"The winner is… Jonathan Wardenorth!"

The referee proclaimed out loud. The people who have been watching this entire fight clapped with satisfied smiles on their faces. Some even screamed. Some cried. But all of them are happy.

"Huh?" I muttered.

I looked at my hand and saw mana traces of a red magical circle point indicator. I do not know what happened during that last split second as everything happened so fast.

"Did I… win?"

"Jonathan!" Flu immediately hopped unto me and took both of my hands. Then she started to jump over and over in celebration! "You did it! You defeated me in a fair fight! And that is the most awesome Speed Battle in my entire life!"

"R-Really?" I am still in awe.

"Yes!" Flu interlocked our fingers and pumped our fists. "You are so amazing!"

"W-What happened?"

Flu finally let go of my hand as she tried to explain everything with hand gestures and crisscrossing her hands.

"When we were about to collide during the last second, I made my specialty, the backflip Stardust Trampoline combo! But when I was about to strike your back, your body vibrated, and I just went through! And then when you had the chance to strike, you swiped your fingers to my back!"

"I-I did that!?"

"Of course!" Flu eagerly pumped her fists. Her sincere blue eyes are telling me that she is saying the truth.

I do not know how it happened, but since Flu said it, it must be true. Maybe my brain just shut down on the last fraction of a second and activated my Vibrating Phase spell unconsciously, and the Speed Battle instinct came in when I did the final strike to Flu.

As the victory sinks in me, I heard shouts from the audience seat and even from the viewing stage. Two contrail streaks are coming to our position, one is colored yellow-orange, and one is colored sky blue. It was Cruzo and Ericka. When the two finally braked in front of us, the Merry Knights celebrated.

"Uwooooooooooogh!" Cruzo cried in joy. "I am so happy for you, Coach! You finally achieved your dream of being a Speedmage Champion!"

"It might be unofficial, but I, as the proud president of the Merry Knights, proclaim you the Speedmage Champion. Congratulations, Coach Jonathan!" Ericka smiled, tears coming out of her eyes.

"Oh! Oh! We need to have a proper ceremony for Jonathan's proclamation!" Flu excitedly hopped. Then she opened a dimensional rift from hammerspace and drew out a gold medal with engraved wings and a logo of the Merry Knights Guild. She immediately showed it to the Useless Prez. "Here, Prez! Proclaim him as the Speedmage Champion again!"

"I think it will be much better if it's you who will award him." Ericka smiled.

"Ah, good idea!" Flu raised her arms in excitement. "Well then-"

"W-Wait, you prepared a medal for me?" I asked.

"Of course! You can't be a Speedmage Champion without a gold medal! It's even an identical imitation of mine! I studied alchemy just to replicate gold for the past two weeks, so I bet it will be of the same quality too!"

Flu revealed her real National Speedmage Tournament Championship medal, and she was right. Even though the medal she's planning to give me is a replication via alchemy, it looked like a twin medal. The only thing different is that Flu's gold medal has her name engraved on it, while the replicate medal has my name on it.

All of a sudden, Cruzo stomped the ground, and a platform emerged. He used earth magic to create this platform that looked like a podium!

"The stage is now set for the Speedmage Champion and Coach, Jonathan Wardenorth!" Cruzo said.

"Jonathan, please stand up. And Fluonessia, please do the honors of the awarding of medals." Ericka held her hips and started to organize us like a real leader.

"Yes!" Flu immediately hopped on the makeshift podium.

I stayed on my ground, unable to process these things. The fact that I won against a Speedmage Champion has yet to sink in me, and now they are doing an awarding ceremony impromptu. Just what am I supposed to do again?"

"Well, what are you waiting for, Speedmage Champion?" Ericka smirked at me. "Go now and claim your prize."

"R-Right." I bowed. I started to walk to the podium and stood at the topmost part of it.

Right there and then, I saw the people who watched our journey in the Speedmage Tournament. They have assembled at the center of the Triangle, and they are here to watch me. For the first time in forever, I have become the center of admiration of the people.

I have always acted behind my Speedmages, especially Flu. I have made her dream of becoming a Speedmage Champion, and now, she has made my childhood dream come true.

Even if this is just a makeshift ceremony…

Even if this is just an unofficial Speedmage Tournament…

Even if I won the Speed Battle against a champion who handicapped herself…

Even if I am just a temporary Speedmage…

I can still feel like I am the real Speedmage Champion!

"Jonathan, can you bow your head please," Flu said with an adorable smile on her face.

"R-Right." I bowed.

And then, Ericka started to give her short speech. "And now, we are witnessing the birth of the Speedmage Champion: Jonathan Wardenorth!"

Flu hung the replicate gold medal on my neck, and then I stood up proud and tall from the podium. The audience clapped in celebration of my win.

"Congratulations, Coach Jonathan!"

"Uwoooooogh! Congratulations, Coach!"

"Congratulations, Coach Wardenorth!"

"You did it, Jon. Congratulations!"

"Your dreams have been fulfilled, my foolish son!"

"Congratulations, Mister Wardenorth!"

"Congratulations, Jonathan-boy!"

"Ara ara, Congratulations, Jonathan~"

"Congratulations, Jonathan! Don't you ever forget my name again!"

"You're such a stud, Jonathan! Please breed me!"

I have no idea who shouted that last one, but I am sure it was not Flu. I looked at her and there is just a sorry smile on her face.

"You're getting famous now, Coach! Tahahaha!" Flu smiled happily. "You're getting much much much awesome now!"

"You're more awesome than me, Flu," I said. "You're the reason that I am here on this podium. I think you're the reason for my entire existence. If it was not for you, I might have discarded the thought of Speed Battles a long time ago. So… Thank you."

"Hnnnnngh!" Flu vibrated as she pumped her fists. Her cheeks went strawberry red as she said those. Suddenly, her head shot to my left cheek and kissed me! "Mmph!"

"Ah!" I was taken aback by Flu's surprise kiss on my cheek. "Is that-"

"You are more awesome than me, Jonathan! That is the kiss that has all the love, gratitude, and appreciation to you!"

I do not know how to react to that, and my cheeks are getting redder and redder every second. I just uttered a wry laugh out of embarrassment.


"Tahahaha!" Flu matched my laughing frequency.

And then, we both laugh together at the center of the podium.


Right after the awarding ceremony, people started taking pictures and congratulating me. Most of them took pictures of Flu though, since she's the National Speedmage Champion. Well of course, most of the picture-takers took selfies with us both since we are the legendary Speedmage-Navigator tandem that reigned victorious during the National Speedmage Tournament.

When the crowd settled down, only those Speedmages who participated in the Regionals were left. The three Speedmage Captains of Cool Escape, the aces of Eaglecrest, and even the witch and vampire father-and-daughter are the only ones remaining here.

I almost forgot about Professor Comette Azure and my father who are talking at the far edge of the Triangle. They seem to be discussing something.

"So, what are we going to do now in this Grand Arena?" Ericka asked.

"It would be a waste if we will just leave right here and right now." Captain Tezza said as she held her hips.

"Flu and I rented this Grand Arena the whole day. So you guys use the rest of the day." I said.

"Oh! That's good!" Vincent said as he smiled playfully. "I want to settle a score against someone, might as well be the Grand Arena as the venue for this!"

The ex-Speedmage Champion slowly walked towards the tall witch with crimson-and-gold eyes. Lilith Nightshade. She was surprised when Vincent immediately dropped his glove to the ground.

"Lilith Nightshade, I challenge you in a rematch!" Vincent beamed brightly.

"Ara ara. It is my pleasure, Vincent the Teleporter." Lilith smiled.

Count Gaylord Draculus stepped forward and stood beside Lilith. "Are you sure you're going to take us on? We can wait until you suffer from your loss again next year."

Justine stepped forward and backed his brother up. "Those were for the charity, Count Gaylord. My big brother has learned a lot of speed spells from Yamato Continent."

"Let's get it on then," Gaylord smirked.

On the other cluster of Speedmages, I saw another matchup coming up. Captain Liri Fontaine dropped her glove right in front of our Useless Prez, Ericka Azure.

"I challenge you to a Speed Battle, Useless Prez!" Liri energetically pointed at the clueless blue-haired beauty.

"That's about right. I want to fight against a Speedmage of your caliber too." Ericka said. "But may I know why are you challenging me?"

"You're one of the few people who came close to defeating Vincent the Teleporter back in the Regionals! And I am no match for him! I want to see what I could improve when fighting you!" Liri said.


"Uwoooooogh! Captain Tezza! I challenge you to a Speed Battle!" Cruzo roared as he dropped his glove in front of the silver-eyed captain.

"Oh? You want a battle of pure speed?" Captain Tezza smirked as she crossed her arms.

"Yes! I want to test the power of my determination, guts, and love! Let's have a drag race!"

"You know I will take up your offer. Oh, it's President Tezza now. I heard that you already beat all Speedmage Guild Presidents of the Saint Crusade Academy, so I know that you are eager to fight me."

"That's right, Prez Tezza! I am now the President Destroyer! Uwoooooogh!" Cruzo shouted with whole confidence.

Speedmages started to line up for their on-the-spot matches. They will be utilizing this Grand Arena for good. I just hope they won't cause any trouble because Flu and I signed the lease contract. If any of these Speedmages destroy any equipment or any part of the Grand Arena, both of us will be responsible.

Meanwhile, I looked at Flu who has this teary eyes.


"Flu? Why the face?" I asked with a worried voice.

"I want to join them, but we scheduled a date after our Speed Battle. I want to show you something in the Eastern Island Plateau."

"Let's just ask them for the recording of their matches," I said. Then I looked at the paparazzi from the journalist club and waved my hand. "Hey, Heisenberg!"

"It's Heffy! Jeez!" The journalist cried as she approached us. "What is it!?"

"Hey, hey, Heffy!" Flu clasped her hands happily and prayed. "Can you please record all the Speed Battles that will take place here today?"

"No problemo, Fluonessia! I will take their videos even if you didn't ask me!" Heffy puffed her chest proudly.

"Thank you!" Flu smiled.

"Now, let the newlyweds depart!" Heffy cried out loud.

"H-Hey, we're not married yet!" I cried.

"Tahahaha." Flu laughed in the background.

I looked at the love of my life. After our year-long journey, we finally reached the end of the finish line.

Fluonessia is still as beautiful as the day we first met. Her Speedmage Suit gives her a lot more of her charm, but what makes me attracted to her the most is her positive attitude that drags me away from my abyssal depression.

The pink-haired Speedmage Champion walked in front of me and offered her hand.

"Let's go, Jonathan."

I smiled and held firm her hand.

"Yeah. Let's."

Flu gathered pink glittery stardust on her Speedmage Shoes. With a quick step forward, she shouted out loud!

"Fluonessia, taking off! Stardust Accel!"

We boosted forward, exiting the arena. We went through grassy plains, and monster marshes, and beelined on the rail tracks until we reached the Eastern Beachfront where we first met.

I just remembered Flu's words about our itinerary. She said that we will go to the Eastern Island Plateau, which is at the edge of the world. That is where we first confessed our love to one another, so that holds a special place in our hearts. But why the plateau?

"Hey, Flu."

"Yes, Flu here. Tehehe."

"What's with the Eastern Island Plateau?"

"Oh, the plateau tends to have lots of Spellbloom flowers at this time of the year. There are thousands of them blooming during the dates between Christmas and New Year, so I need to show them to you!"

"I can't wait to see it." I giggled excitedly.

Flu matched my smile. I feel like whenever I'm by her side, I can do anything. As long as I take her hand, we can run towards the edge of the earth and grant even the wildest most impossible dream.

I remember the first time I took her hand. It was the time I cherish the most.

To be honest, holding her right now makes me a lot nostalgic. Especially what is about to happen right now.

"Ah! I am sorry! I got my eyes off the road while talking to you, and now we're crashing!" Flu cried.


When I looked in front, I saw a dumpster truck's rear, full of sacks of garbage. And it was too late to do anything. Our first days in the academy flashed in my eyes as if it were my last day on earth. It was a déjà vu.

"Flu, you idiooooot!"

Boom! Garbage showered all around the truck as soon as the impact was made.

And that is how Flu decided to end our final chapter.

