Thank You

"I understand."

Laemno lowered his gaze as he mumbled those words, trying to convince himself. After all, he had taken an oath to strive for his own well-being, no matter the cost.

Still, even with his initial caution, he realized that he had greatly underestimated the hanging sword of Damocles that was magecraft.

"Well, you wanted to know the safest route for Sethia, did you not?" She asked, unbothered by his apparent panic.

"You seem weirdly meek and helpful for one who had attempted to assassinate me several times," he couldn't help but remark.

"I hold no grudge against you. You wanted to preserve your life, just as I wished to fulfill mine's purpose. I had no reason to kill you apart from the command instilled in me, a tool. Now that there is no more seven-pointed star, the Sacrificial Ceremony won't be held, and there would be no point in ruining that which cannot take place."