You're My Weakness And Strength

"We don't need to bring back the past, Caden. I never told anyone about it. But I remember every detail." She answered.

Caden sighed.

"What happened in the library was just the beginning. That's when I realized I can do something to protect you and my family. I accepted to lead the Forelli Clan to stop the other clans from hurting our families. We can't live in peace if they will keep on targeting us. So I have to completely destroy them. That day, you promised to keep it a secret. It was a burden you carried for years."

"Caden, it's not a burden. And what you did was self-defense. You protected me. I'm alive because of you." She said.

"And what about now? If I slit someone's throat, do you still think it's self-defense?" He asked.

She was taken aback. She didn't know how to answer his question or if he wanted to know what was on her mind.

"Why are you asking me something like that? Do you plan on killing someone in front of me?"

"I'm asking because it could happen."