Filled up

In the cabin, Sera played the latest drama while she leisurely transferred energy from bazinga to Moby. 

Calvin wanted Moby to have as much energy as the leviathan could handle. So, Sera's task was to fill Moby up, till the little Leviathan felt like it's about to explode.

After she got tired of dramas, she started browsing G-net. Once she finished catching up on the current gossip in the university, Sera started browsing the seeds on offer in the galactic market place. 

It's only then she realized how different the vegetables and grains of the galaxy are. 

[ Inch Wheat ] 

[ This wheat plant grows only to the height of one inch, but fear not ! its ears grow the size of a foot ! This is the perfect solution to the food crisis on your planet. Grow the wheat on the lamp post or grow it on your door ! it grows perfectly well even in the near darkness. Grow the Inch Wheat, never buy flour again ! ] 

The reviews read like this. 

[ one star ] 

[ Grows well, tastes like cardboard. ] 

[ one star ] 

[ Grows well, tastes like carpet. ] 

[ no stars ] 

[ doesn't grow in the dark at all. Just made flour out of the seeds ! Even our dog doesn't eat biscuits made of it. ] 

[ five stars ] 

[ I built a Guy-fawkes day house with the flour. It catches fire really fast ! the flour is so strong after baking, it can even break bricks ! ] 

Sera stopped. 

She understood the nature of this market. 

Now that she got the idea, she started from the five stars, and looked for the best option. 

[ Sweet Nectarines ] 

[ Grow the world's most expensive sweet nectarines, with less than ten micrometers skin, that breaks as soon as it touches your tongue, a light purple flesh that can give amethyst a run for its money, the perfect ellipse shape that satisfies golden ratio from any angle, these are not your everyday nectarines. ] 

[ Note : needs a 1.0 gravity adjustment, Dark moon soil, light from a pulsar star with frequency between thirty to forty five seconds, and Hydra's miracle water. ] 

[ Five stars ] 

[ Have all the necessary equipment, bought .. ] 

A series of advertisements underneath the extremely finicky artificial grapes variety. 

Sera shook her head looking at them. 

Just adjust gravity and collect dust from the moon. This much effort just for some grapes ? People sure do crazy things when they have enough money. 

Fortunately, their Dustwood is not this … ' stupid ', was what she wanted to say, but then wondered. Are they really not that stupid ? 

She wondered for a moment. 

The strange restlessness in her heart at the thought did not let her be. 

She opened the catalog of the company, and checked for the products they sell. 

Lo, and behold ! 

There they are, the Sweet Nectarines, of highest quality, grown with all these conditions. 

' My , I must really check the accounts of the company. ' She decided. 

Otherwise, these grapes, which end up in three hundred million expenditure, and bring only two hundred million revenue, how long are they going to keep up ? 

Is this how her father ruined the company ? 

He puffed up uncle Orion with praises about high class products, then made them involved in all loss making projects ? 

Calvin was roaming the perimeter of where Bazinga was stuck, to see if he could find a low gravity spot. 

The barrier of the nest is made of electromagnetic radiation, reinforced with gravitational force. All space creatures that roam freely, the space whales, cosmic turtles and Bazingas could control gravitation force. 

Among these, the turtles are best at control, and whales are best as sources of Gravium, the only metal in the world that changes its gravitational force in different conditions. Bazinga on the other hand, uses electromagnetic force as the attack medium. Once hit by Bazinga's electromagnetic beam, even a small planet will disintegrate. 

As such, they are also highest sources of any and all sorts of ores, but none of it could be mined till Bazinga dies. Conversely, almost every pest that could survive in space could be found on a Bazinga. Some of these pests even live in symbiotic relationships with a Bazinga. 

One such pest is the Lava Hound. 

An area near Sera bubbled over, like forming a lava pool on the surface of the ground. 

An erumpent-like creature came out from it. Sera knew this creature. 

Ti's a lava hound. 

It is a level twenty five creature that no one could defeat till they reach level thirty five. 

Firstly, it's attack is all elemental, it causes special fire damage, especially strong against wood and leather armor. You need both specialized defense armor, as well as specialized long range and melee weapons. Except for gravity beams, or cold bombs, nothing could damage or slow down this creature. 

Sera seriously thought she would die as soon as the animal approached her, keeping itself, Sera's mecha, and Moby in a straight line. Simply put, it's approaching Sera from Moby's blind spot. Moby can not move, for it is considered a large enough creature that could attract the attention of the Bazinga. 

It could attack with the smallest of the gravity beam, but the lava hounds are intelligent enough to avoid that angle altogether. 

As expected, real life creatures are far smarter than any AI ! Sera thought absentmindedly as she watched the hound. 

Sera let the creature approach far closer than it should. She wanted to see if they really came with the purpose of attacking herself. 

However, as soon as the creature opened its mouth to bite on her mecha's arm, Sera started absorbing its vitality. 

The lava hound froze where it was while the glowing lava flowed into the golden shine on her mecha. 

' Ah ! This must be why the people with energy transfer skill are hated ' Sera thought as the lava hounds all died as soon as they came within ten meter vicinity of herself. 

She picked up the first hound's corpse, then put it in her own stomach, which doubles as a revolving chamber to deliver items from outside to inside of the mecha cabin. 

The soil arrived pretty fast. 

As soon as the soil was within her naked eye sight, her system activated. 

[ Top class volcanic soil ] 

[ perfect soil to grow any hot weather crops in it. Most suitable soil for growing herbs. ] 

The cabin size increased. A door opened in the side, holding a trough with the soil from the lava hound. 

She spread the soil in the vegetable beds in the mecha cabin. 

The nutrition in the soil could be absorbed by her own mecha. She also wanted to see why these vegetable beds are formed inside the cabin itself. 

The cabin is spacious, but its foot area is low. 

It is like an ellipse, with far too many vegetable beds, some raised, some low, and some that are so shallow they are no different from the foot area. For now, she will fill them all with soil. 

If nothing grows even after a long time, then she will just add green grass to these beds, so that she could walk inside the cabin. 

How did she know which soil to fill where ? 

She could sense it, as long as one millimeter of her bare skin was touching the golden lines on mecha. 

The lava hounds did not stop coming at her. She filled the entire cabin with volcanic soil, still the lava hounds kept coming. 

The next one, she did not unfreeze or stop them. She just lobbed the entire lava hound's remains at the stock still Leviathan. Another one of Moby's tentacles swooped down and caught the corpse, putting it away. 

The next Lava hound glowed bright red. One look at it is enough to know that this hound is different. 

All the same, Sera was able to suck the vitality out of this hound, but she realized … Even with how fast she could absorb the vitality of an animal, this lava hound almost came close to her mecha, and was about to snap it's leg into two. 

When the remains were brought into the chamber, their reading was different too. 

[ Salt hound ] 

[ Able to bear four times higher temperatures than every day lava hound, the salt hound could dry your flesh into cornflakes in a mere second. ] 

What the ? 

She has never seen such a creature in Odyssey. Nor had she seen it in the player logs of other professional players. She did not know it from any other place as well. 

What does it mean ? 

Sera wondered. 

This world real ? None of what she knows is correct ? .. no .. it can't be that. Her prediction with her father has proven to be correct. 

This is entirely new information, that just means she really transmigrated and she was not stuck in a coma thinking about odyssey. 

However, this is bad. 

She could handle up to three salt hounds, but if a creature of higher temperature or a number greater than three comes, she will die here. 

Just as she was pondering if she should send SOS one more time, Calvin's voice rang in her head. 

[ Wrap it up. ] 

[ we will be leaving in ten. ] 

Matching those words, the roar of a blue colored lava hound echoed near the lava pool.