
(Michael's Bedroom, 6:07 AM)

Michael's eyes slowly fluttered open.

'Ugh, what is this?'

As Michael tried to get out of his bed, he felt as if his body was.. foreign somehow. Even though from what he could see, nothing had changed visually.

'Let's pull up the system notifications to see what happened to me.'





[HOST HAS ENTERED DEEP SLEEP (Third stage of sleep).]





[MILESTONE OF OVER 20% 'Homo aquatilis' REACHED]

[EFFECTS OF MILESTONE INCLUDE: A more natural feel for the water (+100 exp for all swimming techniques), when in water fingers and toes will be webbed to allow for more efficient swimming, a protective film around the eyes allowing vision without goggles underwater with no side effect, and 'Branchia' respiratory system has been added to host's body. (Gills)

Note: To avoid unnecessary trouble for host. Host's gills are hidden behind your ear, and will be hidden when on land.]



NAME: Michael Alexander

SPECIES: 89.9% 'Homo sapien', 10.1% 'Homo aquatilis' ---> 79.9% 'Homo sapien', 20.1% 'Homo aquatilis'

AGE: 22

SYSTEM LEVEL: 1 (15/100 sport points to level-up)



EVALUATION: Adequate swimmer, for young teens.]






*SHOP* (locked)

*WHEEL* (locked)]



Strength: 1.6 ---> 1.7

Agility: 1.9 ---> 2

Stamina: 1.9 ---> 2

Constitution: 2



Freestyle technique: LV.3 (127/300) ---> (250/300)

Breaststroke technique: LV.1 (27/100) ---> LV.2 (50/200)

Backstroke technique: LV.2 (109/200) ---> LV.3 (20/300)

Butterfly technique: LV.2 (16/200) ---> (130/200)]


'Wow, that's a lot of stuff to take in... I can breathe underwater now! this will be a huge advantage for me. Although I will have to hide it by fake breathing every once in a while. If people figure out I can breathe underwater I would probably get kidnapped by some hidden elite group of trillionaires and be experimented on.'

Michael felt himself shiver just from the thought of people in business suits drugging and kidnapping him.

'I should stop watching fantasy movies, it would just amplify my fear tenfold.'

After deciding on keeping his gills a secret, Michael made himself breakfast in a hurry as he has swimming practice in the next 2 hours.

'A stomach filled with food while swimming is a stomach that will vomit.' Michael thought to himself as he quickly ate his food, not wanting to experience the pain and disgust from vomiting while swimming in a pool.

An hour quickly passed and Michael got his swimming gear ready and headed out to train.


(Sebastion's swimming pool, 09:57 AM)

Michael got out of the taxi, and started walking towards the pool.

'I should really get a vehicle for myself, I think a motorcycle would be perfect. I wouldn't have to deal with the hassle of public transport, and I would look better. Owning no method of transport at 22 is kind of embarrassing.' He thought to himself.

Pulling him out of his thoughts, Michael arrived in-front of the pool. He saw Kai and Coach Sebastion sitting beside the pool.

Seeing this scene, Michael shook his head as he thought. 'I think Sebastion might have OCD, he only starts his practice at 10, not a minute earlier or later.'

After greeting his friend and his coach, Michael started his usual warm routine of a few ground stretches, and then a 1km slow and steady swim.

As soon as he jumped into the pool, Michael felt... incredibly comfortable. The water just felt natural to him.

The only way Michael could describe it was that being in the water somehow felt like home. He could feel the gills under his ear working for the first time, letting him breathe underwater without the need for air. It was definitely a surreal experience.

'This only strengthens my determination to progress with this system, and to experience more amazing things like this. This is a life goal I could get behind.'

After doing his 1km warmup, while not forgetting to fake breathe every few strokes. Michael started his main set.

In the middle of the main set, Sebastion let Michael rest for a bit to talk to him.

Sebastion said. "Good sh*t Mike, that's what I like to see. You've been way better today, keep this up and you'll be on your way towards a world title. Now get back to work."

After finishing his practice, Michael felt like he got hit by a truck. While he did get a way better grip and feel for the water, it added a lot more pressure and resistance to his muscles, causing him to get tired a lot faster.

"Hey Mike! Come over here." Sebastion shouted at Michael.

"What's up coach?" Michael responded while wrapping a robe around himself to dry himself.

"There is a 5km open sea race next week, you will participate in it and win it, understood?"

"Yes coach, but where will it be held?" Michael asked

"It's right next to your house at the beach. Don't worry about the exact location, I will take you there myself after you warmup here." Sebastion assured Michael.

After saying his goodbyes to his coach, Michael could barely keep a grin from forming on his face.

'an open sea race means I get to use my gills freely without anyone noticing, this is going to be a piece of cake. I could also get another mission from the system.' Michael thought, excited about what awaits him next week.