The Wayfarer

Laemno jolted awake. 

His body had already sprung to its feet before he could grasp his surroundings, though his heavy eyelids struggled to chase away the blur of his dazed sight. 

"You've finally come to your senses." 

A deep voice greeted him, punctuated by the crackle of a bonfire. 

Still somewhat groggy, he looked around with the calmness of one who had yet to fully escape the sweet embrace of sleep. "Where... Where am I? Where is the Pontiff of Stars?" 

"You're safe. We've reached an agreement with your rainbow-eyed friend," someone replied, their tone neutral. 

As Laemno's headache quieted and his eyes grew used to the swirling smoke, he managed to make out the vaguely familiar form of the man that had appeared at the end of his fight with the Pontiff of Stars. 

He sat on the opposite side, carefully cleaning his Heilswaage with a white cloth.