Everybody was hyped up for the incoming Joint Training Camp from the three Speedmage Guilds of the Saint Crusade Academy. However, we all forgot one thing:


To have this grand event, we need to pass our final exams first.


Just like what happened in midterms, all club activities are banned two weeks before the yearly finals. So, as much as everyone hates it, especially Flu, we cannot do anything but dedicate all our time to studying.


Last midterms, Fluonessia barely passed her subjects. I am planning to have her get at least a B+ for this coming finals, and it is my job as a boyfriend and as a coach to see to it that she is doing well in studying. All our practices would be for naught if Flu fails even a single subject for this school year.


So, I have come up with a plan that will prevent Flu from spending more time in practice and instead dedicate more hours to studying.


"Listen, Flu. No Speed Battles for two weeks! No practice either! No testing of new speed spells, and I am confiscating the Speedmage Tactics until finals are over!" 


This is the first night of the club activity ban, and we are now in Flu's room. It is six in the evening, and the stars have peeked from the darkness. Unlike my home on the mainland, Flu's house here on the rural Eastern Island is the best place to study. There are no magic tech noises, no distractions from my parents, and most of all, there is no nearby place for practice. 


This is the perfect time and place to study.


Flu and I are sitting adjacent to each other, and between us is a tea table that we are currently using for studying. It is filled with textbooks, notebooks, pens, and even magic erasers. At the left edge on Flu's side are the notes I lent to her, and it is stacked up like a mountain.


"Uwuuuuuu…" Flu cried as she laid her face on her nearby bed. "How can I live without practice?" 


"You can practice every weekend! But for now, you have to dedicate all your weekdays to studying!" I sermoned. I slapped the exam papers she had on her midterms. "Look, you were just lucky to pass last time, and that is thanks to our secret practice and your sneak super secret training alone!"


"Uwuuuuu." Flu wept. She gently grabbed my hand, her warm soft fingers enveloping mine, and put our hands closer to her chest. "Jonathaaaaan~" 


I blushed for a moment, and I was about to be hypnotized by her puppy blue eyes. But then I slapped myself back to reality! "You can't charm me like that! Come on, let's study already!"




Flu's whining continued a little longer, but at least she still had the energy to make some notes and read some textbooks. She can focus on studying just like in Speed Battles, but she does not have the stamina to stay motivated in reviewing.


After thirty minutes, Flu put down her pen and looked at me with a smile.


"Hey, hey, Jonathan! Have you seen the latest episode of That Time I Reincarnated as a Filipino? It's one of the top trending lists in magic anime dot com!"


What's with that random anime question? Is it just a blatant technique to escape from studying?


"Focus on your studies," I said coldly.


"Tahahaha… R-Right." Flu scratched her head and then went back to her notes.


I took a slight peek at her paper and noticed an error. I immediately scooted closer to her and pointed at her mistake.


"Hey, you forgot to apply the formula here."


"Ah! I'm so sorry!" Flu cried. "Tahaha! I'm such a failure without you."


Hearing her depend on me so much makes something in me get in heat. Now that I think of it, we are just a few centimeters away from each other. Sitting right next to her makes me smell her dianthus perfume, and even her fragrant shampoo scent on her hair. I'm finding it hard to focus right now.


Just after five minutes, Flu talked once again.


"I-Is it just me, or the air is a little bit warm?" Flu started to unbutton her shirt.


"It's not that hot. Come on, stop delaying and study!" I cried.


"Jeez, fine!" Flu puffed her cheeks and pouted. Then she started to give her 100% focus on studying.


Thirty more minutes have passed, and I have never heard any of Flu's random remarks or blatant techniques to delay her studies. I raised my head and looked at her.


That's when I noticed that she is still pouting while trying to solve her math reviewer. I can even hear the heavy scratching of her pen on the paper, and she even tore one page because of that heavy writing.


"Uh, Flu?" I asked.


"What?" Flu is still pouting. She's quite adorable in this, but this behavior is kind of out of place.


"Is something wrong?" I asked.


"Nothing. I'm going to solve all these math problems, you see."


Flu's tone is quite cold, and as I thought this is not normal. She may be diligently doing her notes and reviewers, but it seems that she's in a really bad mood.


"A-Are you perhaps… mad at me?" I nervously asked.


"Not really," Flu said in a cold tone.


"B-But what's with that face?"


"Stop bothering me while I'm studying, please," Flu said.


"S-Sorry." I forced a smile.


Well, now she's upset. I think it might be a good idea to back out for a while.


"I'm going to use the bathroom," I said.


"Go on." Flu's cold remark is giving me chills.


I stood up and exited Flu's room. There are only two of us here at her house, and she said that her siblings and parents are on union vacation ions. I had to say that Flu's house is eerily quiet as I ventured towards the restroom and took a leak.


"Haaaah." I sighed for a moment. 


I never knew that she would be that upset when I was that strict with her. I was usually strict about coaching Speed Battles and she never gets angry at me. I'd say this is the first time. Studying is something she hates with a passion.


"Maybe I should give her at least one hour of practice," I muttered.


That's right. One hour of practice may slightly ruin our plans, but it would not hurt. She might get a little motivated. I'm just worried that if we practice, Flu tends to extend the hours again, and again, and again. We once had an agreement to just practice at midnight, but we ended up extending it for one hour, then one and a half, then two hours, and finally we decided to stop when it was already dawn.


I don't see any other way anyway, so I'll just try to be strict for that one hour.


I returned to the room with Flu still focused on studying. I scratched my cheek and nervously smiled.


"Hey, Flu."


"What? I'm busy studying."


"Want to practice after this- huh?"


All of a sudden, Flu stood up and clenched her fists. I first thought that she was going to punch me but she just walked away right to the door. And then…




I heard the door lock! I'm sure of it!


Flu also wandered around the room, checking for the windows. She closed all of them, locked them, and freed the curtains.


"F-Flu, what are you doing?" 


The pink-haired mage turned to me with a cute blushing smile and sparkling blue eyes. All of a sudden, she flipped the lights off.




There was pure darkness. I could not see anything. Not until a magical candle lit up at the center of the tea table where we are supposed to be studying.




Flu's figure appeared on top of her bed and sat down like a good dog. All of a sudden, I saw pink glittery stardust form into her dog ears and foxy tail. Because of the use of stardust magic, the curtain swayed, giving a glimpse of a beautiful moonlight.


Flu opened her blue eyes that glowed like the moon behind her. She struck a cat-like pose with her hand and then muttered:


"Fluuuu! Fluuuu!"


That was a cute sound coming from her lips. Her hand gestured for me to come closer, which I obediently did.


"W-What are you planning?" I asked.


"Fluuuu! Fluuuu!" Flu continued to purr like a cat.


As I try to decipher what the hell is going on and what the heck is she trying to say, Flu tugged my arm and pulled me to her bed!




The soft cushion saved us from the immediate impact of our bodies falling. We are now laying down on her bed, our faces just a few centimeters away from each other.


"Fluuu! Fluuu!" Flu continued to purr.


At this moment, I know what she wanted to say. I may be as dense as osmium, but I am still a man with instincts and desires. This roleplay of Flu ignited something inside of me. 


As the old saying goes: Something is rising, and it is not the shield hero.


I raised my hand and rubbed the top of her head. "What a good cat you are," I said.


"Grrrr…" Flu snarled.


"W-Wait, are you a dog?" I asked. Why is she even acting like a cat?


"Woof! I mean, Fluuu, Fluuu!" Flu answered.


Flu has dog ears and fox tails made from her stardust energy. At this moment, I do not know what kind of animal she is. Maybe she is imitating a pocket monster from an anime instead.


I started to rub her chin, and then her cheeks. Flu can't stop but blush and moan "Fluuu!". Soon, I started to hug her like there was no tomorrow. Her soft warm and petite body feels like I am hugging a delicate stuffed toy. Flu also hugged me too, her muscles relaxed, and her long slender legs wrapped around my hips. All her body warmth triggered goosebumps and an electric jolt in my head.


"Darn, you're so damn adorable, Fluuu!" I giggled.


"Tehehehe~" Flu chuckled. 


I don't know if it's because of excitement, but Flu is now out of character. I don't mind it though, I love cuddling her. I want to spend the night with her!


"Jonathan… You can touch me anywhere you want…" Flu's voice was soft.


Soon, my hand proceeded to touch her breast. My other hand crawled on her legs. After a few gropings and strokes, I started to proceed to the abyss. Flu's moans are enough to make me burst, and now that she is wielding my Excalibur, I will go insane one hundred percent.


But then…


Ring! Ring! Ring!


My magic phone vibrated on the tea table. I looked at the recipient and saw that it was my mother calling.


"Wait, I have to take this," I said.


I rolled on my chest and grabbed the phone nearby and answered the call. 


"Hello? Oh yes. I am studying with my classmate. I will not make it home tonight. Alright. Bye!"


I immediately hung up on my mother before she could even talk. I feel bad about it, but I am not in the mood for talking to her so I dismissed her quickly. 


Now, where were we?


When I turned my back to Fluonessia, I saw that she was pouting once again. Her soft index finger booped at my snout for every syllable she spoke.


"You. Are. A. Big. Fat. Liar." Flu said. She seemed to be a little bit mad about me lying to my parents.


"You want me to tell her that I am sleeping with a cute girl?" I scoffed.


"Hnnnnngh!" Flu vibrated, but not because she was angry. She's blushing, excited about the feeling of what we are about to do. "Don't throw compliments like that! It makes it hard for me to argue with you!"


Flu jumped on me once again, her arms never letting go of my body. As a return, I stroke her silky smooth hair and kissed her.


"You're so pretty, Flu," I said.


"J-Jeez! Take this! Hnnnnnngh!" Flu pressed her body harder against mine and started rubbing her head on my chest. She is like a puppy who loves to be showered with compliments and is always hungry for affection.


This will be our first time spending the night on the same bed, but I guess I already know what position we will try to do first.