Chapter 5: No last name

Almost simultaneously, down the hallway all the doors opened in a resounding crash. Ehimus, Mijan, Katherine and Heroclades seemed to have jumped out of their beds as fast as they could because, in less than a breath, they were already running through the dining room with agility and precision.

Katherine, concerned, said:

"I've never heard my sister scream like that! Get ready to face the unexpected," she said as soon as she passed by the little one that no one saw and was about to run up the stairs.

With a single leap, the runners seemed to fly through the air to reach the second floor without using the stairs. Rey came out of his shock and decided to hurry, but, no matter how fast he tried to run, when he was on the second step he could hear how the door of the master bedroom was knocked down. Even so, he continued as fast as his knees, elbows and fingers would allow him to climb the gigantic steps. Finishing his climb, Rey entered the room to find something that made him pause. None of the elders were moving, not speaking and barely breathing. Mouths agape, their faces did not know what to say in the face of a situation so urgent that there was no room to worry about covering their bodies with clothes and not showing their intimacies to others.

Those present, those formidable fighters who were prepared to face any situation, were looking at the vampire as if they were petrified. Mijan broke the silence:

"Are you all right?! How are you feeling Maryam? I don't want to scare you, but... I understand that the pregnancy process of a vampire should last at least two thousand four hundred and seventy-eight days or go up to three thousand days."

Maryam, touching her belly with her trembling hands, replied:

"Do I look fine? Of course not!" she replied upset, as if she did not accept at all what had happened to her practically overnight.

Rey could feel as if his mother was short of breath when she spoke. He did not know about numbers, but he could imagine that there were many, thanks to the stress that Mijan put on when she pronounced about the days that the pregnancy process takes. He could also understand that one night was when the lights went out and you couldn't see anything.

"Impossible!" said Katherine at the same time as Heroclades. "But how?"

"What does this mean?" asked Wulfgang. "I'm not understanding. Katherine, isn't this what your previous pregnancies were like?"

"I don't think so," said Mijan, stepping in for the muscular vampire.

"No one in the entire bloodline is capable of creating life that fast" replied the muscular vampire earnestly amidst the din of several whispers.

Ehimus, careful and indiscreet, commented:

"I can't stop looking at your tits. They look to the point of..."

The pale, inverted nipples began to leak.

"Oops! Maryam, you're leaking milk, I knew it! I had a feeling they were going to burst! Woooo! Cover yourselves!"

After Ehimus' comment, Maryam took a deep breath and, expanding her collapsed lungs as much as she could, let out a scream:

"Everybody shut up and let me think, dammit!!!!!".

Already with silence in the room, the vampire using her hands raised her torso and continued speaking with a polite and courteous tone of voice. Rey also kept silent and almost stood on her tiptoes at the scolding voice of her irritated mother.

"Maryam, you can't lose the glamour. Calm down, Maryam, calm down. Think. My breasts are full, I just woke up and it's natural for the milk supply to be at its peak. But this isn't milk, it's colostrum, and it doesn't necessarily mean I'm about to give birth. On the other hand, the size of my belly says otherwise. Compared to what I remember, it's almost twice as big, maybe because it's not just one baby... Ehimus, come to my side. You'll have to drink my milk to relieve the pressure I'm feeling. Fang, you too."

"With your permission, I have to leave," said Heroclades, a little turned on.

Pausing for a moment, Rey watched as after his master's words, he clasped his hands between his legs and hurried out of the room. Mijan, on the other hand, turned and looked at the floor, while Wulfgang and Ehimus sucked on Maryam's breasts.

"She has such a big belly that she sure can't see her feet, or move like she used to. I hope she doesn't explode my poor mother," thought Rey who, despite hearing the vampire's babbling, still didn't understand anything that was happening.

"Waak. Bitter... I don't like it" Ehimus then said swallowing.

Rey, unable to sit still, paced around and tried to deduce the situation. His mother made a grimace with her face. The expression did not go unnoticed under the muscular vampire's gaze.

"Herman...and that face?" asked Katherine.

Maryam, amazed and not believing it herself, said:

"Phew... He just broke water!"

With this news, Wulfgang made the sound someone made when swallowing, half choked from not swallowing completely, only to ask:

"What!" Loudly, to which Maryam replied:

"I'm about to give birth. Kat, get the jacuzzi filled. Whew. We're gonna need hot water... Aah."

The muscular vampire, with speed and efficiency, proceeded to do as she was told.

Mijan seemed to react and, after clapping his hands twice, caused a hovering machine to appear above him:

"XWZ, scan and display results....".

The machine asked for a second. It then proceeded to carry out the user's commands and, at the word, moved to hover above the vampire. A light came from inside the flying device. The lightning gave a glimpse of images that appeared to show Maryam's interior. The wolf and the elf stopped their work to watch as a large screen showed the inside of the vampire's belly. Within an eight-cornered square, three bulges could be made out floating in something that looked just like red water.

Mijan asked him for a better resolution along with a verbal report. Preceding the voice command, the faces of the three babies were seen, as well as their sexes while listening to a detailed description:

"Scans and analysis completed. Aging body frisking approximately eighteen human years. Gender: female. Species: vampire. Age: unknown. Pregnancy development: late gestational stage. Blood pressure, respiration, pulse and other vital signs: within normal parameters. Emergency medical or physical condition not detected. Approximate course of pregnancy: seven years and fifteen human days. Size of babies: normal. Size of belly and placenta: normal. Mother's feeding and nutrition: normal. Warning: intensification of frequency and duration of contractions, four to seven contractions per ten minutes."

Giving birth, water breaking, gestation, parameter, years, nutrition, gender, jacuzzi, contractions. Many new and confusing words to the little one's ear that no one saw. The floating device, which had become the hologram of a light elf with similar characteristics to the user and used complicated terms, also did not help him much to understand the situation that was explained in detail to the others. On the other hand, the image of three small lumps floating in the air gave him an idea of the situation. Still, not wanting to rush to his own conclusions, Rey waited in silence, watching, listening and paying utmost attention to the strange hologram that Mijan had made appear, even if it was a hard idea to believe.

XWZ continued:

"Three babies positioned upside down are on their way. Fetus #1. Gender: male. Predominant genes: werewolf, physical condition and vital signs within normal parameters. Asleep. Fetus #2. Gender: male. Predominant genes: vampire. No irregularities. Sleeping. Fetus #3. Gender: male. Genes: two of equal number and nomination; hybrid. No irregularities. Awake and appears to follow scan vibrations."

After hearing the word "hybrid", Rey turned his gaze back to the screen and could recognize himself inside his mother's belly, not by his facial features, but by his eyes. Two luminous white spheres that gave the impression of piercing whatever they looked at, inspiring fear in allies and enemies alike, and even in himself. The others could also be seen impressed, but they still paid particularly more attention to the time that had passed and the impending delivery.

"It's been so long, it can't be! We couldn't have slept that long, could we?" added Ehimus almost frantically, to continue. "Seven years asleep! Seven years without eating, without going to the bathroom, without moving... How is it possible that I'm still small and flat-chested? How is it possible that Heroclades is still alive!"

"The old man mentioned something about the night" said Katherine as one who was trying to make memory. "Perhaps this was what he was referring to... By the way, where is he?"

The vampire's breaths hitched, Maryam held her sister's hand tighter there and asked her if the bathtub was full. Suddenly the charismatic voice of a lanky man getting on in years was heard through the door that was still lying down.

"Well, good, good to see you! Sorry I'm late. Let me introduce you to Ana "The old woman of the forest" and Clara "The old woman of the lake". They are going to help with the delivery of the tenant."

Katherine, as one who saw a demon that had been summoned, added worriedly on the subject:

"She doesn't need help. We're more than enough... We just want to know what's going on.

Rey turned her face and watched as Wulfgang laid his head on his beloved's forehead, then she moved a little away and looked up to meet his eyes. Ehimus opened her eyelids like saucers and turned her head from side to side. But the vampire's gaze said it all, still, she had to speak and those present had to listen.

"I think it best to follow the advice of the Great Wise Wizard. Don't take this the wrong way, but I didn't expect there to be three of them and I don't feel like I can have the strength to regenerate the wound in case they have to cut my belly open."

He took a deep breath, as deep as he could to keep calm and disguise pain.

"On the other hand, it would be a good opportunity for you guys to have a conversation and get the explanation you deserve from this place" said the vampire in control of her behavior, to make as if the pain would intensify in measure to how much time passed.

Wulfgang, Ehimus, Mijan and Katherine paid even more attention to the vampire. Rey could see how they were worried and didn't know what to do or what to say, it was as if they were considering the situation. The Great Wise Wizard turned and left the room. Then the old ladies, using the charisma and security that emanated from their presence, managed to get everyone out of the room, even the husband. Silvia, discreetly, entered and as soon as everyone was expelled, she fixed and closed the door with a smile on her face, like someone who promotes calm and assures that everything would be all right.