Mecha acquired

Sera looked at the weapons on the wall. 

Ideally, she wanted to choose the shield circlet, which employs a circular shield made of energy . The shield size is adjustable. 

Interstellar force value is measured in density of energy in your body, not by the quantity. Sera's energy measurement is twice that of the highest rank, but her density value is half that of the lowest.  Thus, this shield will never be out of energy. 

This shield is probably her only purchase in the game. She can say it's money well spent. 

In her original life, she had no money, so she had to get humiliated.

Things belonging to the university could not be bought with money alone. She needs honor points, which are gotten by killing monsters, or ranking in top in exams. 

Now, she has plenty of money, but has no points, she once again is humiliated. 

A ominous aura surrounded her as she looked at the wall, all the prices floating above the weapon display.

' Uncharged Shield band, 1 point ' 

' Carbon coated army knife, 10 points ' 

' Grenade launcher , 10000 points ' 

' Grenades , 100 points ' 

Original owner , with her squeamishness, and shitty combat physique has no chance of killing monsters for points. Worst of all, her idea was to let Lance pay for her weapons. After all, it is only right as a fiance to cover herself, isn't it ? 

It never occurred to her that had Lance been of any sort of interest, or even politeness towards her, he would have already taken her hunting, letting her have points in her own account. 

Even now, instead of coming forward, he sat there, smiling at her mockingly. 

" I will take free weapons. " Sera declared. 

" What free weapons ? Our school does not have any free weapons ! " the instructor answered flustered. 

Sera smiled like a Cheshire cat. 

She grabbed his weak point all too correctly. As one of the donors to the school, the Dustwood family has provided free weapons to all the students. 

" Are you sure, instructor ? I will report those words exactly to the principal, as well as the director board. Then you will have to explain it to them as well. Also, You do know that our family is the donors to this school, correct? I have the authority to ask for and check accounts. " Sera said mockingly. 

The Instructor sneered at her outwardly. But inside, he was trembling. His stomach roiled from fear, a gigantic sword hung on his head. 

' Corruption charges ' 

The sword's tassel read. 

' Why did he think Sera dustwood is a pushover ? No matter how ditzy she looked, she was still a heiress ! But how far does she know ? No, I have to pretend to give in first. There would be more than one opportunity on the test planet. ' the instructor thought. 

The dustwood family donated weapons. Technically that is correct. It is a top grade planting tool set. You shove the shovel into the mouth of a beast or spear its eyes with the digging crowbar. They are made with better quality steel than weapons, as they are to last the battering of years. 

Only, the school really liked to ' eat and run without paying the bill ' . 

The seed samples went to houses of the instructors, while they sold the planting tools and seed sets in the black market to the backward planet. 

" Just speak ! What do you want for your silence ? " The instructor gritted his teeth. 

" Hah ! " Sera reeled back with her hand on her mouth dramatically. 

" instructor ! How could you measure honesty in materialistic terms ? Please, give me the planter set , or .. return the donation to the Dustwood family. Of Course, if I don't receive a planter set in the next ten minutes, or the donation is not returned to the Dustwood family in the next three days, we will have no choice but to choose the legal recourse. " Sera said, her face the very picture of magnanimity. Thank the original owner for at least receiving updates from the company periodically. 

The instructor gritted his teeth. 

They sold all the planter sets, leaving not even a single one. 

" Please, Miss Dustwood ! The school is happy to agree to any requests you have. It will be our pleasure. " The instructor begged, with tears in his eyes. 

" Hmm… Even if you say so, there is nothing in this school that is equal in value to the donation made by Dustwood industries. " Sera mused. 

" There is ! Yes, school has something. !  We have the S-grade planters set we won from the last championship ! We also have the seeds of the world tree we received from the consolation prize for the graduation team. Believe me, the combined worth of these two things is more than worth the donation ! " The instructor begged. 

The students below have become extremely curious, for they could not hear the conversation that is happening at the pedestal at all. 

Inside her heart, an anime Sera punched a fist into the air, golden sparkles all around her, making rounds on a hoverboard as confetti sprayed around her. 

World tree seed was the first championship reward, as such, only a few people have them. 

When she came here, having a world tree seed was the symbol of the top player. Her happiness is not just for getting the trophy, but also because it's the only item in the game that's customized to be used by Sera. 

In the game, Sera could store her HP and MP in the world tree seed, making her go to 1 hp, and 0 mp. This effect stacks with no limit. Then, she could use this HP and MP to do energy related tasks. Star energy works similarly. 

" Just those planters and seeds ? The Dustwood industries have provided this scholarship help for more than ten years now. " Sera thought aloud. 

" Explorer mecha ! The school had won a custom designer explorer mecha a hundred years ago. The mecha also needs points, far more than the weapon. We will provide this Mecha to Miss Dustwood free of charge. No need to return to the school. Believe me, this mecha is designed by mecha designer god Kubo Zun. It is the only explorer mecha he designed in his lifetime. It carries the world's first and last fully bio energy operated engine. " 

' Explorer mecha's are level hundred reward ? ' Sera thought drooling at the thought of owning one. 

' Did Christmas come early ? ' She wondered … ' Is this body … a legendary lucky koi ?  ' 

" I will reluctantly concede, for I can not ruin the career of such a dedicated teacher as you. However, next year, the scholarship must be distributed as they were supposed to be. " Sera warned. 

" Yes of course, Miss Dustwood. " The Instructor's face did not change much, but his manners are entirely different. 

' Ha ! That is if you come back from the planet alive ! ' The instructor thought with a sly expression. 

" You must give me all the world's tree seeds in your possession. " Sera demanded. 

" Yes of course, Miss Dustwood. " the instructor said happily. 

Inside, he scoffed at the idiocy of this little girl. After all, world tree seeds have no visible use, and they don't even sprout. Except for their fancy name, there's nothing valuable about them. 

The explorer mecha he promised is a white elephant. It's a design competition winner, as such, it has many novel features. It's made entirely of wood, which even an E-rank mutant animal could drill into. It's powered by bio-energy means if there's not enough fuel, it's done for. Maintenance cost is similar to that of expensive wooden art pieces. 

Add to that, this mecha's weapons are also made of wood. Their attack ability is F at best - of course, on the lower side of rank F. 

If your luck is bad and you encounter a bark eating bison or something, then the entire mecha will get eaten by it. 

Obviously, Sera had no way of knowing that. 

She only knew that the level hundred class change reward included a mecha which is designed based on Kubo Zun's one and only bio mecha, so she thought this is an awesome piece of equipment. 

In the end, even if she knows it, she has no other choice but to take this mecha, and this weapon, for she had points for none other. 

Even if she had points, she could not effectively use any of them. 

Thus, the instructor pressed buttons. After a minute or so, just as the students were about to get restless, a robot entered their class room, with a green bag and a bright green briefcase. Along with these, a dark green camouflage type necklace was there, with a round exotic looking wooden key. 

It is an Mecha necklace, which is made with advanced space technology. As long as she uses the key on the lock on her neck, the mecha will be released outside. Similarly, she could put the mecha back in using the key. 

That's the key to mecha. 

" Choose your weapon. " 

The instructor said ceremoniously. 

Sera walked to the robo, and picked the bright green bag and briefcase. 

" F-rank combat system, Specialized planters tool box with world tree seed sampler. " The instructor announced. 

The mecha necklace went into the box that stored systems. 

Now that all her tasks are done, Sera settled in her room to watch some news to learn more about this world.