remarked as he guided Megumi in programming the game while working.

"Maybe... According to the work plan, it seems like we've completed about a quarter?" Utaha replied.

Megumi, who had been busy, stopped her work as her expression changed.

"A quarter?"

"For the script, we've got about a third of it done but the rest is far from done." Elf chimed in.

"It's just that I didn't expect everyone to click so well together." Muramasa, who rarely spoke, stopped writing and expressed her thoughts.

"While battles are fun in their own right, adding daily life and emotional descriptions certainly spices things up. But I have to admit that this isn't my strong suit..." Muramasa shook her head while sighing. "I didn't expect that the collaborative novel we started a few days ago would have such a big impact on our teamwork."

"Right?" Elf had a mischievous smile. "Just the script itself, it felt so enjoyable to write together."

"Hana, can you imagine?"

A glint of longing shone in Elf's eyes as she spoke with excitement.

"Once this game is completed with the artwork, music, and dub... How very fascinating it will be?"