
She glared at him. "It's your fault. Your flirting with Samantha."

He frowned then crossed his arms on his chest.

"I'm not flirting with anyone. I can't just ignore her because she's your friend. Do you want me to tell her to stay away from me? I'm already annoyed with her anyway. I just don't want to humiliate her." He explained.

She sighed. "I really think she likes you. She's my friend, but it's pissing me off that she's ignoring her boyfriend and openly flirting with you."

He nodded. "Well, I can't blame her. Your boyfriend is really hot." He winked.

She rolled her eyes and slapped his arm. "I'm serious. I'm really pissed."

Caden chuckled. "So what do you want to do? Should I talk to her or you will talk to her?"

"I don't know yet. If I confront her because I'm jealous, then I'll just embarrass myself. Samantha is a good friend, so maybe she'll tell me. For now, can you stay by my side and don't let go of my hand?" She asked.