Sethian Ennead

Isonoe's words reverberated in Laemno's mind long after they had left the workshop. 

From his previous experiences, he knew that survival in this world was only guaranteed if he were to grow powerful enough as a magus. But now, ascending through the occult classes too quickly could prove to be dangerous due to his effusing soul. 

Should I purposefully slow down my growth and focus on solving this problem first? Magi are considered Thaumaturges as soon as they attain the 7th class of their Sorceries. I suppose the 8th class is my limit for now.

His lips curved into a self-deprecating smile as a thought occurred to him. I'm viewing this through quite the optimistic lens. I'm not even sure I can rise to the 9th class since it requires an artifact I know next to nothing about. Well, this will have to wait until I'm in Sethia anyway.