Season 1, Episode 7: Early Retirement

The Justice Brigade was visiting Jake's grandpa, Roger. They were playing Candyland with him, and Daisy drew a card with a red square on it, so she moved to the nearest red space. While they were playing, Daisy spotted smoke coming from outside the window. Roger said, "Daisy? Are you OK?" Daisy said, "Just fine. I need to show Frank something." Daisy grabbed Frank and took him to the window. Daisy said, "Suit up and put out that fire. We'll keep Jake's grandpa entertained." Frank grabbed his backpack and said, "I'll be right back. I'm just heading out for a while. You guys stay here and keep playing with Mr. Harris." Frank then shut the door, got suited, and flew downtown to where the fire was.

Once he got there, Aquaboy flew in and got everyone out safely. Then he took the water from the air and the fire hydrant nearby. Then, the water surrounded him, and he launched it all at the burning building. Then water put the fire out, and Aquaboy saved the building before it burnt down. The town then cheered for Aquaboy. Aquaboy said, "Thank you, everyone, but I'm needed somewhere else now." Aquaboy then flew away, and when he got back to Jake's grandfather's house, he took off his superhero costume, put it back in his backpack, and went back inside. Frank said, "I'm back."

Once Frank returned, Jake's grandfather broke the news to The Justice Brigade. Mr. Harris said, "Jake, I wanted you over here to spend time together before I retire. I'm going to the old folks home tomorrow." Jake said, "What?" Mr. Harris said, "Don't worry. You can visit me." The next day, The Justice Brigade dropped off Jake's grandfather at Home for Retired Old Folks and Helga, and the receptionist gave them a tour. The Justice Brigade left when it was over, and Jake was disappointed he wouldn't see his grandfather for a while.

When they were gone, Helga figured the coast was clear. Helga said. "And CUT!" Then, all the people working at the resort stopped working. Helga said, "OK, people, that's rap. Now clean this mess up." The workers removed the movie set walls, and Helga tapped Mr. Harris on his shoulder. Mr. Harris turned around and looked at Helga. Helga said, "OK, look, old man. Here is how things work here. Time is money, and money is vegetables. So unless you pick vegetables and load them into boxes for me to sell, you'll be punished harshly." Helga snapped her fingers, and her guards grabbed Mr. Harris, got him into uniform, and put him to work.

The next day, Daisy cleaned while Hannah, Jake, and Frank went to see Jake's grandfather at the old folks' home. Hannah said, "Are you sure this is a good idea? I mean, maybe we should be on patrol." Jake said, "I can visit my grandfather whenever I want. I miss him already." Frank said, "But you can't visit him every day. You're a superhero. You have to be on alert all day." Jake said, "I know that. I want to see my grandfather." Once they got to the old folk's home, they saw the place look deserted.

Hannah approached the door and said, "Hey, the door's open." Then, the door slid open by itself. Hannah said, "Let's go in." Hannah and Jake walked in while Frank stayed outside. Frank said, "Guys, I don't know." Jake grabbed Frank and said, "I want to see my grandpa now." Once they got inside, they saw the place looked deserted. Jake said, "Where is everyone?" Frank said, "Don't know. There should be employees and old folks." Hannah said, "Maybe they're at the pool." Hannah ran for the pool, tripped, and fell right through the wall where the pool was. Jake and Frank walked up to the wall Hannah tore through and saw it slide to the ceiling. Then they saw Hannah with her head stuck in a bucket, but they got it off her head. Hannah said, "The pool's not even real." Jake pointed in front of them and said, "And look." Hannah and Frank looked ahead and saw the resort was a movie set. They looked behind the fake walls and saw all the old folks picking vegetables from a giant garden, boxing them up, and loading them into trucks.

Jake pointed at his grandfather and said, "Hey, there's my grandpa." Jake put his hands on his mouth and shouted, "GRANDPA!" Mr. Harris looked behind him and saw Jake and his friends. Then Helga looked at the end of the garden and noticed three members of The Justice Brigade spying on them. Hannah said, "Guys, we better get out of here." Jake said, "What about my grandpa?" Frank said, "We'll get Daisy and come back for him. Now run." The Justice Brigade ran out of the building, and Helga saw them leave. Helga felt they'd be back, so she snapped her fingers and told her guards to put the set back up and make it more convincing this time.

An hour later, The Justice Brigade returned on their superhero vehicles. Then they exited their superhero vehicles and hurried back up the stairs to the door. Helga opened the doors for them and met them again face to face. Helga said, "Oh, how wonderful to see you again." Daisy said, "Nice to see you too. Would you mind if we saw Mr. Harris, who we dropped off yesterday?" Helga said, "Not at all. Come on in." Helga welcomed The Justice Brigade in, and they saw all the old folks having fun and all the workers working just like when they dropped off Jake's grandfather. Daisy said, "This looks fun. For the old folks, that is."

Helga said, "Of course. Here at Home For Retired Old Folks, we care for our residents and keep them safe." Jake said, "Really? Then let's see my grandpa." Helga pointed at one of the tables, and The Justice Brigade saw Jake's grandfather playing Chinese checkers with another older man. Hannah then looked at the pool and saw people diving into it, so she got convinced it was real. Daisy said, "OK, guys, I've seen enough. Your grandfather is fine. Let's go." The Justice Brigade then walked out, and Helga saw them leave. Helga said, "And CUT!" Helga then clapped for all the old folks. Helga said, "Those were a great imitation of all those old geezers. Ha ha ha ha ha." Then, all the old folks took off their disguises and showed that they were Helga's guards in disguise. Then Helga pushed a button on a remote, and it moved the wall away and showed them where they hid the real geezers.

When night came, and Daisy was asleep, Hannah, Jake, and Frank snuck out in their superhero uniforms, put on their masks, and drove their superhero vehicles back to Home For Retired Old Folks. When they arrived, they stopped their superhero vehicles and ran to the door, but it wouldn't open. Heatgirl said, "We'll just take the skylight." Iceboy said, "There is no skylight." Heatgirl said, "Just follow me." Heatgirl flew up to the roof, and so did Iceboy and Aquaboy. Iceboy saw no skylight and said, "I rest my case." Heatgirl said, "OK if there's no skylight, we'll have to make one." Heatgirl cut a hole in the ceiling with her Heat Vision, and they all jumped in. Then they found Jake's grandfather locked up, and Heatgirl melted the lock. Then Iceboy grabbed his grandpa and said, "Come on, we're busting out of here." The Justice Brigade flew out through the hole they made in the ceiling, got on their superhero vehicles, and drove away super-fast.

The following day, Helga saw Jake's grandfather was gone, and Daisy saw all her friends were gone. Daisy then checked their garage and saw their superhero vehicles were gone. Daisy then wore her superhero uniform, got on her Suncycle, and drove after her team. Helga also climbed onto her motorcycle and rode after them. Helga followed them downtown, and when she saw The Justice Brigade with their superhero vehicles and Jake's grandfather riding in Iceboy's Ice Car with him. Iceboy looked behind them and saw Helga chasing them. Helga tried shooting lasers at The Justice Brigade. Heatgirl said, "Two can play that game." Heatgirl shot her Heat Vision at Helga and destroyed her lasers. Helga said, "Clever. But I'm still armed." Helga pushed a button on her handlebars and shot a rocket at The Justice Brigade. The Justice Brigade all drove to the left, and the missile missed. Then it hit the road, and The Justice Brigade and Helga jumped the hole.

Helga tried taking them out again, but Sungirl found them and drove behind Helga. Sungirl then shot Helga's rocket launcher with one of her Sun Beams and destroyed it. Sungirl then rode next to Helga, waved hello because she broke her rocket launcher, and then raced ahead. Iceboy said, "Now, do you believe us?" Sungirl said, "No doubt about it." While driving, Helga and The Justice Brigade rode next to the police and got them to chase them. Heatgirl said, "Coppers on our tail. We got to lead them back to the retirement home." The Justice Brigade drove around a building, Helga chased them, and the cops chased Helga. Then, they rode back to the retirement home. Once they got there, The Justice Brigade stopped their superhero vehicles, Helga stopped, and the cops all held guns up to The Justice Brigade, Helga, and Jake's grandfather while they put their hands in the air. One of the cops said, "OK, you're all under arrest." Heatgirl said, "Wait, coppers, there's no need to arrest us. Just her." Heatgirl looked at Helga, and Helga looked at The Justice Brigade, who was scowling at her. Helga said, "I don't know what you mean." Iceboy said, "Oh really? Well, why don't the cops go inside and look around." The police chief sent in two police officers, and they saw the place was empty, but then they saw all the residents picking vegetables, loading them into boxes, and loading the boxes into trucks. The police then released all the residents and returned them to their families. Then they handcuffed Helga, told The Justice Brigade they could go, and took Helga to jail. Then, The Justice Brigade rode away on their superhero vehicles and visited Jake's grandpa.

They knocked on the door once they got to Mr. Harris's house. Then Mr. Harris answered and saw Jake. Then Jake and his grandpa hugged because they were glad to be back together. Jake said, "I saw the papers. The Justice Brigade busted Helga and got you free." Mr. Harris said, "Yep. And I would still be in that awful place if they didn't show up." Hannah and Frank looked at Daisy and said, "Yeah." Daisy said, "OK, OK. Maybe I should have believed you." Mr. Harris said, "On what?" Daisy said, "Um. They went to see you and spotted the operation, but I didn't believe them when they told me. So, I didn't call the cops or The Justice Brigade when I could, but they did. And I'm proud of them for doing it." All five of them then hugged and were happy again.

The End