
"I'm half vampire, half lycanthrope and share the affinity of the two bloodlines. But where to begin?" wondered Rey as he realized he was faced with something he hadn't expected. "To my siblings... as far as I have observed so far, those around me have a slight mix of behaviors, exclusively varied, in their personalities. Neutral, a word with which I would frankly describe the Great Wise Wizard, I could also say that his demeanor is somewhere between alive and cold, not seeking to feel, but not wanting it either. Silvia, on the other hand, always uses an interested demeanor, a state of curiosity ready to explore everything. Mijan, easily irritable, reacts to everyone with fury. My mother, I always see her smiling, unlike my father, who seems to hide a huge depression in his eyes. My teacher, most of the time, is fascinated. Katherine has a constant dislike. And finally, the fearful Ehimus. I came to believe that my siblings would be more like me. We were all three born on the same day at the same time. If they weren't like me, they should at least behave like some of those I mentioned before, but they don't... If I could describe them. Dante is more like a fire afraid of being put out. Jhades is ice afraid of melting."

Before including himself in his own thoughts, Rey set out to be as self-critical as possible.

"Maybe I'm not so different. I feel the need to be worthwhile to others, to be accepted by those who depend on me...I seek strength with the desire and feeling to protect. Now that I think about it better, mother when irritated is stronger, father when happy is more violent. Hmmm!...Dante's fear is what "makes him stronger" makes him shape-shift, father doesn't have to become enraged to shape-shift. Father controls the art...". Looking at his arm, Rey could understand something basic. "On the other hand, Jhades has more delicate skin, but he can regenerate damage quickly without having to take blood. "Total body transformation, fast regeneration, they're both Advanced rank in those areas, while I'm Intermediate rank, but now that I see them I can get a better idea of how to move up a rank if I use my emotions as a catalyst..."

Rey sensed something alarming that forced him to cut off his thoughts. Using his "Black Aura" control, the little guy disappeared, but not before leaving a copy of himself in his place. The moment Jhades had foreseen arrived. In front, the three young men could see a clearing which they did not hurry to reach, for if they went out into the open they would lose the protection of the forest they knew so well. At the same time, they felt an overwhelming pressure from several beings with hostile intentions. To be more exact, there were three of them; the rest were just dying bodies looking to recover, although they all had the same garments.

In the wide space crowded by war wounded stood three subjects with intimidating height, looks and physiques. The new enemies were beings of flesh and blood who maintained an organized formation. They were not flaming beasts, or rotting bodies like the others, but were human. They looked a bit tired, but did not seem to have serious injuries despite having advanced so far. They were warriors, you could tell they had fought because in the surrounding area, among the bases of the trees, were piled multiple bodies of Paradise guardians, a Heroclades serpent and dismembered Mijan machines. Those signs definitely made them look dangerous.

The violence in the combat of the giants against the giants subsided somewhat. Still, the little ones cautiously halted their advance. Dante, like a keen hunter, watched the target that promised to get in the way. He had no need to fight or take unnecessary risks, he could perfectly well follow the advice his mother had given him, but he was intoxicated with violence and given the reduced movement of the older ones, he felt that he was running out of time to escape.

Rey, on the other hand, was aware that the clan elders had become aware of the situation at the same time they were fighting. They had never failed to keep a watchful eye on their children. The question, for the little one without a last name, was why don't they interfere? Jhades, as one who did not want to be heard by the enemy, said:

"They won't harm us if we don't confront them. Let's march in the opposite direction from this one, of course. Let's go back to the Great Wise Wizard..." Looking in Dante's direction. "If not, the hunter could end up hunted" he warned with the purpose of changing his brother's intentions."

At that precise moment, over the tops of the tall trees, several dozen assailants jumped on top of the two most advanced little ones with the intention of preventing them from escaping. Armed with swords and knives, the assailants hoped to accomplish their goal. To kill any inhabitant of Paradise out of sheer malice. In their looks, they had hatred, undead who had left life; they seemed to be envious of the good life of the little ones and all those who enjoyed living in the circle under the nine heavens.

Too late to escape, Jhades and Dante screamed at the top of their lungs as they turned their weapons on their enemies. Screams of two small ones that were devoured by the roar of fifty undead whose bodies were covered by vestiges of different garments. The three persons in the clearing focused their attention on the commotion provoked by the Gouls.