"Whoaaaaaaaa! This is awesome!"

Flu's eyes glittered in amazement when we finally arrived at the Saint Crusade Academy's joint training camp. It is conducted at the center of the mountain range which has wide grassy plains that are suitable for playing Speed Battles.

At the north was the icy forest, the east was straight to the mountain range, the south leads to our camp which is composed of hundreds of tents, and the west leads to a train station rail track where we came from. The central area is about tens of hectare-wide grass field. To explain it simply, the entire area is a vast desert, only that the floor is filled with grass. That is why this place is called Sogen Training Camp.

"Welcome, Merry Knights Guild. My name is Tezza Flaschk, and I will be orienting you in this training camp."

Not to everyone's surprise (maybe Flu was surprised because her eyes are open round and wide), Captain Tezza is organizing this joint training camp. I have heard that she is the most active captain out of the three in the Cool Escape Guild, and she even works harder than their guild president.

"W-We'll be in your care, Captain Tezza!" Flu energetically bowed over and over.

"Oh, I see that our energetic rookie is here. Nice to meet you again, Miss Fluonessia Asahime."

"The honor is mine! I am looking forward to training together!" Flu continued to bow exaggeratedly.

All of us bowed as a sign of respect. Captain Tezza is a respectable person, and she's kind too. Her silver eyes just always give this scary vibe to her.

"First thing is first. Follow me and I will lead you to your tents." Captain Tezza said as she walked towards the southern portion of the grass fields.

As we walk by, we saw several club members setting up Checkpoint Towers. There are even Speedmages who are running around, testing the operations of the said checkpoints. Considering that this is a vast grassland, I reckon they can erect ten Triangles for this training camp. It feels like a preparation for the Olympics here.

"Wooooow! Awesome! I think I want to try running and touch those Checkpoint Towers too!" Flu pumped her fists.

"Please don't disrupt them. Just let them do their job." I said.

"Yes, Coach!" Flu saluted.

"Let's run around once we laid off our things, Flu!" Cruzo beamed with a thumbs up.

"Yes!" Flu immediately accepted! Just how simpleminded can she be!?

"You can try those Checkpoint Towers if you want, but don't exhaust yourself. We will start training at 2 in the afternoon."

"Yes, Captain!" Flu saluted again.

"Let's run around those Checkpoint Towers after lunch!" Cruzo beamed again.

"Yes!" Flu energetically accepted by pumping her fists.

"These two act like kids." Prez shrugged with a smile that is a sign of giving up.

After a few minutes of walking, we finally saw our tents closely. I'd say the tents they prepared seemed to be like that preparation of the kingdoms in the middle ages before they go to war. There are also people in there who are transporting Speedmage equipment with the help of a wheelbarrow.

"Woooow! There are too many tents for too many mages! Are we going to fight a dragon? Or are we going to charge through the undead army?" Flu energetically asked as she gazed around the camp.

We just ignored her and followed Captain Tezza. After a few moments, the training camp organizer stopped walking and showed to us two secluded tents from the others.

"This will be your headquarters for the next few days. Since there are only four of you, there's plenty of room for you to move about. I guess you will take it from here."

"Thank you for your kindness, Captain Tezza," Prez said.

"You're welcome. You are free to do as of the moment, and the bell will ring once it's mealtime. Remember, we will start the joint practice at two." Captain Tezza said before leaving us.

"Aye aye, captain!" Flu and Cruzo saluted.

Then Flu pumped her fists and looked at Cruzo.

"Sir Cruzo! Sir Cruzo! Let's race! Whoever touches the most Checkpoint Towers wins!"

"I will take you up on that, Flu! Let's go!"

The two idiots activated their speed spells, leaving only I and Prez in the dust. I know this must be exciting for them, but they will exhaust all their energy by running like nincompoops this early in the morning.

I was left to pick up Flu's and Cruzo's stuff. I was about to go inside the tent when I noticed Ericka just staring at the skies.

"We did it... We finally got invited to a joint training camp... and we made it..." Ericka said with a relieved smile.

I noticed that her body is slightly trembling, and it was a bad sign. I have to man up and act like a gentleman. My fingers immediately drew out something from our common supplies bag and offered something to her.

"Do you need a sick bag?"

"Give me one, just in case."

Ericka did not deny it as she immediately grabbed the sick bag and put it next to her mouth. Then she turned away to groan a disgusting sound.


I tapped her back over and over. "You'll be okay. You'll be okay."

I let Prez sit on an empty crate to rest while I organize our things. Since we have two tents, it is almost mandatory to divide males and females. That means I will be sleeping with Cruzo. Actually, Cruzo being my tent-mate is a big plus because I saw how many snacks he stored in his bag. Every night will be a feast for both of us!

When I returned outside, I saw three boys approaching our tent. These boys are wearing varsity jackets, have some shining pieces of jewelry, and they are well-groomed. They kind of remind me of those high school assholes who used to bully me for being magicless.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here? The Merry Knights have finally been recommended to join the training camp. What a surprise!"

The one who talked is a bulky man with bodybuilder muscles. He has a dark complexion and short dark curly hair.

"What do you want, Levi?" Ericka made a deathly stare at the one who is running his mouth.

"What's the matter? Isn't it right for a fellow Speedmage to greet the other's guild? And you should be honored because the highest of the Eaglecrest Guild walked his ass off just to visit your pitiful tents."

The talkative man named Levi turned around to show the Eaglecrest logo on the back of his varsity jacket. Even the two silent people beside him are wearing those Eaglecrest varsity jackets.

So they are the Eaglecrest Guild, the elite of the elite. Only those with influence in the magus association and exceptional talents are allowed to join their exclusive guild. I also heard that the national champion of the Speedmage Tournament last year was on their team.

All of a sudden, one of the boys who have brown hair, blue eyes, and a fair white complexion approached me. His build is skinny, and he's shorter than me. However, judging from the magical traces I can see with the help of my Mystic Glasses, I can see that this person is exceptionally extraordinary.

"You are Jonathan Wardenorth, is that right?" The man said in a deep voice.

Having that man say my whole name sparked a scent of nostalgia. I feel like I already met him.

Ericka spread out her hand to block me. Her gaze toward the man became aggressive, like a tiger ready to fight to the bitter end.

"What business do you have with one of my members, huh? Jerk!"

"Be careful with your tongue, loser! You are talking to the Speedmage Tournament's National Champion, Vincent the Teleporter!" Levi yelled.

That rings a lot of bells. Vincent the Teleporter is the most popular Speedmage of this time, as he just won the Speedmage Tournament last year. His speed is dubbed to be comparable to the gods, and his Teleporter title is nothing short of an understatement.

Maybe that explains why his face is familiar because I can see him anywhere from the magicnet. He even starred in some Speed Battle magazines!

"Jon." Vincent the Teleporter muttered in a tone that I vaguely recall. "You do not remember me, do you?"

"What-?" I muttered.

I am not sure if I remember him or not. He called me by my nickname, so have we been close? Is the familiarity of his face only confined to him being the Speedmage Champion?

Vincent the Teleporter smiled. Thereafter, he offered his hand to me. "Maybe if you join our club, you will remember who I am. Or who I was."

"You are..." I trembled. I am certain that I have met this man before, but I could not recall.

I'm dying of curiosity about who this man was. If I take his hand, will I be able to recover that lost memory?

I slowly raised my arms and my fingers aimed for his hand. We were about to have a handshake, but then-


Ericka slapped the Speedmage Champion's hand as a strong act of rejection.

"You will never take away our coach!" Prez roared.

"T-That's the second time you've been rude to the Speedmage Champion! This is unacceptable, even for a loser like you!" Levi yelled.

"I don't care if he's a Speedmage Champion and I am a loser president! If you're taking our coach away from my guild, I will raise hell and freeze your souls to snow dust!"

"Eeeeh!?" All of us were stunned in confusion.

Prez is certainly angry. She stood tall on top of the crate and looked down at the Speedmage Champion. Then she pointed down towards her target while having an epic staredown!

"Vincent the Teleporter, I challenge you to a Speed Battle!"