Amid the sound of worldly kisses and caresses, Rey walked through the nearest wall into another room. He found that in this room was Ehimus yawning as she finished filling a second bag of blood, which she prepared to give to Katherine to feed.
"She hasn't fully recovered and wants to have an orgy as a reunification," he thought.
"I want to give them a mother's love," she said. "Good thing I rescued you from that room in time. I'm not about to fall into his web! At least not again! You have to understand that I'm pretty pissed off about letting that kid live!" the vampire said indignantly as she paced back and forth and gestured with her hands as one trying to make a point. "Surely that thing passes clan initiation. He's her son, how could he not be loved by her? But what if at some point I incapacitate my sister's abilities?"
"You get paranoid," Ehimus said, "especially when you're bored. Initiation is about them trusting and experiencing death, and then Maryam, with her love, bringing them back to life. She would not love someone who does not deserve to be loved, even if he is or is not her son."
"I admit I'm bored," Katherine said, "tired of hearing him cavorting like never before, frustrated that I can't make a man of myself, worried about the future of Of-Bastador. So many things and I don't know what to do."
"What do you want most right now?" , Ehimus asked as one who knew the answer.
"I want to have the warmth of a man with me inside me without her having anything to do with it! Are you listening to me?" said the muscular vampire to the elf, who didn't even flinch to listen.
"You and Mijan, think about it" replied the little elf as one who downplayed the matter. "Even though he thinks he can replace everything with wealth, even though he always steals the group's funds from me and charges favors to the needy to gamble, at least, he is a better choice than Heroclades. And I am of the opinion that he is sensible enough to only stay with you if you demand it of him" Ehimus suggested. "Besides, the Of-Grecians are very ambiguous. They don't work and whenever they approach someone different, they always approach them with a question "What do you think it is to reign?", and if you don't know how to answer well enough to have a dissertation on the subject, they reply "it doesn't matter, I was just looking for someone rational". How irritating!!! They say logic, decisions, wisdom, knowledge...!!! They look at the person as if they are trying to determine if they really have any idea what they are talking about and if not, they corrupt you. They tear your argument into a thousand pieces and you end up seeing that you were wrong....."
Katherin stopped listening to Ehimus, but, even so, the elf continued speaking as if she had returned to the past. To the muscular vampire, the elf there was motivated to hate Heroclades. The two of them were always at each other's throats whenever they fought, not to mention that maybe she wanted to keep the Of-Greece. Katherine, having ignored all the words related to Heroclades, returned to the present:
"Sometimes you surprise me, little green one. I've been thinking about it already. He has all the time and life forces of an elf. From within the group, at least he's the only one left to afford to invest them in a rather selfish vampire like me" he said as he sat in one spot thinking aloud.
Ehimus, as one who warns and advises, said:
"Try not to be so abrupt at the first meeting. Let him take confidence and enjoy himself. Maryam says that all men love the pleasures of the flesh, so, if you control your very bad habits in bed at first, everything should be fine."
Changing the direction of her words, the little green girl pointed to the blood bag she had already filled.
"You already have one. I'm going to leave this other one in the heated box" Standing up she prepared to leave. "I wish you luck, ah... I want to warn you. Leave me out of all this!" she said in a low, weary tone.
Katherine opened her eyes drawing a smirk from ear to ear:
"No offense, but I don't entertain you as much as I used to. Despite being so small and asking so many questions, your old girlishness is becoming very prevalent in intimacy whenever Fang is away. I was more attracted to your scary face and not liking what was going to happen to you" the vampire said as she made the whole room go dark and enveloped the elf, who even flinched to react. "You see what I mean. You're getting older and you're getting boring...."
Rey, on the other hand, was taken aback. He hadn't expected to see the display of such darkness. Hungry and terrified, the black devoured even the sound in that small room. Unable to see anything for a second, he waited on the spot until he slowly saw how a ray of clarity entered through the cracks of a door that was being opened. He also noticed that as soon as the little green girl finished opening the door, she left from inside the room as if escaping from the grip of the muscular vampire, who wanted to seduce him in her own way.
Once Ehimus stepped out into the hallway, Katherine followed her nakedly with a somewhat disappointed face. Rey also emerged from within the darkness that made him feel so uncomfortable. From one moment to the next, the little boy was intrigued when he saw how Katherine crouched down in front of his room and began to pretend she was looking for something when she obviously had nothing to look for.
There, unclothed and before Rey's eyes, Katherine didn't look much different from her father or Heroclades. Sure, she didn't have something hanging from between her legs, but both her thick voice, build and scars made her comparable to the other members who did.
As she touched the floor with her hands, Katherine made the shadows enter through the gaps in the wood that made up the floor. Rey became more curious about the event, and not because she was leaning forward with her buttocks spread open in front of him.
"The darkness looks like water, but it can't be water because even though it runs across the floor nothing stays wet," he thought. It wasn't the first time he had seen the vampire use shadows as her ally and if she was someone the future was against, it was best to be cautious and learn.
The little white-eyed boy continued down the hallway, until he slipped under Katherine's legs to get a closer look at the floor. Suddenly, Rey heard Mijan say goodbye to Ehimus, who had suggested go to sleep.
Rey raised his head, looked in the direction of the living room and saw Mijan approaching. One step, two steps, three firm steps. Seven, eight, nine, not so much anymore. The elf noticed that the hallway was darker than usual, also that the muscular vampire was looking at him as if she was proud of her nudity. It was an uncomfortable situation for Mijan. Rey could imagine and agreed that it is always intimidating when a prey is watched by a hunter. As quickly as he could, who was dressed in advanced garments, he changed the direction of his gaze, barely making connection with Katherine's eyes. Rey remembered that the elf always looked nervous before the vampire.
Mijan stopped. He had the face of one who was trying to calm himself, even with a movement of his neck he commanded the strange floating device to disappear. Putting his right hand behind his head, the light elf stepped closer and said:
"Perhaps I should be more sociable. I can count on my hands the number of times we have spoken alone...".
Katherine interrupted the elf with the confidence of a triumphant:
"Words are not necessary... Do you intend to resist?" she said and with a snap of her fingers a whole cloud of shadows took place in the hallway.
Mijan, with a smile and pinning his gaze between the vampire's legs, replied:
"What can I do? I am forced to reciprocate your feelings. I like you if you like me."
Rey watched as all the eerie darkness enveloped the body of the confused silver-haired youth. At the little boy's feet, as if he were a sack full of earth, Mijan fell helplessly. Lacking the strength to struggle or the desire to try to escape, he surrendered to the effects of a gas that seemed to be sedating him.
"Then I own you," Katherine added, as soon as she opened the door to her room, with the face of someone who had no intention of wasting much time.
The vampire dragged her victim into the room, which had once been an entire lighted room and was now so dark you couldn't even see anything. Rey watched as someone observing the scene of a murder. Standing in the hallway, not daring to approach, the little boy with no last name only heard the door close and the click-clack of the lock.
For the little boy, there weren't many other rooms left to check. At least, not without two or more grown-ups rolling over each other. He didn't understand what they saw as interesting about being stuck together all the time. "I'm not older, it's not my time to be able to understand," he repeated to himself again. "Unlike them, I am small. I remember how Heroclades always did his best to separate me and my siblings from Mijan and Katherine whenever these two got together and went into a secluded area."
Walking to the exit of the hallway, the little boy, who was trying to understand, stopped dead in his tracks. He heard a familiar voice speaking from the second floor.
"A well-applied and combat-strong servant girl?"
If the voice hadn't been enough, the whimsical laughter that preceded the words was unmistakable. It was Maryam speaking.
"I always believed that every house needs good servants. In particular, maids to take care of my husband, the children and the other tenants whenever I can't. Brenk Priom shared my opinion on the matter, the other nobles thought it was an unnecessary luxury...."
Silvia, clicking her tongue. "Tsk." Fulminating the vampire with his gaze and availing himself of a straight tone, Rey heard him say:
"What does Mistress Maryam wish?"