
Brandon began walking through the military installations which were crowded with refugees.

Noises and crying could be heard everywhere. As he familiarized himself with the surroundings, a soldier stopped him.

"We are registering and renewing documents for all the refugees present. Please follow me to verify you," he said.

Although he expressed himself in a respectful manner, an authoritative tone could be noticed in his voice.

His heart sped up. He didn't have time to look for his belongings when his house collapsed, and then he was forcibly recruited, so he didn't have any identification.

"Lead the way, please," he said, implying that he had no identification.

His only fear was having to register his superpower. Well, he was not registered with anyone at that age.

Following the soldier, he came to an area where there were lines of people waiting to complete their search. Only fifteen minutes later, he arrived at the front of the line.

"First name, last name, and hometown," said a woman behind a small desk, using one of today's holographic computers.

"Brandon Sanchez, Santo Domingo," he answered, waiting for everything to go smoothly.

A moment later, the woman looked at him for a few seconds. She then looked back at some soldiers and nodded at them. These soldiers moved from their place and surrounded Brandon.

"Follow us, and please don't resist," they said.

Being escorted by two soldiers, he couldn't do anything but wait to see how things unfolded. A few minutes later, they arrived at another facility where there was a middle-aged man.

One of the soldiers approached the man and whispered something to him, after which he left the room, leaving Brandon.

"Brandon Sanchez, 19 years old, Santo Domingo City. No Skills or so I'd like to say," the man stared at Brandon as if he saw all his sins.

"No skills, but your left wrist says otherwise, doesn't it?" he gave a slight smile while touching his chin.

Sigh "I don't understand how young people view service as purgatory or jail."

"Did you know that many of those who were saved today are due to having done military service and knowing how to act?" the man commented.

Hearing this, Brandon regained the color in his face. It turns out they mistook him for not wanting to do military service.

Many young people would awaken their ability at age 16, but being at a later age, they would have to go to one of the government offices to update their status.

But many were so scared that they preferred to skip this step, although they were always discovered later.

Thinking about this, an idea came to his mind.

"My skill is not a combat skill. When I discovered this, I was very discouraged since it would have no use," he said, trying to appear as discouraged as possible.

Looking curiously at the young man, the man asked, "What is this skill of yours?"

"Digitizer," he replied. "It's a computer skill, but it doesn't have many uses. It just makes it easier for me to create computer programs," he said.

Losing his look of interest, the man went to the exit of the room and opened the door and said: "You can take him, give him a Registration Sheet and..."

Thinking for a moment, he replied, "Send him to the technical area of the military school, add the punishment to his form for not reporting his ability."

'I knew it'. They didn't plan to let me go anyway,' he thought. Still, this was his best chance.

His parents didn't know that he had awakened an ability and they would find it rare to happen at this age.

If it had happened earlier, he surely would have been able to skip the compulsory service by serving in a private school.

Following the soldiers, he left the place and was directed to another facility where he had to answer a form.


Name: Brandon

Last name: Sanchez

City: Santo Domingo

Skill: Digitizer

Power: 68

Military School technical area

Punishment: 3 months of extra service


"Take a seat and wait 30 minutes while his new identity is fabricated and the teleporter is prepared."

In the waiting area, he found 4 other people seated. He guessed that these were the other people the middle-aged man was talking about. His look at these four was brief.

He remembered that he hadn't contacted his mother and his sister, so he decided to ask one of the soldiers who was at the facility about a public communicator.

Luckily for him, there was one and it was open to everyone since there were many refugees.

But since he was a special case, he had to be escorted by the soldier. The public communicator was a cabin similar to the old telephone booths.

The only thing that was different were transparent glasses that, when using them, he could connect virtually with other people.

The other person could use smaller wearable glasses to connect. This was the new communication technology, unless you have phones with holographic functions.

Connected, he named his mother's ID and waited a minute for someone to answer. "Hello?" a female voice answered from the other end.

Unless both parties allow it, nothing more than a black blur can be seen. Allowing himself to be seen, Brandon replied, "Mom," almost in tears.

"Son." The mother was moved and hugged Brandon while he cried. Although she didn't feel anything, her mother's instinct made her jump to hug her son.

"Where are you? Are you okay?" She asked several questions.

Brandon told her what happened, everything except the details of his powers, but he decided to let his mother know that he had gotten powers and now he was going to military school.

His mother immediately knew that it was a rare case that Brandon could develop his powers at a late age so he would keep it a secret.

They lasted a while talking, but an alert reached Brandon. He knew that it was the soldier from outside the cabin.

Saying goodbye, Brandon removed his glasses as he stepped out of the booth to see a soldier waiting for him outside. "It's time to leave, let's go." The soldier looked in a bad mood for having waited so long.

Being escorted out, Brandon came to a room the size of a small football field. In this, there was a machine with a large dark crack and small turbulence. There were 4 people he had seen in the waiting room.

"Here is his identification," said the person who had attended him previously while he filled out the form.

He approached the other 4 students, and at that moment, one of the soldiers activated a device that covered them with a sphere.

"You are too weak to withstand space turbulence. For now, you will have to use this type of device every time you want to cross."