
Rey, although he had his eyes closed, could see darkness, he could also feel his body and hear the voice of the one who spoke to him. In a moment, within all the darkness, the figure of Clara's naked body appeared speaking to him.

Clara, with innocence and much patience, continued to speak as one who was not interested in being seen without garments:

"It is believed that the world is not as we see it. It is more like a gigantic spider's web where different realities can exist in the same space. This is best manifested within us when we are inside a lucid dream, like now. It is dark, isn't it? You think you can't see anything, but it's the opposite. You are actually seeing straight into the first energy vortex through which cognitive, emotional, controlling forces of vital activities such as movement, sleep, hunger and instincts flow. You just don't know how to interpret it. This is the first vortex, known as the brain, and to denaturalize it there is a method... Only by forgetting everything you know will you be able to clean the darkness of this vortex and move on to the next one. Think that if the world is not as we know it, and things are not as we perceive them, then the brain becomes a prisoner of what it knows, remaining within the limits of what it does not... What does it mean that we are prisoners of what we know, or of what this world full of illusions has given us to know? We are different types of energy and each has tried to influence you with a fine ecosystem of interrelated purposes, influences that create and shape this darkness."

Rey took a deep breath and let go of the air he had inhaled. Questions and more questions... he couldn't help but think of Heroclades. Putting his master aside, he breathed again and again. Slowly he began to forget everything. The knowledge went away easily, for, in a way, to forget was to think of nothing. To turn off the memories and leave the mind empty. With each breath the vortex changed color. A color that was not black, but neither white nor gray. The vortex was what it looked like, an intense vertical hole, which lost its support and fell right on top of the little boy.

Rey kept his mind blank; suffocating inside the vortex, he ignored everything he saw, felt and could hear. Drowning in a sea of sadness, thoughts and pain, the little boy refused to fight adversity for the eternity that passed in a moment; still, the vortex turned black and hopelessness raised its hand to embrace the body that had forgotten all its knowledge. Suspended in loneliness and depression, he still floated without moving, seeking help or escape.

The darkness became brightness, the brightness left and brought with it a whole variety of sounds. The unbearable noise of life screamed with all its might in the boy's ears until, tired, it faded away. Darkness invaded once more and shaking what seemed to be a head, he gave himself to understand that he had lost his purpose before the white eyes that pierced everything they looked at. A body condemned to an existence void of knowledge was not a body that lived; living is a natural instinct that allows beings to move away from death. But Rey did not obey those instincts, he had no reason to if he knew nothing and had forgotten everything. Weak and vulnerable, the floating body persisted at the crossroads until it exploded into a thousand pieces.

Clara, in the voice of a worried mother amid the twilight that filled the place, said:

"Rey.... Can you hear my voice? According to your energy flow, you managed to unblock the first vortex. Return to consciousness, understand my words and try to reassemble your shattered unconscious. The next vortex is known as the cerebellum; here you will rebuild and process everything you once let go."

A drop made itself out of nothing and, leaving thousands of shockwaves, rose up until it hit something in the void. That transformed into an eye, the eye was white with the silhouette of an infinite star, it was Rey's. Another drop of dispersed knowledge came out and the second eye was created. Another drop and the eyelids were created and so on until the face of Rey was formed. The floating head elongated into a neck, then chest, arms, abdomen, pelvis and finally legs. Although the body was now complete, there was still a lot of knowledge left.

Rey felt lonely among so much knowledge, each drop floating in the silence showed sad memories. Little Paradise guardian felines played with their parents in the meadow. Under the cold of a blizzard, a broken nest and destroyed eggs. Among the adults, he sat, unsocialized, silent, watching them and analyzing the surroundings. The shadow of pain relieving the sadness. Rey slowly closed his eyes, but still the tears came in and the images became vivid, until the last one came in and left the place.

Clara, from the fading twilight, broke the silence of solitude with her voice:

"Perfect. The next vortex is known as the spinal cord. It is responsible for connecting the body with the mind. This vortex, through which the life force of the first two passes through to the whole body, is to be awakened by controlling reflex, sensation, movement and pain. This is not as complex a vortex as the previous ones and, since you are a fighter, you have an advantage...."

The place was transformed into a tornado of flames, just as the immobile body of the little boy, who already knew how to ignore the pain and that it was not real, was set on fire.

Clara, within the dawn of a new day inside Rey's mind, said:

"Okay, we are done with the three primary vortexes, thus achieving total sensation and control over your body and mind. Now we can proceed to clear the seven secondary vortices."

Entering a place where eternity continued, he continued his dialogue:

"These seven vortices are known as chakras, and thanks to the fact that you are not yet as contaminated with emotions as an adult would be, you will be able to cleanse these energy points very easily...."

Like a gentle breeze of wind, the sorceress's naked body approached her disciple's, she rolled over to him and after reaching out her hand she touched him with her index finger on his buttocks, just where the cleft of the buttocks began.

"Let's proceed. At the end of your spine is the root vortex, it is the base of your spine and body. It is the first and only one starting to count from the bottom. Focus on feeling the link of the base of your body with the material, the solid and the firm. This chakra is the foundation that makes the largest of trees rise secure and imposing regardless of the conditions of the ground. When blocked, it is responsible for generating negative emotions such as rootlessness, guilt, fear and not belonging anywhere or having any reason to grow. It is also the vortex that prevents concentration and affects emotional stability the most..."

Rey, faced with the huge vortex of negative energy, felt he had many questions to answer. "Do I have a home to live in and grow up in peace? What do I want to live for? Is it worth it to become an adult? How far can I go? Do I feel good about myself?" To which he replied, "Yes! The world is my home, the three planes are mine to live in as much as Heaven and Hell. I live because it is my opportunity. It pays to be great and even greater. Surpassing the 'me' of now, I will go as far as I can go and I feel good about all that I am, all that I have and all that I may become, have or feel." With this powerful feeling, the vortex unblocked and the energy went up until it stopped.

Clara, sliding her finger upward, circled the little boy's body and stopped at a certain point:

"The next vortex is located in the lower abdomen, and is called "sacral". Once you find the anchor of support in the world, you have to spread life. For that reason this chakra is linked to procreation, sex and pleasure. When blocked or dormant, it is responsible for generating feelings of guilt about the continuation of the species, fear of enjoyment and clipping the wings of the personality, inhibiting you from being reserved."

Rey, in the face of the vortex, felt doubts about whether it was really bad for him to have sexual impulses towards those who helped him and were closest to him. Images of him licking Silvia's sex, of all the naked bodies he had seen, of Edith as she was cleaning him in the lake, and now of Clara crouching right in front of him, floated through the place and came together in a strange combination. But after closing his eyes, he accepted what it was, as well as stopped holding back about what might happen. The images left and the energy continued to move forward.

Clara, enthralled, continued to move her finger:

"The third vortex is located in the center of the body, between the upper abdomen and the heart. Its name is "plexus" and when it is blocked, you do not have proper control of breathing or digestion, making it common to feel tired, lack of energy, inferiority, insecurity, dissatisfaction and lack of confidence,"

Rey was invaded by the same words that the white witch had said to him. Perfectly, he remembered that only a night ago, his dissatisfaction with himself was exponentially high. At that moment it came to the surface. "My decisions are mine and I take responsibility for them. I am in control of my emotions. I know what I want and I am confident that I can get it through effort alone. I am satisfied with self-improvement and not having anyone else as a goal."

Clara, as one who wielded a sword against the vengeful shadows that had kept growing around the place, continued and pointed to the area with her clenched fist:

"The next vortex is associated with the heart and is the largest of all. As a catalyst for feelings, it is also responsible for feeding the flame of will. If this chakra, located in the center of the chest, is blocked, it generates emotions such as a lack of love for one's life and others around you, premature performance in the face of rigorous tasks and a lack of values in a person."

Rey encountered a whole gigantic flame, to which he opened the way and let the course of energy move forward, as if nothing happened.

Clara paused for a while; she saw the herald of pain in front of her eyes and to protect herself, she used her breath:

"You were indeed born gifted, little one. Not only are the fifth chakra, located in the throat, the sixth in the forehead, and the seventh at the tip of the head, already unlocked, but the fourteen tertiary vortices are also free and you have just successfully passed the initiation test. You can come out from within the lucid dream and feel your new sorcerer's body."

As Rey disappeared to return to the outside world, a body huddled in a corner raised its voice and spoke to the witch before she left:
