False Domain

Roughly two days had passed since the start of the first phase. 

Of the 411 magi registered for the selection, only 30 survivors were confirmed, Soulbounds not included.

One could denounce this as a worthless bloodbath, but the truth was, the Magus Societas couldn't care less about this toll. 

Most of the dead were status imminens—foreigners that had come to tempt fate and become imperial magi. For the rest, natural-born Sethians, the fact of their defeat was undeniable proof that they were unfit for the Maxims of Might, making their deaths trivial. 

Still, from the viewpoint of a few, this was a distasteful waste of resources that could have been put to use elsewhere.

Warden Sidonia's opinion aligned more with the latter, while Syndic Lollia's strict adherence to the Novem Dona made her share the former views.