Ding dong!
"I'ill get it!Lola roared , she stood up from the sofa , looked Lily who also sat on the sofa but seemed busy on her system, then repeated herself
"Ouch!. seriously my ears!" Lily exclaimed
"Lily!..the door please, they're here" Adline said walking down the stairs
"Like I said mom, i'ill get the door, looks like favoritism making Lily do the good " said Lola
"Just open the door or I will do it myself!" Connor vexed
Lola goes to open the door. Lily stands up while her mother and brother did a little tidying up, a helper rushed in through the back door hoping to open the door but Adline signaled the helper meaning they had it under control, all these scenes happened in-between the time Lola went for the door and she then opened it
"Arrrgh!" Lola rolled her eyes after opening the door
"hello" Anita waved
Lola stared at her from her head to toe,she was dressed in blue flowery agbada gown with a black handbag. Lola's eyes caught Dean,
"Perv!" Lola rolled her eyes
"Your manners madame" Adline said to Lola as she rushed to the door
"Huh" Anita said a bit surprised
"She doesn't mean any of that;Adline blinked looking at Lola who just walks away
"Hello Handsome!!" she said in a shrieked voice to Dean
"Hello ma'am;Dean bent his head in respect
"Hey!...no need for the bending thing, come in !..;Adline said directing mother and son to have a seat.
While Dean and his mother sat and had to listen to Adline's excitement talk, a helper came to ask them what they would love to eat they politely refused to eat but would rather have a drink. Lilly rushed down to get her mouse for her system, smirked at Dean who waved at her and then runs up the stairs straight to her room.
In about 20 minutes later, Mr Cole came walking down the stairs in beach shorts and a Tommy white top, he probably practiced some Nigeria way of showing Courtesy, well he did it well with the visitors then had to seat. Shortly after, Connor joined in his rough jean shorts and a black polo.
Connor walks to the kitchen while his parents were having a chat with Anita then comes out seconds later with a tray of five wine glasses, Dean gets up to assist him but he waved a no,drops the tray and heads to the wine cabinet to get a wine,
"You take red wine?" Connor asked Anita
"I don't think you need to ask Connor" Mr Cole said
"No it's okay dear, I take red wine" Anita nodded
"Yea,it's okay " Anita agrees
"And Dean?"
"He's seventeen, I don't let him take alcohol" Anita clicks tongue,
Connor crooked a smile at Dean, he drops the wine on the tray kept on the centre table.
Dean looked bored, didn't look like a day to talk to Mr Cole because the adults only talked adult.
However, he could swear he caught Mr Cole stare at him through his reading glasses. Connor was quiet the whole time rather on his phone one could say because the Genz are addicted to technology, Dean decided he too could switch to viewing status and watching Memes. Soon Anita began loosened up then began telling the Coles about Dean's birth and childhood,Dean answered a few questions.
"Hey humm...Connor, mind taking Dean on a tour?" Said Mr Cole,Dean sighed a relief
"Sure of course pops, didn't think you were gonna ask"
"Common Dean, right?"
"You gonna love my room!!" Connor laughed
"Woah!!! I sure do love your room!!" Dean exclaimed at the sight of Connor's room
"Told you" Connor laughed
"Okay! okay!, woah wait a minute....is that a money heist costume! ....it also has a mask!" Dean admired the costume hanged at a side of the room
"Have you watched money heists Korea?" He continued
"No!...but I could watched, I have a huge crush on this Korean girl at my school" Connor smiled
"That's not all,.... I also have a disco bulb" he added turning on the disco bulb
"These disco balls are for what?" Dean asked
"Well, I make my parents believe it's for tiktoks...but I just invite some friends over when they out" said Connor
"Woah!!" Dean was obviously trying to process a polite facial expression
" And a terrifier mask too !!!"
Dean was full of excitement,he noticed a massage chair and had to just try it out, Connor helped turn it on
"Sooooooooo....cooool!!" You could feel the vibration as the did massage justice to Dean's lazy bones.
"Wait a minute,is your room like a studio or what?"
"Technically I would say yes" said Connor with a little pride sitting on his swivel chair, giving himself a round spin
" I mostly use the costumes for tiktok videos, duet to some songs as well as making funny kits, my room in America has more costumes than I have in Nigeria" Connor explained
"So eehmm... how many views or likes do you get for the stress you go through?" Dean was curious
"My last video was a transition one,and I had like a 1.2million views and a million likes... isn't that awesome!!!, I just need a hundred more followers to get to a million, maybe one of these days I could feature you"
"Well, you have a tiktok account right?" Connor asked but nodded in response
"5000 followers,my mom has rules set out for me,she feels social media is like a bad influence" Dean shrugged
Connor opened a drawer from his desk , brings out a wine and two wine glasses, he smiled at Dean,
"You drink?, With a little alcohol?" Connor asked
"Not around my mom...but yes;Dean said Connor hands him a glass of red wine
"So... tell me about yourself,your relationship,and how you deal with booring moods, because right now , I feel like am staring at a loner" Connor sipped, Dean sipped along
"Yea, about moods,my máá fiance's always there for me, and relationship is kind of akward, sometimes I get scared because I get this scary thinking that am going to get a girl pregnant and she has to make sacrifices like my mom, I just feel like am not ready,so it all school now" Dean explains
"Ah!... momma's good boy, so now you are gay or what?" Connor clapped
"Shuss...my mom hates that word..but I love boobs not just ready for them yet" Dean whispers
"My mom hates it too,but anyways I love boobs and coochie ... like God made that for men... nothing can make me choose my own gender, or assume a gender that's not mine over boobs!!, boobs is life bruh" Connor laughed heaving a heavenly sigh
"How about your school,how come you and your sisters don't talk about school?!" Dean changed the topic
"My sisters are home schooled for now" said Connor spinning his swivel chair
"And slow down, we just met, anyways...am in college...I know how I handle my shit"
"Is it me or did you just talk me into changing the topic aye?; Conner gave a mild disapproval Dean crooked
"Still on house tour... do you love to read?...books, comics" Connor stood
"Comics" Dean approved
Connor urged Dean to drop the wine glass and follow him, the house was more prettier in sight as they went further, soon they were at study room, the door was shut Connor excused himself he seemed to have forgotten something in his room,tells Dean to check the study room out. Probably forgetting he had to knock, he opened the study room door and and his jaw dropped at what he just saw!.
"Am so sorry!"he immediately apologizes and was about to head out but he got pulled in and the door was shut and locked.