The two of us got swept away by the fantastic moment of running around at a super speed that we did not realize that the sun had already announced setting unto the horizon. The reddish-orange tint of the skies covered our world as we ran slower through the cool ocean breeze.

Using speed spells and running at super speed- It was the most fun thing in the world.

Both of us lie on the soft grass beside each other, our limbs stretched and spread to relax. Both of us are catching our breaths as we are now exhausted.

"Haaaah… haaaah… haaah…" I panted as I smiled. "What's the score now?"

"Haaah… haaah… I'm sorry, I never counted! Tahahaha!" Flu replied with the same expression of satisfaction.

I looked at the orange skies and finally regained my perception.

"Wow, is it late already? How long have we been playing tag?"

"I don't know. All I know is that we already exhausted all my mana. You had so much fun that you spent most of it." Flu smiled.

"I-I'm sorry," I said with a wry smile.

"It's alright, Coach! I expected to spend that much before I asked you to do it. All is well and fine!" Flu raised her clenched fist into the air and flexed her thin biceps.

The spell Flu used to grant me magical circuits is called Mana Link Synchron, which duplicates and transfers her magical circuits and experiences to me. However, there is a drawback in terms of mana resources. Since my body does not produce mana, I will have to rely on Flu's magical energy by using our magical link.

Flu's overall mana capacity is enough for three decent mages. But since I was so excited to try speed spells, I ended up using her mana too much. As a result, we're now both exhausted, but I think Flu is more exhausted than I am.

"It's a shame though. I want to run more. Tahahaha." Flu said in an exhausted laugh.

"Ditto," I said.

We both glanced at one another and exchanged smiles.

I can't believe that running around with magic was so much fun. I feel like a child again, back when I adored the Speedmages in the tournament. My dream of becoming a Speedmage was finally granted thanks to the pink-haired girl beside me.

I lifted my body and sat on the grass. When Flu saw me get up, she also sat on her knees in W position. I looked at her kind blue eyes and smiled.

"Thank you, Flu."

"Eh?" Flu tilted her head like a curious puppy. "What for?"

"Thank you for granting my dreams to use speed magic. Even if it's just temporary, and even if I cannot join a tournament like this, you still gave me a glimpse of how to become a Speedmage."

"Don't worry about it, Coach!" Flu said energetically. "I mean, this is the least I could do to return your kindness. When we were kids, you saved me from that big bad werewolf, didn't you? And you also helped me a lot when we reunited at Saint Crusade Academy. You have saved me multiple times. You gave me strength, and you also gave me a goal in life."

"Goal? What goal?" I asked.

"Becoming a Speedmage Champion!" Flu said with a smile.

"Oh, I thought I was forcing it on you," I said.

"No, not at all!" Flu shook her head. "Back before I met you for the second time, I was all depressed. I am a no-good girl and I always suck at everything I do. I just put on a brave front trying to be cheerful, but I am a mess inside. So when you said that I can become a good Speedmage, my ears clapped with joy! I said to myself, 'Finally, I can be good at something!' So I gave it my all to improve! I worked hard and gave 100%, no, 1000%, oh wait, one million percent until I can finally become a good Speedmage! So being a Speedmage Champion is my dream too!"

"Is that so?"

"Yes!" Flu slightly crawled and pressed her face forward to mine. "So don't thank me. I should be thanking you instead!"

"What for?"

Flu looked at the pinkish-white petals on the ground.

"I am such a failure that I always rely on your kindness. Even though I have lost over and over, you never gave up on me. Even though I am stupid, awkward, and annoying, you kept on being there by my side. So from the bottom of my heart, thank you, Coach!" Flu bowed down.

"I should be thanking you for that too," I said.

"Huh? Why?" Flu immediately raised her head.

There are so many things I'm grateful to Fluonessia that I do not know where to begin. Gradually yet consistently, she has guided me to this juncture, taking me to this location that I've despised since I discovered that I cannot cast magic.

"You are the reason why I am involved with Speed Battles even though I am magicless. I do not know what I would be doing right now if it wasn't for you." I said.

"Eh? Are you talking about when I asked you to become my coach?"

"Yeah. I never thought you'd have to cry about it." I chuckled.

"Ah! I-I'm so sorry! I was just really really really desperate!" Flu cried.

"And that is what I liked about you the most. That wholesome enthusiasm you have transformed me."

She made me remember the days when my father took me to Speedmage Tournaments. She made me remember the spark of joy I lost the day I discovered I am magicless. And now, this spark of joy is something I will never forget ever again.

Thanks to her, my love for Speed Battles returned. Not only that, but my desire to run at extreme speeds and use magic has lit my impossible dream aflame.

"If it wasn't for you, I would have ignored Speed Battles and mages altogether for the rest of my life," I said.

It almost seems like Fluonessia has been driving me up to this point. It was like destiny has given this permission for us to meet again and to give me hope to grant all my shattered dreams. She even gave me a chance to run like a Speedmage.

"Thank you, Fluonessia." I muttered.


Flu's face became beet red while maintaining her adorable smile. Her azure blue eyes twinkled and locked unto mine.

"I am glad that you gave me a chance to use speed spells and run alongside you," I added.

It is beyond my ability to describe the extent to which she has had a great impact on my life. She even stood up to protect me from the discrimination of other mages, including when she stood up against Gaylord for me. And now, she filled out a hole in my heart and removed my weakness with her strength.

No matter how much I thank her, it will never be enough for all that she has done.

I hugged my knees and looked at the vast orange skies.


Fluonessia whispered my name.


She called out my name for the second time with her super soft voice.

I finally turned to her and I saw her figure in front of a clear sky. There was a cool ocean breeze that made all the pinkish-white petals fly around like butterflies in the background. The sun behind the beautiful girl is finally sinking to the horizon.

"Fluonessia." My voice cracked a little.

Upon locking at Flu's passionate stare, I just remembered something. I finally understand why I was able to live my life with mages and overcome my envy and fear. I could never accomplish it on my own, and the passage of time did not alleviate it. It was solely because of her presence by my side that I was able to overcome it.

"Jonathan..." Fluonessia's smile became much more alluring than before. She is like a goddess who just revived me from death. Have I ever seen her smile like this?

Thus far, I have been suppressing and disregarding these emotions inside my heart. But Fluonessia's soft-spoken calls to my name make it hard to lock these feelings any longer.

Pleasant, cozy sensations that provide comfort and cause my heart to beat faster…

Empowering and compassionate calls that compel me to look up, even in moments of profound hopelessness…

All of those things surge within me simultaneously.

"Fluonessia, I-"

I stop at the sight of Fluonessia as her enchanting appearance was coated by the cozy glow of the sun as it sets. Right now, I want to express all these emotions I'm feeling. I know I have to confess, but…

"Jonathan…" Fluonessia chuckled softly.

How many times has Fluonessia muttered my name? But I will not complain as her calling out to me is music to my ears. Her tender caring voice makes me feel like I'm in a warm soft embrace.

"As I thought, saying your full first name is much better than calling you Coach or Jon." Fluonessia giggled.


"I've been pondering about this for some time, even during the moments when we were running around like idiots earlier. And then I realized something when you expressed your gratitude, that time when I felt a warm and tingling sensation throughout my body. I now know for sure that it is not just admiration I'm feeling." Fluonessia said those words while maintaining her divine smile.

I took a quick deep breath and clenched my fists. I gulped as I tried to suppress this emotion for one last time, but then Fluonessia spoke once more.

"Jonathan… I love you."


Fuck! Fuckity fuckity fuck fuck!

All the strength in my body left me when I heard those words. All those worries, fears, uncertainties, and nervousness faded away as my heart was enveloped with brand-new emotions.

I am not cussing because of this new emotion. I am cursing myself for being a total idiot! I have been preventing myself from confessing my feelings to her and even decided to confess after the Speedmage Tournament! It was a really dumb idea! As a man, I should have taken the lead and confessed first!

"I'm sorry, Fluonessia." I looked down and clenched the pinkish-white petals on the floor.


"I'm so sorry that I am so stupid. I mean, I already have this deep affection for you but I made you confess your feelings first."

"Ah! Tehehe~" Flu chuckled adorably.

"Hahaha." I laughed back.

We both laughed at each other and then I grabbed something from my bag. My fingers withdrew three pieces of pink Spellbloom flowers I have kept since we were running around earlier. I heard these flowers are rare and can only be found in the Eastern Island Mountains, and I just stumbled upon them just a few minutes ago. I was so lucky that I was able to get three of these and offer them to Fluonessia.



I stared at Fluonessia's twinkling blue eyes. Despite seeing each other nearly every day, there is an inexplicable sensation of meeting for the very first time.

"I love you too." I gave her the three Spellbloom Flowers as a symbol of my affection.

Fluonessia accepted the flowers with great care, and then she smiled as bright as a solar flare that could end the world.

"Thank you! I'm so happy!"

The girl I love started to cry. Droplets of crystal-clear tears started to fall to the grass.

"I'm so so happy! Hic! Thank you! Hic…You… don't know… how happy… you made me… right now! Hic!"


"Um, I-I'm sorry!" Flu started to wipe her tears away. "Hic… My emotions overwhelmed me when you looked at me back, so I exploded a confession out of nowhere… I never expected you to reciprocate it… so I was overjoyed when you said you love me too… I am really really glad that I could no longer hold back and cry… Hic…"

I couldn't utter a word. I just smiled and patted her head as she bawled her eyes out of joy. All of a sudden, her arms gently delivered me to her kind warm embrace. I can't help but feel like I'm flying on cloud nine.

"I love you, Fluonessia," I whispered with bliss.

"Ah… I love you too, Jonathan!" Flu smiled back at me.

The skies are turning dark. It's getting late, but that is of no importance to us. We both want to enjoy each other's embrace as long as possible, together with the ocean breeze, together with the dancing petals, and together with the early shooting stars.