
" Are you sure she is not alive any more ? " Marx Esgrot asked the messenger who arrived from the college of oakriver. 

Today, at three thirty, he received the news his daughter had died tragically. She was a hero, who died trying to save her teammates. If she had not bought that time, many more students would have died. 

Marx was pleasantly surprised. He thought the girl was a vain coward. Sometimes, he wondered if she was even his get with how cowardly she was. His side of the family is many things, but a coward or timid is not one of them. The girl who only knew how to splurge money, and cry foul to him died saving people ? 

He is skeptical. 

Yet, it's a narrative he liked. 

It's really as if someone handed him a pillow when he wanted to sleep. 

When he married into the Dustwood family many years ago, he knew where his endgame lay. He wanted the entire dustwood empire. Despite being considered the weakest of the oligarchs, Dustwoods contained most assets among them. Only, their power is a little wobbly. That is where he came into picture. If not for the promise of his protection, the Dustwood patriarch would never have allowed him into the family. 

At first, Marx was on cloud nine. He wondered what a lady tasted like. Turns out, just the same as others. Yet, once he has seen his wife in a social setting, he realized, upbringing does count for something, even in this time and day. His wife is the flower of the social scene, and more than one man directed envious glances at him when Emma Dustwood had arrived on his arm. 

That, more than anything, convinced him he had made the right decision. 

For any of his other needs, there's his lover, Rosalind Bisch, who was an actress. 

With an elegant wife who is incredible at all the boring maintenance, and a lover who is bold, daring and well connected, Marx thought his life could not get any better. As the war settled, he started his plan of converting the Dustwood group into his own backyard. He put his people in positions of power. He created a set of liabilities that would be nothing if the government closes one eye, and opens another eye. This way, the Dustwood group grew more and more reliant on him as the days passed. 

When Orion came into power, Marx slowly started gaslighting him on white elephant type projects. In a year or two, Orion Dustwood will run out of operating cash if he continues at this rate. It will be all too easy to get rid of him at that time. 

The only problem was his daughter. Now that his daughter died so very conveniently in a manner most helpful to himself, he should make the most of her death.

You must be wondering How could a father not feel the slightest bit of grief at the loss of his daughter ? Marx never much liked his daughter. She was too wimpy and feminine for his taste. On top of it, she was high maintenance. She's too close to his wife. She's too reminiscent of the uppity snobs he hated with a passion. There are many reasons … the summary is Marx irrationally hated Sera, and always had. 

Sera dying as a hero is an unforeseen windfall in the eyes of her father. 

As such, he was all too happy to arrange a grand funeral for his daughter, as befitting of a heiress and a hero. Hopefully, it coincides with the national day celebrations, giving even more levity to the occasion. He would make as much of this windfall as he can. 


Emma left the room after the news was conveyed. 

Unlike her husband, she was devastated. Yet, she wiped the tears, controlled her emotions, then made the necessary calls. 

" Hello, this is the women's shelter. What can I do for you ? " A perfunctory voice sounded from the otherside. 

" Please connect me to director Porshia. " Emma asked. 

" Porshia speaking. " The voice changed after a beep. 

" Hi Porshia ! " Emma greeted. 

" Chairman ! what .. no. .how .. no.. what can I do for you ? " Porshia spoke all too excitedly. 

" It's time. " Emma said in a somber voice. 

" What ??? !!!!! Rerr…ea.. REally ?! .. no, Wait ! I understand, Chairman. " Porshia answered. 

" Should we start with the oldest one ? " Porshia asked. 

" Are you sure you can procure all that is necessary ? " Emma asked seriously. 

Porshia paused. 

" Start with ones most likely to succeed. Choose wisely. When in doubt, err on the side of caution. " Emma advised. 

" Understand, Chairman. I will start right away. " The woman on the phone answered. 

Emma just hung up the call. 

Then, she made the next call. 

" Hello, this is Emma Dustwood. " She greeted me politely. 

" Lady Dustwood ! What can I do for you on this brilliant day ? As long as it is legally possible, our agency will accomplish the task for you. " The man on the phone gushed. 

" I need a discreet appointment. Also, please start reviewing the asset list, both my dowry and assorted inheritances. " Emma told the man. 

" A review Maa'm ? " The otherside asked doubtfully. 

" Yes, a comprehensive review, geared towards inheritance. Confidentiality matters above all. " Emma answered the man. 

" Understood, ma'am, " The man answered. 

" Thank you. " Emma greeted and cut the call. 

Then, she made another call. 

" Hello, This is Emma Dustwood. " She called in to the phone. 

" Hello, Lady Dustwood ! How are you this fine morning ? " The voice on the other side asked perkily. 

" Great, Mr. Pembutton. How is business these days ? " She asked genially. 

" It's doing alright. Is there anything I can help you with ? Are you finally thinking of availing our services ? " The man asked. 

" Indeed ! Mr. Pembutton is as sharp as always. " Emma praised. 

" My ! oh My ! Oh my god ! " Pembutton exclaimed. 

" Orion likes the lively ones. But you need not limit the scope of girls to that. " Emma explained to him seriously. 

She arranged a spa treatment and a beauty salon treatment, with the inheritance review meeting sandwiched between the two. 


" Mr. Allen ! " Orion greeted a man hitler mustache and brown suspenders. He looked like a stuck up guy no matter which side one looked at. 

" Orion Dustwood ?! " Allen looked at the person greeting him in shock. Usually, IRS agents and the conglomerate heirs just don't like each other. Even the twenty year friendship Allen built was thrown away in a single day by Orion. Now he is greeting him like they were best of friends ? Allen was surprised. 

However, surprise is one thing, business matters are another. 

" Wow ! you remember me ! I was thinking if I should dance the chicken dance or something to make you remember. " Orion jokes. 

" Do you have a business with me ? " he asked bluntly. He is pending a promotion. He can't stand here for long talking to Orion of all people. 

" Yes. I was hoping for a favor. " Orion asked directly. He knew Allen. He would prefer this rather than beating around the bush. 

" Okay … ? " Allen said. Say one word about reducing taxes, I am going to shake Dustwood corporation till you pay the last penny owed to the state. 

" You know Dustwood corporation donates to educational institutes, correct ? This time, I need you to investigate corporate donations and budget spending of the Oakriver college. " Orion said. 

" Oakriver college ? " Allen said in a bit of shock. This is a total non-sequitur. 

After all, there's nothing connecting Orion and Oakriver. 

" My niece is attending college. She said some strange things, especially about the exam this time. I know you are the best and most trustworthy and fair in such investigations. I am only seeking the truth. No more, no less. " Orion added. 

Allen looked at him in surprise. 

He did not expect such a broad range request. 

This request was timely. He was just in need of a buzz generating case, so he may as well investigate this. 

" Alright. " he agreed. 


To military officers stood holding strange devices which looked like a mix between dream catcher and dow sticks in Ravenwood mansion. 

This is the mansion that has recently caused a stir in the news as the Dustwood heiress was injured here. 

" Sir ! This is the residue of Loreum, isn't it ? " The man asked his superior. 

" yes. " The officer answered reluctantly. 

" Does that mean the Dark Knight is reborn ? " the soldier mused once more. 

" the chances are very high. He probably already started assembling his forces. " The older man mused. 

" should we inform the general ? " The soldier asked. 

" As fast as we can, before the current crisis passes away. " 

They both moved away from the area. 

After they left, a single cockroach got out of the house, then followed to the nearby tree. 

A cute looking teenager picked up the cockroach. 

" report. " he said roughly. 

Soon, the events that transpired in the ravenswood mansion till now. 

The youth put away the cockroach, dissolving the cockroach in to a shadow.