Strange Beginnings.

The magical sound of the academy bell rang throughout the building, school was officially over. Out poured the students from most classrooms, the academy was clearly overcrowded as could be seen by the large crowd of students forcing their way through the halls. Not 10 minutes would pass before the chaotic academy regained its calm. By now most room were empty, except for the odd few which still housed working professors or the odd student.

Among these odd students was one boy, weak looking and asleep. It would take another 20 minutes for him to wake, he rubbed his eyes tiredly, sleep inertia still clearly visible on his wasting face.

His eyes were strange, they were colored a beautiful royale purple, and strangest of all they both had a big "X" over them. The color of the "X" seemed ever changing, at times it seemed many colors all at once. Yet despite these strange eyes no one had ever bothered the boy, at least not because of his eyes.

His name was Finn Novus, a strange boy.

In this world humans were known to have two powers, their racial power as humans, and their individual Soul Abilities. Yet Finn was never seen using his Soul Abilities, he only ever used his Aura Manipulation. Though even that was limited as he didn't use any weapons instead choosing to fight with his fists.

Most who fight using Aura Manipulation use a sword of a spear as using sword or spear aura whilst simultaneously welding said weapon made the user stronger as they would be able to manipulate their aura more finely.

Yet despite this Finn was only ever known to fight with his fists, he used a verity of auras but primarily he relied on his own human aura.

He was odd yes but he was nonetheless strong, he was ranked among the top 10 strongest in the academy and considering the importance and high status of the academy that was no small feat. As a matter of fact if not for his oddities Finn would likely be constantly swarmed by suitors.

Alas he couldnt be bothered with such a thing as public image.

"It's 5pm... I guess I dozed off again"

The boy muttered to himself, still half-dazed. Finn stretched for a bit, allowing his bones to feel rejuvenated.

"It's off to the workshop I guess..."

He muttered once more as he picked up his bag, swinging it over his shoulder he started walking.

The boy walked through the maze-like hallways of the school untill eventually arriving at an exit. Pushing the door open Finn was greated by the cool air of fall, the leaves had already long since fallen from their place among the trees, it wouldn't be long until winter arrived.

Finn seemingly unaffected by the breeze continued walking. He walked through campus eventually arriving at the large metal gates that marked the beginning and end of school property. Finn walked through them, confidently and unperturbed. Strangely as he stepped through the gates and existed the academies campus the scenery changed.

The once calm and cool fall setting was replaced with a large and sprawling urban city. although the cool air was still present it know felt quite different, know it felt more stuffy and polluted.

Yet unperturbed by this sudden change in setting Finn continued walking, as he walked along the sidewalk speeding floating cars wizzed by, along the road one could see the occasional terrestrial cars also going about it's business.

Finn walked and walked, the bright advertisement trying to induce him into buying a multipla of products.

Soon he turned a sharp right and went straight into an alley.

The dark dingy place reaked of illegal substances but Finn ignored it all. At the very end of the Alley stood talk and proud an imposing metal door.

It's hinges rusted and it's smell similar to urine didn't seem to bother Finn as he reached into his pocket for a key. After no more than a second of digging Finn took out an equally rusted key.

Considering Finn's high ranking in a high class academy most would assume he wouldnt even dare look at a normal house. If they found out his actual home was at least 10 times worse only the universe would know of their reactions.

Stepping through the metal door Finn closed and locked the door behind him before the lights came on automatically. The light revealed a wonderous and modern workshop full of anything a modern inventor would need and more.

Blueprints littered a nearby desk some finished others not so lucky, a mask like object could be seen on a table opposite to the desk, and on the opposite side of the room an exoskeloton stood tall.

The skeleton was clearly the early phase of some robot, though it seemed far more humanoid and realistic than any other. It's skeleton seemed to mirror a humans 1 to 1 as if to allow true fluid movement.

Finn put his bag down on the blueprint covered desk and approached the half-finished robot. Not long later all types of sounds could be heard coming from the workshop, if it weren't so soundproof the sounds would have already drawn the attention of passerbys.


Somewhere else, in a big mansion nearly as convoluted as the academy in structure.

A young lady could be seen sitting cross legged, her eyes closed as if meditating.

This young girl was nonother than Vivian Witold, another top 10 ranking student just like Finn.

Displeasure crawled across her beautiful face as her eyes fluttered open, within them a tint of anger could be seen before quickly disappearing.

"That room... it keeps blocking my senses"

She muttered in displeasure, standing up the young girl walked towards her bed before throwing herself atop it.

Closing her eyes she decided to rest, perhaps some sleep would quell her dissatisfaction. As the girl drifted into the land of dreams a slight smile formed over her face, now she looked like a sleeping angel.