
"Mnnn, everything is so much easier with various versions of me around the place, but I must keep reading while they search and tell me what they learned... Next book, titled "Notes of a needy maid... Loneliness. Sadness... my lonely body living long cold nights.... First book I find that is not related to anything combat related. Next book, another weird title: Philosophy in Greece. Ummm, Greek... From Greece. I remember my teacher saying, "Many friends in my life today have their names plastered in history books." The books on this floor have nothing to improve my physical condition, neither do my chances of escaping this place. Another book: City of Athens. "Gods of Greece"... "Zeus," Ummm. I can't waste my time with this. Historical notes, events of a past, descriptions of another present, of other situations cannot be important to me right now. On the other hand, if the reading is not very interesting to me, I might fall asleep without realizing it."

Descending the stairs, he looked around him. Approximately twenty shadows prowled back and forth and organized whatever they found on the floor.

"Using for so long in a row aura control is troublesome, however, at least I could understand what my limits are. Speaking of sleeping, I must rest. One of the books above explains about the consequences of insomnia. Every species has a limit, and I seem to have exceeded mine long ago. Even if I consume blood and flesh, I can no longer replenish my body's fatigue. My learning has become slow. I have also noticed that my mind goes blank more often. But I still have one book left that I want to read, it seems to be the biggest book of all, and the most important otherwise it wouldn't have a whole floor to itself or would it?"

The little boy with his hands took the book that was right in the middle of the lowest floor of the immense library. As soon as he opened it he glanced at it and got the worst disappointment he had had so far.

"Ah, I can't understand it! All the symbols are different... What can I do?"


Inside a room with reduced space compared to the others that made up the house, in which there was a bed, a chest of drawers and a closet, Silvia was looking at the ceiling.

"Uff, here, in this bed, I writhe from side to side."

The maid's skin touched the sheets, she thought hard.

"I can't sleep, not while he's here" she continued to tell herself. "I gave him the key, and though it took his time, he ended up finding the Library of Knowledge. Will he be reading my diary? The book I write when I'm alone could arouse any man's curiosity. The pages he used to capture my feelings are descriptive enough to draw my body. I am a servant and I must abide by the rules so as not to suffer the consequences. It is not fair that I am forbidden to interfere in the lives of the residents. But the little Rey did not stay over, so the house interprets him as an intruder. His brothers, Heroclades and Mijan, did not stay either, so if they were to enter, they would not be recognized as tenants either."

Silvia manifested disappointment on her face, at the same time she uncovered herself and moved again.

"The young master is still very small. I would have preferred one of the two previous ones."

Silvia turned over again and hugging her pillow ended up raising it in the air. She looked at the white rectangular cushion and could find resemblance regarding the size of the feather-filled object and the young master's body.

"Oh, Rey, as I could see, your body is not as developed as your father's or any of the other males I have seen. You are so small, I don't know if you are enough to be able to fill the emptiness inside me."

Returning the pillow to its original position, she covered her body from head to toe.

"On the other hand, even if it was Mijan who had snuck in, he wouldn't be able to interpret the signals from this needy body. That light elf has a very dense personality, he also became Katherine's slave. On the other hand, Heroclades, that tan-skinned one, is no one's slave, although he has two women and shares pleasures with everyone."

Uncovering her head, Silvia continued.

"Mmm, I could try Ehimus, but she's an elven woman and even if she has the appearance of a small boy, she's already Maryam's toy."

Biting her lower lip and rubbing her legs back and forth....

"Mmmm, what if it had been the best case of all, what if it had been Wulfgang?"

Uncovering herself completely again and sitting down on the bed....

"What if I had accepted her invitation? What if it had been me being violently penetrated by all three men in the house at the same time while the other two suck my tits instead of hers?"

Lowering her right hand to her lower lips, Silvia touched herself.

"Doing what that vampire did in front of me. Oh!....."

Laying back down, this time roughly, Silvia continued her monologue.

"I have to be realistic, as a vicious creature of sex I don't come up to the heels of Katherine, who walks in Maryam's shadow. At best, I would end up being just another toy of that immortal, shameless, perverted vampire."

Lifting the pillow with her hands to the ceiling again, Silvia saw in it her young master.

"As much as I deny it, to satisfy my curiosity, this is my only chance. It's not that I'm going to throw myself on top of the little intruder. Not that I want to rape him. I just left the door to my room open so that he can come in if he wants to come and ask something....."

With a flushed face she looked in the direction of the door, she continued as she slowly hugged the pillow she was carrying.

"Even if he gets to see me naked on the bed when he comes to ask. Why am I willing to risk everything? Well, to be frank, despite having lost my memory several times, this flame has become more fierce and uncontrollable since the new tenants came to the house. I remember how Maryam was being carried around like the princesses in the books I have read in my spare time. I felt jealousy, why her and not me, what was different about her? I wondered. But when she opened her eyes, I could deduce the answer. Not only her blue eyes, but her skin looks much whiter and more delicate than mine. Not to mention her ability to coax a man by making herself look weak, flimsy and vulnerable. Returning to the present, as the light slips through the half-open door, I must make it clear that I did not plan this at all. But I won't hold back either."

The maid put the pillow on the bed and, on her knees, stood on the bed until she sat on it.

"My conscience is clear. It's not my fault. After not only having to listen to and watch everyone in the house beating their bodies in the art of mating or reunification, as she calls it, but also having to clean the floor cluttered with saliva, sweat, semen, vaginal fluids, urine and even the other stuff. Yes, she is to blame for my sexual desires having built up to exponential levels as they are now."

Shifting her hips back and forth on the pillow....

"The first day and the second I was able to come to terms with these needs on my own. But remembering watching men licking like dogs where they were told to lick, watching them doing what they were commanded to do while I watched" Silvia bit her lower lip, "that hurt. It burned me. It made me a different person. It broke me inside. Since then I can't even control what I think. No wonder I'm walking around the house and my vaginal fluids fall on the floor from just passing memories. The insatiable fire in my body is already unstoppable. I only intend to do what you, Maryam, taught me... Oh, Rey, you will have to be braver than ever if you decide to face the hunger that lives in me."

As soon as he had organized the library to the best of his abilities, Rey came out with the book under his left hand and locked the door with the key. At that instant, he turned to ask himself,

"Where should I leave the key she gave me? Will I be able to take this book that even after all this time I have not been able to understand?"

It was the only book that was written in a whole different language from the one he knew, also in case he fell asleep, he wanted to sleep next to his furry companion he missed so much. Something told him that he could not allow the one he protected with so much effort to wake up alone and have no one with him.

After walking through the house, the little boy stopped right in front of the door of the room that belonged to Silvia. He had decided to leave the key on the floor, right in front of the entrance so that she would find him when he came out, but he noticed something very unusual. The door was open, and a sweet smell was coming from inside and inviting him to enter.

Using his right hand, Rey pushed the door open. The hinges were in good condition and didn't even make a sound, but the silhouette of light from one of the hallway lamps grew larger and invaded the interior of the room.

On the bed a naked body was writhing, breathing slowly and clutching the sheets with its hands as if it were holding on to keep from falling. Rey tilted his head to one side, paused for a while, blinked three times until he decided to go inside and turn around to continue seeing Silvia's exposed body from a better angle. Little by little, he was able to see strong thighs, white and pink skin, hands wrapped around a pillow, every crease, and finally the long reddish hair sleeping on the face of the closed-eyed maid. She, in addition to having bigger breasts than her mother's, also had a nice ass. Those four mountains made anyone want to start touching them with all their might. In Rey's case, sucking them, out of curiosity. Sucking with his mouth was what he remembered doing when he was little. Besides, he had also seen the older ones do it. Especially Ehimus and his father. For some reason, rather than sucking them, he felt like he was craving to bite them, even if he wasn't hungry.

Rey hesitated. He didn't want to hurt a "non-enemy," let alone someone who had helped him so much. With eyes wide open and a heart soaring, he unconsciously began to reach his hand toward the inner thighs of the maid. The place that gave off the sweetest smell brought back so many memories.

"I want to bite," he said to himself. "To satiate this uncontrollable hunger that has come over me. Is this the way the elders feel when they are alone? I couldn't smell before, couldn't touch either. Maybe it was for that reason that I was never interested in experimenting. But now..."