Hundred teleporter clones of Vincent Shadowseek rushed towards Ericka at lightspeed!

One second left!

"Kyaaaaaaaaah!" Ericka cried as the hundred Vincents strike her in the front, right, left, and back! Because of the repelling effect of the magical barrier, she was bounced between Vincent's clones, and some strikes were hit on her rear!

Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! A series of white magical circle point indicators manifested continuously!


The whistle was blown, signaling the end of the intense Speed Battle.

"Match over!" The referee shouted.

All the spectators of the Speed Battle stood silent. Nobody dares to utter a word.

The Land of Swords faded when Vincent heard the whistle. He settled down near the 1st Checkpoint Tower with a killing glare at Ericka, who was exhausted, exasperated, and terrified.

Ericka's breathing is labored. She has never been turned into a human pinball before, and it is evident on her body that she is still quite dizzy from being repelled all around the place.

"The score is 10:12! The winner is Vincent Shadowseek!"

The crowd cheered wildly as they heard the winner. I even heard a fan saying "Vincent my loooove! Please breed me!". I don't know who she was, but I think I heard that girl back in the joint training camp.

Never mind about that. I have to check on Ericka's condition, so I hurried down the stairs and went to the Triangle.

"Ericka!" I shouted out loud.

Prez looked at me with her worn-out spirit. She is holding her elbow and her shoulders are slumped. She is still having labored breathing, but it's much better than during the Speed Battle.

"I'm okay, Jon," Ericka said with a tired smile. "But I don't have any energy left to move. Can you carry me?"

I blushed when I heard those words. What does she mean I have to carry her? Princess style? But she's taller than me! I don't think a piggyback will do either as she is way taller than Flu.

Everything was cleared out to me when she lent out her hand. I accepted it and then she wrapped her arm around my nape. It was a support carry, so she can still walk with my help.

"Ahaha. I sprained my ankle back there during my last run." Ericka gave a defeated laugh. "Now I think I really am useless for being injured during the last seconds."

"No. You are useful back there." I said to Prez to lift her ego.

I saw from my peripherals that Vincent was walking towards us. He has this normal teasing smile and friendly blue eyes, which is a breath of fresh air from her serious mode a few moments ago. His aura also subsided into a friendly one, and he offered our Prez a handshake.

"Nice game. I have never been able to be serious like that for a long time." Vincent said.

"Hmph!" Prez smiled as she took Vincent's hand and shook. "Good game. Next time, I will win."

"I can't wait," Vincent said.

Vincent and I exchanged a smile and a bow before going on our way. I have to carry Prez back the backstage as I left our potions in there.

Man, Prez is sure heavy, maybe because she is carrying bazoongas on her front and packs huge badonkadonk on her back. Or maybe because I feel like she's just dragging her feet on the ground. I seriously think a piggyback carry would be better, but she might slap me.

Are all Merry Knights Speedmage going to be like this, pass out and ask their coach to carry them? If that is the norm in this club, I am so glad that Cruzo was eliminated early in the tournament. I can't imagine myself carrying that big panda with my scrawny arms.


When we arrived backstage, we were greeted by a pink idiot and a crying panda.

"Uwoooooooogh! I was touched by your determination, Prez! I never thought you can use your time magic in Speed Battles!" Cruzo roared as he wept.

"You are so awesome, Prez! You were dazzling back there! Especially those rapid attacks in succession when you stopped the time!" Flu energetically pumped her fists and her blue eyes glittering in amazement.

"Thank you," Prez said with a relieved smile.

I laid her on the bench and then I searched our bag for spray-type potions. While I'm busy doing my job, I heard the three having a conversation.

"Haaaaah." Prez sighed. "As I thought, I cannot take on the Speedmage Champion with my current skills. I will have to work to the bone until next year to catch up!"

"Uwoooogh! That's the spirit, Prez! Determination and guts are on your side!" Cruzo beamed a smile and gave a thumbs-up.

"I will work hard until next year too! Let's do our best to catch up!" Flu pumped her fists.

"Your battle is not yet over, Flu," Ericka said. "Unlike Cruzo and I who already got eliminated, your journey in this Speedmage Tournament is not over yet."

"O-Oh! Tahahaha!" Flu laughed as she stupidly scratched her head. "I'm sorry for being presumptuous. I didn't mean to offend Sir Cruzo and Prez…"

"Do not worry, we are not offended a little bit." Ericka shook his head with a smile. She gently patted Flu's petite shoulder and stared at her in the eye. "But you did what we cannot do. You managed to enter the quarterfinals. You are the only Merry Knights Speedmage who can carry the guild's name to glory."

"That's right, Flu!" Cruzo clenched his fist. "From now on, we will be focusing on supporting you in this Speedmage Tournament! Your fight is not yours alone, as it is now the fight of the whole Merry Knights Guild!"

"At this rate, you will be facing Vincent the Teleporter at the finals. Do your best until you reach for the top, and avenge me!" Ericka said.

Flu's sky-blue eyes sparkled. Her face brightened a lot more. She clenched her hand and then charged for her fist pump!

"Hrrrrrrghh! Yaaaaaaah!" Flu raised her hand in the air. "I will become the Speedmage Champion for you all! For Coach! For Sir Cruzo! And for Prez too! And for the whole Merry Knights!"

I never expected Prez to turn a loss into a flame that will hype up the person who will carry the guild's name. I know I have called her useless thousands of times before, but I never meant those insults. Ericka's words of inspiration that made Flu hyped up make her a good irreplaceable leader for the Merry Knights Guild.

"Coach!" Flu pumped her fists and pressed her face closer to mine.

"Y-Yes, coach here," I answered.

"Since all our Speed Battles are over, please train me tonight! I missed the training yesterday because I slept way earlier, but since I still have the energy to spare, I can work hard until dawn!"

"No, not dawn. You still have a Speed Battle tomorrow, and I can't have you collapsing on me again just like yesterday!" I scolded.

"Please train me! Pretty please!" Flu bowed down almost immediately and she headbutted my nose!

"Ack!" I covered my aching snout.

"I-I'm sorry for that!" Flu bowed once again, but this time I managed to pull out from her.

Ericka finally stood up after drinking a stamina potion and held her hips. She looked at me and then talked. "By the way, who will be Flu's opponent in the quarterfinals?"

"Hmmm?" I immediately took my clipboard from the table and searched for the list of names. There, I read a familiar name out loud. "Flu will be facing off against Amaryllis Vosconovitc."

"Wow!" Cruzo exclaimed. "That was the Speedmage who beat me in the first round!"

I can remember Amaryllis Vosconovitc as the rich blonde girl with an annoying laugh. Even now, I can hear her "Wohohohoho!" inside my head, and it is staying there rent-free. Her gothic outfit is clean, but her mouth is way dirtier than a dumpster with shit.

"What was Amaryllis Vosconovitc's Speedmage Class again?" Ericka asked.

"Striker," I said.

"That sounds good then!" Ericka clasped her hands with a smile. Then she put her hands on Flu. "Since I'm a Striker too, it will be best if I train with you. Isn't that right, Flu?"

"Really!? You're going to train me!" Flu's eyes sparkled like a puppy who just saw a dog treat.

"Of course!" Ericka clapped her chest. "I am the best president Merry Knights has ever got, so I will forge you into a proper Speedmage Champion!"

"That's great, Prez! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you very much!" Flu bowed over and over.

"I will join too, fellas!" Cruzo gave a thumbs-up once again. "You guys might need somebody to bring you snacks and potions while you are busily training!"

"Thank you very much, Sir Cruzo!" Flu bowed one, two, three times.

Then, the spotlight turned to me. Ericka is teasingly smirking at me, Cruzo is beaming with his thumbs-up pointed at me, while Flu is giving this abandoned puppy eyes that make my heart melt.

"Haaah." I sighed as I vigorously scratched my itchy sweaty scalp. "Fine, fine. Let's train, but until midnight only."

Flu immediately grabbed my hand and shook it vigorously so that it felt like she was trying to break it off my shoulders!

"Thank you very much, Coach!"

Flu once again brightened the afternoon with her innocent dazzling smile.

I cannot believe that this airhead rookie will be our best bet in beating Vincent the Teleporter. She has done a lot of miracles already, and with Flu, she might pull it off even how impossible it may be.

I don't know how or why, but I just feel it.

Flu will become a Speedmage Champion for all of us.