Two appointments

Woodward said with a meaningful expression, "But I heard a few days ago that Dortmund had already discussed Robert's transfer with Bayern Munich?"

Lewandowski didn't speak, his agent sighed, "That was the plan, but something went wrong."

"Oh? What happened?"

"Earlier, Bayern Munich had already agreed with Dortmund to sign Robert for €25 million. But for some reason, Bayern Munich suddenly turned to launch an attack on Mario Götze, and they're close to signing him now. But because of Götze, Dortmund didn't want to lose two core players at once, so they rejected Bayern Munich's offer for Robert and restarted contract renewal talks. We're currently negotiating with the club on the renewal issue."

After listening to his agent's words, Woodward didn't speak. He looked at Tiger, who looked at Lewandowski's eyes and asked, "Robert, do you plan to stay in Dortmund?"

Lewandowski hesitated for a moment, "If the renewal terms are suitable, I still like it here."

Tiger suddenly asked, "What if the renewal doesn't go smoothly?"

Hearing this, Lewandowski looked at Tiger's eyes and stared at him. Tiger r didn't avoid it but looked straight back. After a long time, Lewandowski asked slowly, "What would I get if I go to England?"

Hearing this, Tiger was overjoyed. It seems that there is a chance! Without hesitation, Tiger r said, "A starting position, a contract worthy of your value, and the respect of a head coach."

Hearing this, Lewandowski suddenly became interested. When Bayern Munich wanted to sign him earlier, Lewandowski was very close to the Allianz Arena, but Bayern's sudden pursuit of Götze plunged him into a low point. This incident made Lewandowski resentful towards Bayern, but because of his previous decision to leave, he had a rift with Dortmund.

This is like your bride on the eve of the wedding suddenly deciding to marry the best man, leaving you homeless and forced to return to your ex-girlfriend's house, enduring her cold gaze.

"Bayern, are you kidding me with Lewandowski?"

Of course, Tiger knew about this past, and the ups and downs between the two clubs over Lewandowski had been widely discussed on the internet in later years. Seeing Lewandowski's silence, he guessed something was up. Tiger knew that on the one hand, Lewandowski was not from the Dortmund academy, he was just a mercenary with little affection for Dortmund; on the other hand, Dortmund was too small a stage, and Lewandowski had the ability of a world-class forward. He would not be willing to waste his best years in a club that sells its key players every year.

Tiger e looked at Lewandowski sincerely, "Robert, Manchester United won't treat you as a backup like some other clubs. In my heart, you are the future core center forward of Manchester United. I came here in person today because I believe you can feel my respect and attention for you."

After a long pause, Lewandowski sighed, "Mr. Tiger, thank you for your attention. I am not sure about the future right now, and I need some time."

Tiger nodded, "Robert, I understand that it's difficult for anyone to make a decision at this time, but I will always wait for you, waiting for the day you come to Old Trafford, and together we will create the future. You are the toughest sword on my future champion road."

Talking about this topic, everyone felt a bit heavy. Woodward was a master at stirring up the atmosphere, so he quickly changed the topic to talk about the recent interesting events in international football and some major events happening in European society. Soon everyone forgot about the previous heavy topic and had a very relaxed conversation.

Tiger e even joked about the English media's articles of distrust towards himself, which made everyone burst out laughing.

When leaving the coffee shop, Tiger once again said solemnly to Lewandowski, "Robert, if you ultimately decide to stay in Dortmund, I wish you all the best. If you want to leave, I hope Manchester United can be your first choice. If you come to Manchester United, I will give you the opportunity to conquer Europe, and you will be responsible for helping me win championships. This is our agreement."

As Tiger and Woodward rushed to the Schalke area of Gelsenkirchen, they waved goodbye to them.

Observing Tiger's departure, the agent smiled and remarked, "Tiger is quite an interesting character. However, I wonder if he can lead the Red Devils with his easy-going temperament. What's your opinion, Robert?"

Lewandowski glanced at Tiger's retreating figure, pondering, "Although Tiger seems cheerful and easy-going, I can sense his strong desire to win. He is decisive and unburdened by conventions."

The agent agreed, Someone who can take overwhelming criticism as a joke is indeed not simple."

"Perhaps Tiger can lead Manchester United back to the pinnacle of Europe," Lewandowski tightened his fist, considering his own future.

"Robert, let's study the new contract proposed by Dortmund. But honestly, the new contract they offered yesterday is quite stingy. Your salary is even lower than that of a newly joined player. It's truly frustrating," the agent lamented.

As they walked and talked, they gradually disappeared into the streets of Dortmund.

They arrived at the Schalke 04 youth team training camp and went straight to the club to discuss purchasing players.

"800,000 euros to buy a young player who only knows how to dribble?" Schalke 04 club did not hesitate and readily agreed to Woodward's offer. They told them that they could communicate directly with the player.

On the edge of the training ground, Tiger saw a skinny young man.

"Hello, sir. Are you looking for me?" the young man looked at Tiger and Woodward in front of him.

Woodward introduced himself first, emphasizing Tiger afterward.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Tiger," the young man was very surprised to see the new Manchester United coach, who has been very popular in the media recently, appearing in front of him. He vaguely sensed that something was about to happen.

"Young man, I think you should start calling me boss in a few days," Tiger looked at him, "We just talked to Schalke 04 club and want to bring you back to England. What do you think?"

"This..." The young man was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect to be noticed by top-tier Manchester United. He blurted out, "Why me?"

Tiger pointed at him and said, "I'm telling you now, if you come to Manchester United, the number 7 shirt will be yours in a few years. How about it, Leroy Sane?"