Merry Knights Guild Building.

We just arrived here, and the haunted hospital vibes would not go away. There is only Flu and me in this club lobby, and we are endlessly staring at the cracked walls without uttering a word. There was an awkward silence between us, and whenever one of us would look at each other, the other would just avert his or her gaze.


Flu finally broke the silence.

"I-I'm sorry for butting in the conversation, Jonathan. I was rude to just go in between you and the duke."

"No, it's alright, Flu," I said as I stood up and smiled at the pink-haired friend of mine. "I am actually glad that you were there for me. I never would have thought that his power of shit-talking is way above my level. If it weren't for you, I might be bawling my eyes right now."

"Tahahaha… I just did what I think a good friend would do." Flu embarrassingly scratched her reddish cheek.

"Thank you, Flu. " I went closer to her and patted her head. "I am so glad that you were there for me."

"D-Don't mention it, Tehehehe…" Flu nervously laughed and her cheeks were getting a lot redder every second.

As I rubbed the silky-smooth pink hair of my friend, I noticed that she is now wearing the wing hairpins I gave to her when I was a kid. I also noticed the embers of determination lit aflame in her blue eyes when we had eye contact. And that is when I realized that this adorable girl has a hidden coolness on her side.

"You're wearing that wings again, huh?" I muttered with a smile.

All of a sudden, Flu pouted. Did I just make her angry?

"Jeez, Jon! I wore these hairpins since this morning! In fact, I even wore this yesterday! And now you just noticed!?" Flu angrily said.


I took a step back. I was so surprised and scared as if a cute dog just snarled at me. I immediately clasped my hands and prayed while giving an apologetic smile.

"I-I'm sorry, Flu! I was sick yesterday, so I failed to notice it. And today… well, my mind was just troubled by so many things that I may have ignored those hairpins. I'm sorry!" I bowed.

"Apology accepted!" Flu adorably tilted her head with a smile on her face.

That gesture was so cute that it made my heart race. In fact, I feel like my heart just had an anaerobic exercise. I also have this tingly feeling in my chest. I had the urge to pat her head once again, so I made a step forward.

My hand reached for her hair, and then…


Somebody ruined the moment as a wild panda appeared! He stomped his foot to brake from his Earth Accel, and now the wind blasted to our faces!

"C-Cruzo!?" I uttered as I immediately withdrew my hand.

"You two are so awesome back there!" Cruzo cried. "I knew it! I knew that you two have determination and guts with you! Uwoooooogh! I feel like a proud big brother!"

Ericka has also entered the Merry Knights Lobby, and she is with her sister Professor Azure, and even the school nurse Professor Dekadavra. They all had this smirk on their faces, except for the school nurse who have this creepy drooling smile.

"I never thought you two would just talk down to Count Gaylord Draculus like that," Ericka said. "And in front of so many people."

"Ah! I'm sorry if I was rude!" Flu cried and bowed over and over again.

"No, it's alright." Professor Azure said as she gave a reassuring smile. "That immortal vampire should know his place anyway. He just barged into Saint Crusade without any notification, so I say you did your best to ward him off."

"W-Ward him off!?" Flu shrieked.

"Yeah! You two threatened them on becoming the next Speedmage Champion, so they immediately left the campus." Ericka said. "I bet they are training their asses now that you challenged them."

"C-Challenge!?" Flu's eyes opened in shock. Then she immediately turned to me with a crying puppy's eyes.

We both know that it was me who challenged them to the National Speedmage Tournament. I lost my self-control, so I gave big words to at least give them a piece of my mind. Sure, intimidation is one of my purposes for challenging them. But I think my words are way bigger than I can fit in my mouth.

"S-Sorry, Flu. I just got carried away. I do not want them to belittle us for losing the tournament, so I kind of challenged them." I nervously chuckled.

"D-Don't worry, Coach! I will do my best to win!" Flu pumped her fists with a determined smile.

"But are you ready to do Speed Battles though? You still have those glittering mana problems, isn't that right?" I asked.


Flu went pale as her happy face turned to be awestruck. Her eyes are round and wide again, and her jaws are falling.

"W-What should I do then, Coach? I cannot fight the National Speedmage Tournament like this…" Flu cried with adorable puppy eyes. Awww, I want to pat her.

"Worry not, Miss Asahime! That is the reason I am here!" Professor Dekadavra finally spoke.

The school nurse immediately showed us a paper full of medical magic terms in floppy handwriting, so I have no idea what we are looking at. Then she turned to us while explaining everything… In gibberish format.

"Miss Asahime's magical circuits have enlarged escapsulia where her mana is flowing directly in benign order. At first, I thought it was aydrsegnitis, but her magical circuits do not have inflammatory symptoms. Instead, she has a malignant mana flow that is quite unhealthy if not controlled."

"What does this mean, Professor?" I asked while scratching my head.

"To put it simply, Flu is evolving." Professor Dekadavra said as she adjusted her eyeglasses.

"...Evolving? Like a Pokemon?" I tilted my head in confusion.

I looked at Flu, who seemed to be astounded about the news. She is surprised because an airhead like her could not comprehend what is happening to her body.

When Flu noticed that all eyes are on her, she imitated a pose similar to a cat raising her paws.

"Fluuu! Fluuu!"

The pink-haired idiot spoke her nickname like a real pocket monster. And it was cute. But I have to knock some sense to her so I did a gentle karate-chop on top of her head!

"Uwuuuuu!" Flu cried.

"What Professor Dekadavra is saying is that Miss Asahime's magical capabilities are tremendously growing that she could not control it anymore." Professor Azure finally explained with a sigh at the end.

"W-Wait, isn't that a bad thing?" Flu asked.

"Not if you manage to control how to use your mana." Professor Azure said. "Your body's mana capacity is growing at an exponential rate, so whenever you try to unleash a spell, your mana overflows. The pink glittering specks of dust are all those extra mana you unleash every time you use magic."

I am no mage, but I think I can figure out Professor Azure's point. It is like changing the magical wattage of a power source in an appliance. If the wattage is too high, the appliance will not function properly. Maybe that's how mana works on a magus' body if they failed to contain it

"S-So what should I do? Can I still play Speed Battles?" Flu asked in a worried tone.

I saw Ericka hold her chest as if she was nervous… Or maybe she was about to throw up. She was concerned about Flu's wellbeing after all. She gave a serious gaze to her sister, and it seemed Professor Azure managed to get the message when she nodded.

"You will. I will help you control your power." Professor Azure smirked.


It was already afternoon, and the sun is about to set. Yet we are here at the center of the deserted land near the Merry Knights Club Building, where three Checkpoint Towers are forming a Triangle.

Professor Azure is still on her white coat, black rock T-shirt, and jean shorts, but she has an equipped professional Speedmage Shoes Qiqirm- a set of blue boots with a rough texture the same as ragged leather. Qiqirm is an old Speedmage Shoe that is best utilized by Speedsters and acts as a good catalyst for ice-related spells.

Meanwhile, Flu is in her full Speedmage Suit and Shoes. We do not know what might happen if her mana spirals out of control, so we need the magical barrier of her suit to protect her at all times.

"Since Ericka requested it, I will show you how it's done." Professor Azure said. "Pay attention, because I will not do it twice."

"Yes, Miss Terror!" Flu energetically pumped her fists. She gulped and her blue eyes focused on the retired Speedmage Champion.

Professor Azure touched her shoes, and then a powerful gust of wind blasted. Ice energy gathered on her feet, as well as blue stardusts. What is different from what most Speedmage do though, is her hands are spread backward. I can also see mana flowing from her fingers.

"Crystaldust Accel!"


In an instant, Professor Azure blasted at a near speed of light! Blue glittering contrail streaks were left on her tracks as she touched the Checkpoint Tower!


"S-So fast!" Flu muttered in amazement. "Awesome, Miss Terror!"

I swear Professor Azure just ignores Flu's remarks about her being a terror teacher. I am just going to shut my mouth to keep myself away from harm.

"Now try what I did, Miss Asahime! Use your mana to produce an Accel-type spell on your feet, and use the same thing with your hands spread like an eagle! Use the elemental magic on your hand to control your speed and mana flow!" Professor Azure said.

"Y-Yes ma'am!"

Flu jollily nodded as she spread out her hands and went to a ready position. She tapped her Speedmage Shoes and was enchanted with overwhelming energy!

All of a sudden, Flu muttered the name of an element that only Royal Bloods can cast. Pink glittery wind and fire energy surrounded her body as she spoke these words:

"Stardust Accel!"