I'm Home!

After going up 7 flights of stairs, Michael finally arrived at his doorstep.


"Who's there?" A female voice responded to the knocks.

"It's me, mom." As soon as Michael responded, He heard footsteps approaching at a very quick pace, then the door flung open and Michael's mom immediately hugged him.

"My baby where did you go?! I've been looking everywhere for you" Emily said this as she trembled a bit.

"Stop calling me baby, I swear I'm 22, not 2" Michael responded, sounding very annoyed.

Emily let go of him, and then realized his clothes smelled of a rusty iron scent, and looked dark red.

"M-Michael what is that?" Emily said, scared that her son got hurt.

"Don't worry mom, I'm not hurt all, you can check that I don't have any wounds."

Seeing Michael talk in a confident tone, Emily chose to believe his words.

"Then whose blood is it?" Emily sounded very concerned, thinking that her son had gotten himself into something illegal.

"Trust me mom, I didn't hurt anyone or get into something illegal, just let me shower and I'll explain everything"

Emily sighed heavily, she felt as if a heavy weight go lifted from her shoulders.

"Alright, don't take too long, breakfast will be ready in 15 minutes"

Michael let himself in, and Emily closed the door behind him.

He put his bag on the floor beside the door, and went to the bathroom to take a shower. As he was going to the shower, he got lost in his thoughts on what to tell his mom.

'Do I just tell her about my system?' Michael thought as he went in the bathroom and started to take off his clothes.

'I don't see much of a reason to hide it from her.' Michael went into the shower and turned on the water, and started to rinse his body off the leftover blood.

'I'm pretty sure this system is just meant for sports, It's not like I will make weird and super powerful enemies.'

'I will tell her about the system, there's no reason for me to hide it.'

As Michael made up his mind, he finally finished scrubbing all the blood off. He got out of the shower and started to wear his favourite set of pajamas.

"Mom I finished showering, what are we going to have for breakfast?" Michael said this as he walked up to his mom in the kitchen, making what seemed to be scrambled eggs?

Michael isn't sure, as he was never good at cooking, and in his opinion 'It looks like witchcraft'.

"I'm going to make scrambled eggs sweetie, just go set the utensils on the tabke, I'll be there in 2 minutes"


"This is delicious mom, thanks for the food!" Michael expressed his gratitude for his moms cooking, it was always superb.

"You're wel-"


Michael stood up from his chair "I'll go get it mom, you can keep eating."

Michael went towards the door, and looked through the peephole. Only to find an annoyingly handsome face he knew very well.

"What are you doing here, K-"

Before Michael could finish his sentence, Kai pulled him into a hug he couldn't escape from.

"Bro, I was so worried about you, you didn't think of calling me when you got home?"

"I was just gone for half a day, don't be so dramatic."

"Because the amazing friend I am, I will accept your sincere apology."

Michael just shook his head at his best friend's narcissistic antics, and let him in the house.

After noticing Kai and greeting him, Emily went to make for food for him, despite Kai refusing multiple times, she still insisted.

After the family of 3 finished their meals, Kai excused himself because he had training with his coach in 30 minutes.

With Kai talking about his training, Michael got reminded of the mission that he needed to complete. But firstly, he has another thing to deal with.

"Mom, about the blood, i-"

"I don't want to hear it" Emily sharply cut him off.


"I trust that you wouldn't do something illegal, and I have tons of work to do, I don't want to be distracted by whatever you have to say."

"Well then, I'm going to go train now, bye mom"

"Bye sweetie!"

Michael quickly wore some proper clothes to go outside, and took out what he needed from the backpack he got from the system, this included the swimsuit and the swim cap.

'I feel so rich just by holding these!' Michael thought.

Without wasting any time, Michael got outside the apartment, got on public transport, and arrived at the swimming pool.

After wearing the swimsuit and swim cap in the restroom, Michael was now finally ready to start his mission.