I recommend him!

As Ferguson departed from the youth team training ground, his footsteps became noticeably lighter. In that moment, he had a daring thought: if Barcelona could have a Guardiola, why couldn't Manchester produce a Tiger?

Guardiola emerged as a coach from Barcelona's youth team, and during his playing career, he served as the captain of Barcelona. In just two years of coaching the Barcelona first team, he achieved the remarkable feat of winning six titles.

Tiger, on the other hand, was raised at Manchester United and became the captain of the youth team at the young age of 18. At 22, he became a coach for the Manchester United youth team. He was a passionate supporter of the Red Devils and being English, he would easily earn the recognition and support of both players and fans if he were to take over Ferguson's position.

Furthermore, based on what I heard earlier regarding his knowledge of Manchester United's current squad, he certainly possesses unique insights. In that case, if Tiger were to take over Ferguson's position, it would undoubtedly be beneficial.

It's well known that Ferguson had a great fondness for his "Class of '92" disciples, especially Giggs and Scholes, and even Beckham, who left due to the "boot-gate" incident, was also a favorite of Ferguson's. However, what people don't know is that the one Ferguson held dearest in his heart among his disciples was the captain of the Class of '92, Tiger. He always imagined that if it weren't for that injury, Tiger would have been his most trusted lieutenant. If Tiger were still around, perhaps Manchester United would have won even more honors and trophies in recent years.

After listening to Tiger's words today, he was reminded of the 16 years during which Tiger served as a coach for the youth team, tirelessly imparting his knowledge and using his spiritual experience on the field to guide young players in their training. Countless players have benefited from his teachings over the years, like carp crossing a river.

In this regard, whether from the perspective of the club's development or personal feelings, Cantona is the perfect candidate to succeed Ferguson as the head coach.

In this matter, Ferguson took three days to consider and ultimately decided to discuss it with the club.

On a sunny afternoon without training sessions, the team's assistant coach led the players to watch game videos indoors and conduct tactical analysis. Sir Ferguson, on the other hand, left the room and walked past the training ground to reach the office of the chairman of the board.

The office door was half open, and Ferguson knocked lightly on the door. After receiving a response, he walked into the room and saw the club's CEO, David Gill, sitting in a chair, reviewing several documents.

"My old friend, it seems like you've been busy lately."

"Sir, please sit down quickly. What would you like to drink?" Gill quickly got up from his seat.

"Black tea, please. Thank you."

The secretary served Sir Ferguson his black tea, then closed the door and left. Gill smiled and asked, "Sir, I'm guessing you've had a change of heart and are now considering coaching for another year to help the club get through this tough time, am I correct?"

"NO, NO, NO, my old friend. I have already planned a vacation with my family in a month. How can you bear to disappoint them?"

Gill sighed, "I knew you wouldn't change your mind."

"Old friend, what are you busy with?" Ferguson asked.

Gill handed the documents to Ferguson and said, "Sir, our negotiations with Mourinho have failed."

"Oh? Hasn't he always been eager to return to the Premier League?"

"Yes, that's why he's going back to Chelsea."

Ferguson laughed, "That troublesome guy is actually going back to Chelsea? The next Premier League season is going to be interesting."

Gill was puzzled, "Sir, why can't I see any disappointment on your face about losing Mourinho?"

Ferguson shrugged his shoulders, "Why should I be disappointed?"

Gill pondered for a moment and said, "Oh? Do you have more faith in Moyes? It may not be difficult to sign him, but you've said before that Moyes was just Mourinho's backup, and I have doubts about his ability as someone who has no experience coaching a big club."

"You're right, Moyes isn't the best candidate for Manchester United right now." At that point, Ferguson picked up his tea and took a sip, appearing very relaxed.

Having been with Ferguson for many years, Gill noticed something different on his old friend's face. "Sir, seeing you so relaxed while drinking tea makes me wonder if you have someone else in mind?"

Ferguson raised a finger. "Old friend, if there's anyone worth my nostalgia after I retire, then Mr. Gill, who has such good chemistry with me, would definitely be one of them."

"I actually guessed correctly?" Gill was surprised. He stood up and looked at Ferguson. "Sir, tell me, who have you set your sights on? Malcolm has told me before that if it's someone recommended by you, I will do everything in my power to bring him over."

The Malcolm mentioned by Gill was the current owner of Manchester United, American businessman Malcolm Glazer, who is currently the head of the Glazer family.

Gill paced back and forth in the room, his mind racing with the possibilities for Manchester United's next coach. "Ancelotti? Lippi? Could it be Wenger?" he mused aloud.

Ferguson waved his hand dismissively. "Gill, it's not as difficult as you think. We don't have to go out and look for him, he's right here with us."

"Sir, are you referring to someone in particular?" Gill asked, surprised.

"Ferguson raised his finger confidently. "The assistant coach of Manchester United's youth team, Tiger. I recommend him!" he said with conviction.

Gill's expectant face suddenly froze, his eyes wide with disbelief. "Sir, April Fool's Day has passed, it's already mid-April, don't joke with me."

"Do you think I'm joking?" Ferguson's smile disappeared, his face becoming serious. "Gill, a few months ago, I thought Mourinho was the hope to save Manchester United, but now I think Tiger is the hope for Manchester United's future."

Gill sat down heavily on the sofa next to Ferguson, his mind whirring with questions. "Why him?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

"My old friend, I've been coaching Manchester United for so many years, do you think I would let Manchester United fall into decline? Please trust my judgment. Kintag will definitely become the hope that leads Manchester United to continue its glory," Ferguson said, his voice ringing with conviction.

After hearing Ferguson speak so firmly, Gill leaned back on the sofa in a more comfortable position. "Sir, would you mind telling me more about Tiger?"

On this beautiful afternoon, the rare clear sky in Manchester shone into the room, warming it up. Two old friends chatted about the man called "Tiger" like they were reminiscing about old times.

In the evening, Gill invited Ferguson to dinner, but he was declined. Ferguson wanted to go home and enjoy time with his family. After Ferguson left, Gill locked himself in the room and made a phone call, "Malcolm, there's something I need to report to you..."