Chapter 21: 1 'Hand' determines the universe, calms the wind and waves

  Luo Zhenghua is a rich second-generation self-proclaimed qualified, and at the same time, a late-stage patient who is madly obsessed with electronic music... For a long time, as long as there is a producer who likes to open a live show in China, then the live show His figure will inevitably appear in the VIP area of ​​the company.

  The reason why he likes electronic music is also very simple. The pressure of life is already great enough. Everyone will have their own difficulties, and Luo Zhenghua is no exception. Compared with ordinary people, the difficulties he has to face may be more complicated, perhaps Only by immersing himself in the turbulent music can he relieve the hardships of life.

  Coupled with this financial resources, he will naturally invest enough for his hobbies. At the same time, one of the things he is most proud of is a lot of screenshots of electronic ticket stubs in his mobile phone...

  However, Electronic Music Festival and Live are not available all the time, and he doesn't like to go to nightclubs to listen to songs and DJs playing discs, so in normal times, he only likes to find songs on the platform of Qingyun Music, and pay attention to himself all the time favorite musician.

  Luo Zhenghua's ID in Qingyun Music is "Huashan does not care about swords, but about me". Coincidentally, he seems to have fallen into a period of no songs to listen to during this period, and this It has been a long time since I have been busy with work, and I haven't had a good time to relax myself.

  Now he continues to provide spiritual support to soothe his hungry soul!

  "What the hell is New Hope for Huaxia electronic music, the latest masterpiece, each one is better than the other, but none of the songs can be put on the stage." Luo Zhenghua took out his mobile phone, plugged in the earphones and put them on, and silently complained: "One Why not sell love songs in the name of electronic music, why not just switch to a full-time love song, a template can mass-produce dozens of songs."

  Having been in the electronic voice circle for many years, he has very high requirements for electronic music, and not all kinds of works can fall into his ears.

  For some reason, Luo Zhenghua always felt that there was something missing in the current electronic music, but what exactly was missing, he couldn't say why, he just vaguely felt that electronic music should not be like this.

  Now he listens to less and less electronic music, and many of the songs outside have already been blown to the sky, and the sky is filled with the hot new singles of little stars. After listening to them, it is difficult to arouse his original enthusiasm. Yes, the sound in the ear is as usual, unchanged.

  "Forget it, let's find rations first." Luo Zhenghua murmured.

  At this point, he had already logged into the Qingyun Music interface.

  "Huh? What is that? Which producer's new song is being promoted?" Luo Zhenghua entered the APP, and the big cover at the top immediately caught his sight.

  It can be vaguely seen that it is a video. In the center, there is a simple but eye-catching exquisite LOGO. It can be seen that there are three letters of 'TMY', which set off a piece of the screen with many square buttons. A black board with sparkling lights.

  The title is: [The carnival and new storm in the electronic music world, TMY-"Fox", is definitely a new benchmark that you have never seen before, come on, join hands together, and enter the world of the fastest newcomer producer! ]

  "The hottest producer?" Luo Zhenghua was taken aback for a moment, and then instinctively doubted: "TMY? Why haven't I heard of this name before? When did it become popular?"

  Since Luo Zhenghua was busy with his company's affairs during this period, he didn't pay much attention to the electronic voice circle, and he didn't have much impression of "Fox", which caught people off guard these days.

  "Even the Qingyun official is willing to promote like this, and I'm not afraid that Feng Da will flash his tongue. It's interesting. I want to see what kind of song is worthy of such a promotional slogan," Luo Zhenghua clicked on it without hesitation. This cover is recommended.

  Propaganda belongs to propaganda, although there will be some exaggerations and exaggerations, but it must not be too fake or too much.

Otherwise, if there is a situation where donkey meat is sold in tiger skin, it is easy to make a joke, and the one who slaps the face is the propagandist who made the decision.   And after clicking in, it turned out that Luo Zhenghua was right. It was indeed a video. After loading, the screen started to move.

  In the video, a jade hand with slender fingers and fair skin appeared. After a little movement, it pressed one of the buttons on the board below.

  "Push pad?" Luo Zhenghua recognized what this black board was at a glance, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he continued to stare at the phone, waiting for what would happen next.

  However, when the slender fingers in the video dropped the pad button, the white button flashed brightly, and when the first note appeared on the earphones Luo Zhenghua was wearing, his pupils shrank violently, and he took a deep breath.

  A stream-like melody is as smooth as water, jumping into the ears!

  head! Skin! hair! numb!

  Every jump of the fingertips can make Luo Zhenghua's heart tremble, a kind of electric current with goosebumps spreads to the whole body, making him feel a tingling, especially the perfect hands, which are on the pad. Under the light, it looks very....cute.

  "What the hell is electronic music!!! Oh my god, these hands belong to a girl, right?!" Luo Zhenghua stared blankly at the phone, and silently added likes to the single called "Fox". list, and download.


  On the Huadian forum, a new post was duly created at 0:30.

  [Shock! Recently popular dark horse producer TMY, let me discover a shocking secret in today's promotional video of Qingyun's promotional video! ]

  This is a post that has received a bunch of replies and top posts not long after it appeared, and it has also been refined, ranking high above the homepage, as stable as Mount Tai.

  Click into the post to see, compared to the title, the content is only a dozen or so words, and a screenshot.

  [↓Details, TMY should be a girl, if you don't believe me, look at the picture below↓. ]

  [...Click to expand the picture]

  This is a picture of a hand pressing the pad. It can be seen that the hand is long and slender, and there is even a cute cartoon bear print on one of the sleeves of the exit!

  As for the has already exploded.

  "What ⊙?⊙? TMY is a woman?"

  "Damn it, I went to Qingyun's to see, it's really like this, it's not from the host P."

  "It's the same, and girls who can wear this kind of clothes are generally not too old, and they are probably still young girls."

  "See you in a long time. Although it's not the first time I've seen a female DJ, this is definitely the first female producer I've seen."

  "↑Ask the boss upstairs, is there any difference between a DJ and a producer?? Aren't they all doing electronic music?↑"

  "↑The person upstairs should be a newcomer who has just entered the circle not long ago? Let me answer your question. DJ is a professional who performs electronic music or performs song broadcasting, connection, and interpretation. A DJ does not need to own his own songs. Other people's songs, but the producer, UU Kanshu is the kind of person who really creates electronic music by himself, taking care of everything in the work, this is called a producer, a good DJ may not be a producer, But a producer must be an excellent DJ."

  "Don't talk about the problem of whether girls are girls or not, just the dry goods shown in this video, this TMY is already invincible...."

  "There is a reason why "Fox" became popular. There is no doubt that it must be a very nice and excellent electronic music. Those who bad-mouth this song are not blind, but everyone I'm too lazy to say it."

  "It's nothing more than some battles in the industry."

  "As soon as this video comes out, all the doubts will probably be overwhelmed. TMY is actually a girl, and I'm afraid she is quite a beautiful girl... No, I'm going to be a fan. Who will dare Spray her, and I'll take his skin off!"

  "Same, +1."

  .....Similar to this post, there are many, many others on the Huadian Forum, as long as there are other platforms where "Fox" has been active in the past, the same is true.

  And right below this post on the Huadian Forum, a high-level member with the ID "Huashan doesn't care about swords, talk about me" also posted a post, and the popularity also continued, and it was also refined.

  [I was conquered, this is electronic music!

  I announce that I officially established TMY's fan global exchange organization - TMY Global Support Club, group chat number: 854495780, what are you waiting for? Handsome people are added! ]




  Tang Miaoyi: What are you waiting for? Why don't you vote for me and join the group?