Baby Butler

' Move ! ' Sera ordered her petrified self as the dot in the sky changed from something the size of a finger to all encompassing. 

Her mecha raised up its plough tail, bent its legs and jumped. 

It is at this time Sera realized the changes that came with excessive Ribbit energy. The mecha cabin shook like crazy. That's still alright, because the captain's chair literally holds her hostage, with a tentacle made straight jacket. 

' Ah … lorelli.. ' the classical music automatically went on in her head as she started flying in the air, almost to the height that she exited the atmosphere, but that's not the worst. Her mecha gently stopped with that feeling of weight less that you feel right before an elevator stops. Sera knew instinctively it's the prequel to her fall. 

" Noooooooooooooooooo…. " she screamed. 

On the downside of the mecha, twelve more legs grew, in concentric squares, as fast as possible. The first fall broke outer legs, inner legs, and the ones just before the innermost with the impact, but the last legs took the impact, and jumped again. 

Only, impact is high, recoil is high. This time, angle is tricky too, for the asteroid had already tilted its axis. She jumped to land , but instead of finding land, all she found was empty sky. All around her, the rocks were floating loosely. On the window of the mecha, Sera could see the gigantic mouth of the bazinga, ready to swallow them. Her mecha began its descent straight into the planet eater's mouth. 

Sera just stared and gave up on her life. 

At this point, the leviathan's longest hair, the size of an elephant's trunk, swung back to catch Sera's mecha by it's leg. 

Sera was hung in the air, getting an unwanted three sixty degree view of the bazinga's maw. She was usually on the other side, so she never realized how scary of a creature a Baziga is. 

To think one day they might have to fight this ! 

No wonder the galaxy went extinct ! 

" Sera ! Sera Dustwood ! Are you alright ? " The comms functioned once more. 

" Sera Dustwood is dead ! I am merely a remnant of her soul, stationed here, to convey her last will and testament. Please whack Calvin Darkknight upside down his head, then break his legs, after that feed him only hard tack for his entire life, while watching simpsons on the repeat ! " Sera said with her sweetest and gentle voice. 

" I am sorry ! I didn't mean to scare you. " Calvin Darknight answered back, in his monotone. 

" scare ! Scare ? SCARE ??! CALVIN DARKNIGHT ! How dare you call this a mere scare ? Why don't you go straight into an exploding Nebula ? Then get chomped on by a Bazinga ? … " Sera screamed. 

She could hear him chuckling on the other side. 

" You .. ! How could you find this funny ! I almost lost my life ! You … You … heartless asshole ! " Sera had a sudden epiphany at this time. 

The best way to punish a straight man is to either shop … or .. use a girl's ultimate weapon - tears. Only … she doesn't have a single memory of crying. 




She stumbled out of mecha. 

" Kyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa…! " Sera started crying at the top of her lungs, exaggerating her suffering, in complete anime style. 

Calvin, who ran to her, stood stock still all of a sudden, his face full of shock ! Slowly, that shock morphed into awkwardness, then… desperation. 

" You.. How could you do this to me ? " Sera mumbled, following the prototypes of all the telenovela's she has seen.. 

… Silence … 

Whee … nonexistent leaves flew around in thin air. The three crows flew in a straight line, fully exhibiting the lameness of the situation. 

' Damn ! this is not going as I expected ' Sera thought, as she sweated buckets inwardly. 

She expected Calvin to jump around and promise her anything as long as she stopped crying. 

Just as she decided the best way to solve this awkward situation is to jump up screaming " Just kidding " … Calvin spoke. 

" I am sorry. Pll.. Please stop crying. Is there anything you want ? … I will get it for you.. . I …Just .. " one doesn't have to hear twice to know he was going to say ' just stop crying ' … 

" Ah.. ahny..any thing ? " Sera asked with a hiccup. 

" Yes. Just stop crying. " He begged. 

Sera slowly stopped crying. 

" Did you scan the earth in the junkyard ? " she asked him. 

" Yes. but it does not have any living beings. Most of the infrastructure was destroyed as well. " He answered. 




" What about seed banks ? " Sera asked impatiently. 

" those… " Calvin paused. 

" Seems one of them is standing fine. " Calvin added slowly. The highest seed bank, away from most human establishments, did survive even after the zombie apocalypse, but .. it was buried under layers of ice. 

Retrieval of this seed bank is … nigh impossible. 

It's really going to take all of his energy. If he brings back that seed bank, he would have to raise the leviathan for another three years to escape from this location. Even the magnetic river will not help him travel away. 

But … A promise is a promise. 

He owes Sera a life saving debt. Moreover, he has a pressing reason to go back to the earth in the junkyard, especially if that earth is heading straight towards Nebula. His eyes took on a look of greed as he looked at the distant earth. 

Sera, who only thought of the seed bank, did not even see the evil glint of his eye. For her, the excitement had been more than enough for the day. She only hoped to spend the rest of the day without any surprises. Unfortunately, that wish was in vain. 

Disasters always come in threesomes. 

Her pod was tossed around during the earthquake. Now, it's half buried in the rubble. The silver lining was that the door was facing outside. Thus, Sera opened the hatch. Tian had slumped on the ground as if he had no bones, and every other loose tool in the cabin was thrown haphazardly. Fortunately, her computer did not break. 

Sera only took the computer, and necessary items, then entered her mecha once more. She needs the power of a robot to clean up this location. Using all the strength of the mecha, she pulled out the pod from the ground. 

The first thing she did was to pull out Tian, then place him in mecha's stomach. 

She desperately needed her butler to work. Who will help her cook, clean and trash talk ? Tian was an absolute necessity for her mental health. 

[ Do you wish to integrate Robot Tian - 888 Series with the mecha ? ] 

[ yes ] [ No ] 

The prompt propped up on the screen. 

Can this be done ? Isn't her Mecha all biomass, while Tian is all metal ? 

[ Scanning Intelligent Robot Tian - 888 ] 

[ Graphene connection port available. ] 

[ Integrating through Graphene bio form connection port. ] 

[ Downloading the operating system. ] 

[ Verifying the connection permissions. ] 

[ Downloading latest operating system. ] 

[ Porting personal preferences… ] 

[ Verifying the materials of Robot Tian - 888 ] 

[ Programmable nano matter is confirmed. ] 

[ Formatting Robot Tian -888 for digestion. ] 

What ? Formatting for digestion ? Digestion ? Is her bio mecha eating her hard ass robot … ? 

Before Sera could respond, the Tian had crumbled from bottom down, forming into a pool of lego blocks with wheels. Then, the lego blocks all drove into the small black hole that appeared in the corner, and disappeared. 

[ processing nano programmable blocks. ] 

[ updating nano material database. ] 

[ successfully integrated Tian - 888 Butler series. ] 

[ optimizing the Tian - 888 to baby black butler 001. ] 

[ Baby black butler - 001 starting service. ] 

The hole in the floor widened. All of a sudden, a little baby hand came out of the hole, trying to find a purchase on the floor. 

" Oomph ! " a baby screamed with all of its strength, pulling itself out of the hole. 

Only, the baby put on too much strength. The moment it's out of the hole, it rolls on the floor, only to come to a stop at Sera's feet. 

It's a little baby clad in a perfect black butler suit, complete with a polka dot red bow tie on its neck. The baby looked adorable as it stood up. 

" Greetings to master. " the robot greeted her, executing a perfectly cute bow. 

" Xiao Tian… ? " Sera asked doubtfully. 

" My lady ! For your information, I am a version higher than Tian, thus, I can only be Da Tian, not Xiao Tian ! " The baby corrected her seriously. 

Sera's eyes sparkled at the little robot. 

She squatted in front of the robot… 

Red danger signals went off in the baby butler's head. However, before the baby butler could retreat to a safe distance, Sera's paws caught him. 

Sera squeezed his little chubby cheeks, with a perfect amount of bounce, and the absolutely smooth feel on hands, grinning from ear to ear. 

" Gods ! You are so cute .. Choo… cuuutee… " Sera mumbled to herself, squeezing his little cheeks with all her strength.

" Master ! .. Ma…sss…ttt.. Rrr… Pll… sss..eeeeee… ssssss…top ! " The baby butler's pleas are ignored completely.