Ominous Preparations — 2

14th of December, the Year 1911 of the Hallowed Calendar, in an isolated apothecary.

Elementalist Yaen Beracha sat across a stone-sculpted triangular table, this time alone. In front of him, a thin slab of chiseled clay gathered Mana from its surroundings, slowly pulsating as its spell was being activated.

A knock resonated inside the room before he could begin the communication, prompting him to freeze it mid-way.

"Enter," he commanded.

The yellow gate opened, and the Segment V Homunculus, Giron, entered. He had a panicked expression, lowering his head under Yaen's piercing gaze.

"What is it?" The Elementalist asked.

"The Temple of Stars launched a preemptive assault last night," Giron declared. "They're hunting down every magus that doesn't belong to the Luminous House and successfully surrounded many gathering spots before we could react. We lost most of our unaffiliated informants in the ensuing scuffle."

"Did any of our branches suffer any losses?"

"Nearly..." Giron hesitated before adding, "Leader Ilana Avi-Hai engaged a Bishop in battle. She won, but as a result, the Temple of Stars' magi are doubling down on their purge. If things escalate any further, the Henosis Seekers may take advantage of this and emerge earlier than expected, hindering our plans."

"That one does love to make a show. I expressly told her to keep low for the moment," Yaen sighed. "Anyhow, there's still a day before the agreed date with Lady Quinctillia. The Henosis Seekers aren't following the usual pattern at all, so I doubt they'll break their cover today. By the way, did Geffen start investigating the underground network?"

"I believe he headed out an hour ago, Master."

"I see," Yaen repeatedly tapped the table with his finger, pondering about something. "We may want to lessen the burden on him for now. Leak out the information about the possibility of a Henosis Seekers' base in southern Priene. The Temple of Stars knows the city better than we do, meaning they'll have a greater chance of finding it there. Hopefully, it'll also lead to fewer obstacles when we strike those wings-worshipping dogs."

He coursed a hand through his black, jaw-length hair. "Lady Quinctillia, and by extension her veiled mistress, most likely want a triple altercation between us, the Temple of Stars, and the Henosis Seekers for their goal. I'd rather not let them control the flow of events. The less Luminous House magi we have to face, the more at liberty we'll be to hunt down the accursed zealots."

"Understood, Master." Giron bowed. "I shall communicate your orders to everyone."

As the Homunculus left, Yaen resumed the activation of the Emerald Plaque. Blue-colored wisps of light flickered atop its surface, followed by inscriptions written in the language used within the Isle of Yetzirah.

They read: Who is calling upon me?

"Teacher," Yaen spoke aloud. "This is Yaen Beracha."

Oh, Yaen. The writings changed, transcribing Alchemist Ophir Yannai's words from the other end of the Emerald Plaque. How is the situation in Priene? Did you investigate what I asked you to?

"It's a disaster waiting to happen. As you have theorized, the Queen of the Mallacht is playing us for her entertainment. The Veiled Matriarch seems keen on participating in this farce, too."

Yaen massaged his temples, continuing in an exhausted tone. "I wish you had sent Elementalist Yasmin in my stead. She's a far better tactician than I and would've navigated this situation much more easily."

He paused before adding, "Regarding the investigation, there seems to be no sign of the Ten Kanaph in Priene. Are you sure the turning point will take place here? Perhaps we misread the prophecy."

Kabbalist Binah thinks otherwise, Yaen. The Alchemist replied. She hosts a fraction of the August One's mind—His understanding of the woven threads of fate.

In her vision, the fabric of reality had already collapsed, the sun shone blood-red, and the black moon crumbled. She glimpsed at an age of glory starting from Priene, but one in which the Mekkubal Order will not partake.

"So I need to find the key, or turning point, leading to this age of glory and prevent it... is that right?"

The lines carved in clay trembled slightly. I believe I taught you that fate and destiny are not such simple concepts as to be fallible with mere attempts of prevention.

There are infinite possibilities; their strands bend, curve, and link endlessly without a pattern. Kabbalist Binah saw a knot—a future that could happen if certain events were to align perfectly.

Your role, the inscriptions kept on, is to investigate the possible sources of this knot. By understanding it, we also grow wiser as to what threats could hinder the return of our Lord. Is that clear enough?

"Yes, Teacher." Yaen's response sounded like a grumble, though he looked grave. "I shall do my best."

The Emerald Plaque lost its glimmer, signaling the end of the communication.

Yaen heaved a sigh, reaching for the nearest wall with his hand.

The limestone rumbled under his touch, throbbing like the surface of a disturbed lake. A crack spread in a strangely even line, forming a perfect rectangle at sight level. Then, it opened a gap on its own, revealing a makeshift window through which Yaen could glance.

His mismatched gaze locked onto a looming figure on the horizon—the Great Sanctuary of Priene, standing atop the city's tallest hill.

Meanwhile, within the Inner Monastery.

Laemno felt chills running down his back, followed by an ominous foreboding.

He glanced up and only saw the meek Maia standing by next to his marble table.

I'm imagining things. He shook his head, focusing his thoughts as he eyed the various items spread before him.

I have a few uses worth of perception spellcraft, five black sticks for enhancement spellcraft, a concrete map for navigating through the underground network, the decrepit notebook, and the triangular mirror.

In terms of human resources, I have all the slaves of the Inner Monastery under my control, as well as the Adonal Virgins Maia and Egina, a single armored guard, a few temple guards, and some clergymen, mostly those working near the inventory.

If the keepers I hypnotized haven't been caught yet, I should have a bag worth of supplies—namely non-perishable food such as nuts, dried fruits and vegetables, as well as jerky. I'll be able to find water easily if I stick to specific routes, and I also prepared a knife, extra clothes, and some oil for lighting and fire.

There are stables in the Great Sanctuary, but only adjacent to the Luminous House. It'd be hard to lead a horse through the tunnels, and I don't know how to ride them anyway. This means I'll have to travel through a nation on foot, in the wilderness, at the mercy of countless mystical creatures while laying low.

Laemno pinched the bridge of his nose, keeping the bubbling anxiety at bay.

I never imagined the day would come when I'd curse my lack of knowledge on how to ride a damn horse. Serves me right for mainly focusing on survival and bringing food to the table during my previous life.