I do not know what went wrong.
The next day started the same as usual. Flu greeted me good morning at the Eastern Beachside, and we rode the train together (Thankfully, no speed spells) to go to school. The weather was nice and blue. We do not have taxing subjects today, no Miss Terror or her English Class for our first period.
But I am feeling lightheaded during the second period. I occasionally feel jolts in my head, as if it was getting stung by a bee. The pain seems to be inside my head though, like a migraine.
"Haaah… haaah… haaaah…" I panted.
"J-Jon?" Flu turned to me. "Are you okay? You look pale."
We are still in the middle of class, and our Advanced Algebra teacher is still busy discussing formulas on the board. I tried to stare at the solutions written on the blackboard, but I couldn't make sense of them. It seems that my ability to analyze was affected.
"I-I'm sorry. I'm not feeling well." I answered as I held my forehead.
Flu frowned for a moment as she examined my face closer. All of a sudden, she suddenly stood up and raised her hand to disturb the whole class.
"Professor Bibidi! Jon- I mean, Mister Wardenorth is feeling under the weather! May I go out and assist him to the Academy Infirmary?"
"H-Hey! I-I'm still fine!" I complained in a soft voice. I couldn't force my lungs to get loud much further.
"Jeez, you're sick, Jon! Stop acting tough! You've been like this since this morning!" Flu pouted.
Professor Bibidi, who is an old short bald man, adjusted his eyeglasses to look at me from afar. "Okay, Miss Asahime, you should assist Mister Wardenorth to the infirmary."
"Will do, Professor!" Flu happily raised her hand. Then she grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the classroom.
I can still stand and walk, and it does not hurt my head by doing so. The jolts inside my skull are random, or if I try to imagine or recall something. I've had similar jolts before during the Joint Training Camp, but it was tolerable. It is just this day that I can no longer ignore the pain looming in.
My eyes are just on the ground while Flu drags my hand, and I was a little bit surprised when she stopped. We finally made it to the front of the Academy Infirmary. Flu knocked three times and then breached in like a special forces navy seal!
"Excuse me! I have a patient that needs treatment!" Flu screamed out loud.
"Hey, don't be too noisy," I murmured. I can't scold him much because I'm already getting stressed and embarrassed.
"Oh, Miss Asahime! Good to see you!" A purple-haired well-endowed woman with a sexy nurse uniform was at the front desk of the infirmary. She adjusted her eyeglasses and rubbed her twin pigtails when she looked at me. "I see you have delivered another experiment subject- ahem! I mean, another patient!"
"Professor Dakedavra!" Flu squealed out loud. "So you're the school nurse too!"
"Of course! Saint Crusade Academy is kind of short on staff because of the corruption of the higher-ups, so they assigned me here to be the presiding school nurse! Not that I complain about it though! I can meet a lot of experiment subjects! Huehuehue!"
"F-Flu, you know each other?" I whispered.
"Yes!" Flu jollily answered. "Professor Ava Dakedavra is my teacher in the Intermediate Healing Magic subject. She is one of the best healers in the school!"
"I somehow doubt it," I whispered under my breath.
The way that the school nurse talks and laughs makes me want to run away from here. Alas, I'm too weak to do so, and I still do not know if my headache is going to get worse. There is a hospital nearby that is owned by the Saint Crusade Academy, but I don't think I can walk much more even with Flu's supervision.
Professor Dakedavra and Flu assisted me to lay down on a soft clean white bed. Then, the school nurse checked me with some kind of magic circle created by her palms. The circle scanned me from the toe, up to my head.
"Amazing! Amazing! You brought me a rare specimen indeed, Miss Asahime! Huehuehue!" Professor Dakedavra laughed with a menacing shine on her eyeglasses.
"Flu, I wanna go home!" I cried like a kid. I don't feel safe being with our school nurse!
"Don't worry, Jon! You'll be healed in no time!" Flu pumped her fists. We're definitely not on the same page.
"Hmmm…" The school nurse crossed her arms as she read the result on the hologram magical circle right in front of her face. "Your body seems to be completely fine. But your brain activity looks chaotic. There's a faint magical trail of Medical Amnesia Spell on your amygdala that seemed to be over ten years old."
"Let me explain, Professor!" Flu squealed as she raised her hand. "Jon had a Medical Amnesia Spell cast on him so that he can recover from his childhood trauma!"
"So that explains why." The nurse muttered. Then she smiled, her lips shaping a crescent moon. Her eyeglass also glared at me which made my eyes hurt. "In that case… Huehuehue!"
Professor Scary Nurse scrambled the things on her cabinet until she finally saw a small bottle of drugs. She took one pill and prepared a glass of water for me to drink.
"Here, drink this. It is a memory-healing drug with painkillers and anesthetic."
I kind of hesitated to take the drug at first, but I have no option but to take it. I popped the pill and then drank the water, silently praying that this pill would make me feel better.
"Oh, you will have to rest for a while here until the drug does its job. Usually, it will only take two hours, so rest assured you will be fine." The school nurse smiled at me.
"Awesome! Thank you for saving Jon's life, Professor Dekadavra!" Flu bowed over and over again energetically.
"I can take it from here, Miss Asahime. You can now attend your classes and leave me the experiment subject… Huehuehue!" The school nurse's eyes glittered.
"Thank you again, Professor!" Flu happily smiled. Then she went to the exit and waved her hand at me. "I'll see you later, Jon!"
"W-Wait!" I muttered, but…
Professor Dekadavra immediately shut the door. Then she slowly approached me with her high heels giving echoing footsteps. Her whole face is red, her crescent smile is salivating, and her fingers are wriggling like a spider. I can't even see her eyes because her eyeglasses are too bright.
"Now then… Huehuehuehue!" The nurse menacingly laughed.
I wanted to run. I wanted to shout. But the anesthetic is now taking effect. I could no longer move my body. All I can do was stare at the woman who will lead me to my inevitable doom.
I closed my eyes.
I was awoken by a sudden sound of an explosion. When I opened my eyes, I saw the school nurse reading a magazine on her desk. She seemed to be curious about what transpired, so she looked at the window leading to the courtyard.
I looked at my body and checked if something was wrong. Arms are legs are still attached, that's a good start! I tried wiggling my shoulders, and I also looked at my private part. I'm still the same old me, except that the headaches are no longer there.
I looked at the wall clock and saw that it was almost lunchtime. One hour and a half has passed already, which means the drug must have taken effect.
"What was that?" The school nurse muttered.
Her voice slapped me back to reality. I immediately lifted my body and looked at the windows.
And there I was shocked to see a pink glittery smoke coming out of the Magical Workshop Building. Several students are panicking and rushing out of the building. And then…
I saw a bunch of girls dragging an unconscious pink-haired girl out of the establishment. They treated her with first aid magic and gave her water to drink. I also saw Professor Azure visiting the crime scene.
That pink-haired girl is definitely Flu. What the hell kind of idiocy did she do again?
I immediately stood up and ran outside the school infirmary. Surprisingly, the nurse did not stop me. I might be good to go in this condition anyway.
And so, I went to the crime scene and carried Flu on a piggyback until we reached the infirmary once again. This time Professor Azure accompanied me, and told Flu's other classmates to continue their Magical Workshop class.
Professor Azure explained the incident to Professor Dekadavra while I watch over Flu for a while. I heard Professor Azure talking about some magical incantations when Flu's performance went out of the rails and went haywire, leading to those pink glittery smokes.
It took a few minutes before Flu woke up on the clean infirmary bed that I used to lie down for one and a half hours.
"E-Eh?" Flu tilted her head, puzzled. "Wait, why am I here? I thought I was attending my Magical Workshop Class and I am preparing a Reviver Potion incantation but then…"
Flu looked at me with a set of curious puppy eyes, then she scratched her head. She crossed her arms and blinked repeatedly as if she is trying to remember something. Then her face started crawling with sweat after seemingly being able to recall an embarrassing memory.
"Tahahaha! I think I remember it now!" Flu dumbly laughed as she scratched her head.
"What happened over there?" I asked with a smile.
"I accidentally activated that weird experimental glittery spell during our magical practicum, tahahaha!"
"You mean you cast a speed spell indoors during class!?" I exclaimed.
"N-No! Not at all!" Flu shook her head with a sorry smile. "I just exerted mana on my hand like I usually do, but suddenly it went boom! Pink glittery smoke! Tahahaha, I'm such a failure after all."
I remember the times when Flu first activated the pink glittery spell. She used it during her Speed Battle against Lilith, and after that, she could no longer cast speed spells normally. She can't make a proper Air Trampoline or Wind Accel since those glitters were added to her mana trails.
And now this weird glitter on her mana hinders Flu's ability to cast any magic.
I think there is something else happening with Flu.
"How about you, Jon? Are you okay now?" Flu asked with a smile, not caring about her condition at all.
"I'm fine now. You should be worried more about yourself." I said as I patted her head.