Sometimes, when destiny hates you, everything will gang up and make everything troublesome. It is like a domino effect plus butterfly effect combined where it screws your whole day.
Right after the pink-haired mage and I crashed on the dumpster truck, we were immediately summoned to the Students Affairs Office for counseling.
We just had to make a scene on this very first day, so we got a pretty long lecture from a faculty, Professor Azure. She has this nameplate on her table so we immediately know who's interrogating us.
Professor Azure is a lady in her thirties, with short blue hair and purple eyes. She is tall and slender which gives a hint that she's giving beauty queen vibes; Maybe she was back when she was in her teenage years. Her white coat, short black office skirt, and long dark stockings make her somewhat attractive.
Don't let her looks fool you though. Her smile is like a crescent moon, full of menace and sarcasm. Her eyes emit that deadly glare that silently whispers "I'll skin you two alive if you don't behave". It gives shivers down my spine.
"So you two are saying that you did not make a mess on the school dump truck on purpose?" Miss Azure asked.
"T-That's right! I did not know how to stop my experimental speed magic, so I decided to crash on the dumpster truck to minimize the damage! It's all my fault! So please just punish me! Jonathan has nothing to do with it!" Fluonessia said while bowing all the time.
I'm glad that she's sorry and she does not want me to be punished but isn't she too apologetic? And too energetic at the same time?
"Is this true?" Miss Azure looked at me with her killing glare but still maintained that menacing smile of hers.
"Y-Yes." I nodded.
Miss Azure crossed her arms and sighed, then she finally gave a relieved tone for us. "Okay then. I will not punish you two for this since this is your first day but be reminded that you two should not do that again. And please control your speed magic better, Fluonessia Asahime."
"W-Will do! Thank you for your kindness, Miss Azure!"
Fluonessia saluted and stood straight like a military footsoldier. Then she bowed at a perfect 90-degree angle and slammed her forehead towards the table.
"Awuwu!" Fluonessia cried.
I'm kind of worrying about this pink-haired idiot and what she always does to herself with that kind of bubbly energy. I think she will kill herself at some point.
"You two are dismissed. Go to your respective classrooms."
"Yes-" Just before Fluonessia was about to bow and kill her remaining brain cell, I dragged her out of the Students Affairs Office. I can't let an idiot die in front of me.
Saint Crusade Academy is a school of mages, so it follows the standard medieval-style architecture. Each building looks like it was built in the middle ages, except that the bricks and walls looked way sturdier and reinforced with cement. People would easily mistake this academy as a fortress castle for kings.
We walked down the corridor and changed buildings through the skywalk while the pink idiot continued to talk like a broken radio that cannot be turned off. And I'm just answering her questions as briefly as possible so that I won't appear rude to her.
"Hey, hey, Mister Jonathan! What's your first class?"
"Whoa! Mine too! What a coincidence! What time was it?"
"Same! What's the building?"
I was not sure about it, so I picked up my class cards and looked at the details. "General Studies Building."
"Whoa! Same! I'm going to the General Studies Building too!" Fluonessia pumped her fists. "So what room are you supposed to take your English Class in?"
"Whoa! That's a really lucky coincidence! My class is in Room 412 too!"
I stopped in my tracks and had the realization that I will be classmates with this troublesome chatterbox. Meanwhile, Fluonessia rushed a few steps further and finally stopped at the door that has Room 412 name on it.
"Heeey Jonathan! This is our classroom, isn't it?" Fluonessia shouted. I swear we'll be put back to the Students Affairs Office in no time because of her noisy mouth.
I took a deep breath. Well, let's look at the positives. Fluonessia is a cute girl, and she is kind too. It will take no time to like her at all with her bubbly attitude. She's like a sun that gives warmth with just her smile.
But then again, she is an airhead, clumsy, and noisy fellow. I'm an introvert, so we're complete opposites. She's also a mage, which is my most hated specie of all people. I'm pretty sure she will discriminate against magicless humans like me once she discovers it.
I finally settled down on one seat in the back row, near the window. I find it mesmerizing to stare at the skies, daydreaming about flying whatsoever so I always go to this part of the room. Besides, this feels like I'm something of an anime character.
Fluonessia chose the seat just in front of me, with the same good view from the window. Maybe she wants to be an anime protagonist too.
"Is it okay to sit in front of you?" I-I just wanted to sit near somebody I already know, so... Ehehe..." Fluonessia made a disgusting fake laugh to hide her embarrassment.
"It's fine," I said as I leaned on my arm.
"Thanks!" Fluonessia energetically nodded with the same cute smile.
Just after that short conversation, the front classroom door opened, and students settled on their seats. To Fluonessia and my surprise, the professor for our morning period is Professor Azure! Most male students had their eyes heart-shaped, while the girls shrieked lovestruck!
"I'm sorry for being late as I was busy lecturing two idiots a while ago."
Professor Azure looked in our direction with a smirk, and there was nothing we can do but have our eyes wide and stay silent. After a few seconds, Miss Azure wrote her full name on the blackboard: Comette Azure.
"Whoa, so that's the great Comette Azure, the ultimate mage of this time!" One of the boys said.
"She's sexy, she's smart, and she's powerful! I want our professor to step on meeee!" The other boy said.
"I'll become a lesbian just for you, Madame Azure!" One of the girls said.
Ignoring those stupid remarks, I just kept quiet. I have no interest in the world of mages since I'm no mage myself. I'm just here to graduate from this four-year mercantile course so that I can make a living in my adulthood.
"Isn't it exciting, Jonathan? The great Comette Azure scolded us on the very first day! And she's our professor! I didn't even know that it was her until she revealed her full name to us!" Fluonessia said while directing her excitement at me.
"Doooon't caaaare." I yawned.
"Aren't you excited to meet the greatest mage of this time?"
"I don't mind. I'm not a mage." I said briefly.
Seriously, I'm just here in this room to learn English. And being the greatest mage of all time doesn't mean that you're a good teacher of English.
I somehow saw Fluonessia change her bright expression to a sad one. She turned her lips to a slight frown and whispered.
"You're not a mage?" Fluonessia asked dejectedly.
I did not talk beyond that. I will just put myself to shame.
Finally, Miss Comette Azure cracked the murmurs going around in class by speaking loud and clear.
"Silence, dipshits. You need four textbooks to take this English class, it will cost about five thousand, and you need it by tomorrow."
"W-What!?" The whole class was in an uproar. All those senses of admiration for the so-called "legendary magus" is now put to the test.
But Miss Comette Azure continued.
"It's the first day, so I already assumed that you have read the first book. You will have to do a ten-page essay on the activities for chapters one to five, and you have ten minutes."
"W-What!?" The whole class yelped.
"Any questions?" The professor asked.
Most of the students raised their hands, even Fluonessia who is completely confused. I'm confused too, but I have to save face by staying quiet and act like as if I am ready for the impossible challenge.
But the legendary mage just ignored all those hands.
"No questions? Then now clear your desk as I am about to give you pop exams about divination, evocation, and speed magic concerning the existing magical physics and calculus."
"But this is English!" Most people had an uproar, and this time I joined the class echoes.
"If you have complaints, feel free to submit your suggestions here." Professor Azure said as she pointed her stick to the trash bin. And she did it with a menacing smile on her face.
This is why I've been saying from the start that my day is already screwed.