Weird Mission

Michael swiftly opened the missions tab to check out the new mission he recieved.





*SHOP* (locked)

*WHEEL* (locked)]



#NEW MISSION: Socialize with fish

OBJECTIVE: Have Her Royal Highness, Princess Rosa Altum consider you her 'friend'.

REWARD: Homo Aquatilis gene integration.

CONDITIONS FOR FAILURE: Having Princess Rosa Altum consider you an 'enemy'. Or failure to complete the objective within 1 month.

PUNISHMENT FOR FAILURE: The death of Emily Alexander.]


'What the f*ck?' Michael freaked out as he read what the punishment entails.

'F*ck, I didn't know this system could affect someone other than me.' Michael felt furious, and a bit betrayed. He had thought he could rely on the system, and that it would push him towards greatness. But he could never guess that it would do so by threatening his mother's life.

'I have to save my mother.' Michael thought determinedly.

He started to read the objective closely, to figure out a clue on who 'Princess Rosa' is.

'Wait, last name 'Altum'. That's the family of Rose and Arthur. Is it Rose? Why would the system call her 'Her Royal Highness' and 'Princess'? Are the Altums some sort of royal family?'

Michael, being wide awake after reading his new mission, decided to stay up and plan what he would do.

Michael thought this as he browsed through the internet on his phone, and read about how most royal families operated.

'Kings usually have a lot of children, either from their queen or concubines.'

'Considering the Altums are some sort of royal family, Rosa is most likely a sister or cousin of Rose.'

'I can't meet up with Arthur as I already dropped out of university, that leaves only Rose.'

'I will meet up with Rose and ask her if she has any sisters, hopefully she answers truthfully. My mother's life depends on this.'

After tossing and turning for about an hour, Michael finally entered the realm of dreams.


Waking up the next morning, Michael went about his usual routine, taking the DMP, and going to both his practices.

He now lay in his bed, waking up from a small nap.

While stretching, he heard his phone ring from the nightstand beside him. Looking at the phone, he saw that it was an unknown caller.

'Probably a wrong number or some cold call advertisements.' Michael thought as he hung up the call.

30 seconds later, the phone rung again.

'Fine, fine, I'll answer the damn call.' Michael thought as he picked up the phone and answered the call.

"Hello?" Michael answered in an annoyed tone.

"Is this Michael?" A feminine sounding voice asked.

"Yes, may who am I talking to?" Michael asked, a little weirded out that a random girl knew his name and was calling him.

"It's me, Rose." Rose responded.

"Rose? How did you get my number."

"I asked for your number from Kai." After hearing what she said, Michael facepalmed. He was sure Kai was going to tease him about this for the next month.

Rose continued, "Anyways, I know this is kind of random, but can we meet up at Benny's? You can call it a friendly date between acquaintances."

"Sure, is today at 8 pm good for you?" Michael asked.

"Yeah, that's perfect. See you around." Rose said as she hung up.

'That was weird, why would Rose call me to hang out? Does she like me?' Not that Michael had any complaints. If Rose did indeed like Michael or at least find him interesting to invite to a sort of date, it would make his mission much easier to complete.

While Michael did have a bit of hesitation almost toying with a woman's emotions in some way, all the hesitation would disappear whenever he would get reminded with the punishment if he happened to fail his mission.

After getting himself ready and planning out what he would say, Michael headed out to Benny's to meet up with Rose.


(Benny's, 8PM)

Finding an empty table near the corner, Michael took a seat for himself and waited.

'If she's the one who brought up the date, shouldn't she be on time? Whatever, It's not a big deal.'

"Excuse me sir, mind if I take your order?" Seeing Michael sitting, a waiter came up to him asking him for his order.

"I'm just waiting for someone to arrive, you can come here after some time. Thanks for asking though."

"It's my pleasure." The waiter said as he walked away.

'I can see why this place is so popular, the service is spot on.'

Just as Michael was about to pull out his phone to pass the time. He spotted Rose walking towards him, wearing a dark violet dress and black heels.

'Her body looks beautiful, unfortunately her face is miles behind. It would've been a much nicer date if it wasn't.' Michael thought to himself, although he wouldn't dare say any of this out loud.