
'I already lost my mind, might as well play along with these hallucinations'


[NAME: Michael Alexander

AGE: 22

SYSTEM LEVEL: 1 (0/100 sport points to level-up)

CURRENT PROFESSION: Student and amateur Swimmer

SPORT SKILLS: Freestyle technique LV.2 (68/200)]

[Please select your desired profession to start your journey on the path of becoming the greatest

A) Football Player

B) Basketball Player

C) Swimmer

D) Fighter

E) Other Sports

The system will help you on your journey of whatever path you choose, choose wisely as this decision is irreversible]

'Is this real?!' Michael stared at the holographic screen in front of him, wide-eyed, mouth agape, his face frozen with bewilderment

Michael had read 'system' light-novels as a kid, he would've never believed that this would actually happen to him! Michael was now sure that he would be acquiring a 'level-up' type system

He wanted to run and jump around in excitement, to scream with everything he has.

This was finally his chance to do something! His chance to rise up and become one of the greatest!

Riches? Fame? Supermodels on his bed? Sports-cars lined up in his garage? A mansion?

He would finally be able to retire his mother who has been working non-stop, with sometimes working 20 hours in day, to be able to feed her family.

The sky was the only limit.

'Am I really awake?' Michael wondered as he started pinching his skin, even so far as to pinch one of the more sensitive areas on the body.

"Fuck, that hurts" he yelped.

The pain Michael felt as real as it could be.

Michael wondered if maybe he was in a coma and this was some type of fantasy his brain had come up with, but he soon realized that it doesn't matter. This is his current reality, and he will make the best of it.

Michael calmed his mind, and carefully pointed his right index finger on option C.




Michael immediately pressed 'confirm'. Swimming has always been his most loved sport, the feeling weightlessness in the water and gliding through the water just calms his mind and makes him feel extremely satisfied and relief. Almost similar to a drug addiction.

Michael tried playing football and basketball as a kid, but he never enjoyed them, he also fractured his elbow once while getting tackled in football.

Needless to say he doesn't want anything to do with balls anymore.

As for fighting, he did actually enjoy it, but it was never comparable to the feeling of being in the water for him.






"Safe spot? I'm on the rooftop of a stadium for christ sake."

Seeing the extreme pain message, Michael suddenly felt a shiver going through his body.

With cold sweat running down his forehead, Michael said "What do you mean extreme p-AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH"

Michael hurriedly gritted his teeth to stop himself from screaming and attracting unnecessary attention, he felt like he was getting stabbed and beaten in every piece of his body.

Michael looked at his body, and saw a horrifying scene. There were bubbles across his body underneath his skin, they were slowly building up and getting larger, Michael felt his skin stretch to its limits before eventually.


His skin was popping like a balloon, blood spraying in the air and making a puddle underneath him.

Seeing this horrifying scene, Michael vomited, increasing his pain even more, which lead to him directly passing out.

Shortly after Michael passed out, his body stopped getting inflated like a balloon. His body now lay in a puddle of blood, with his clothes drenched in blood as well and ripped in multiple places.



[HOST HAS BEEN GIFTED 1 (Starter Pack)]


Unfortunately the system seemed to be only talking to itself, as Michael still lay unconscious in a pool of his own blood.


(Fashion Factory LLC., 11:30 PM)

A middle-aged woman, at about 5'4 in height, with clear dark circles under her eyes, dressed in a business suit, was talking on the phone, she had an extremely worried and anxious expression on her face as he walked back and forth in her office.

"What do you mean you can't find Mike?!" The woman screamed in the phone.

"I'm sorry Aunt Emily, I searched around the stadium at least 5 times now, I couldn't find a trace of him. I only found his unpacked bag, I'm also very worried about him." A male voice responded through the phone.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to shout at you, Kai. I just can't stand the thought of something bad happening to my son"

"It's fine Aunty, I understand your worry. I will try my best to find him."

"Alright, thank you Kai. My son is very lucky to have a friend like you."

"It's nothing Aunty, I'll call you if I find him."

Emily hanged up, then stared at her phone for a few minutes.

"I pray Mike gets back home safe and sound." She muttered a silent prayer, then sighed deeply as she looked at the piled up documents on her desk.