Hotel Deliciae

The event would be held in one of the luxury hotels in Northbay City—Hotel Deliciae. It was also the most lavish hotel owned by the Wilson Group and was known to be meticulous when it comes to accepting events. 

They did not allow anyone to rent Hotel Deliciae; it was exclusively used by its members only. So it made them wonder how could someone like Juliano Garcia was able to get a slot at the hotel.

"How did the Garcia Clan get the approval from the Wilson Group? Aren't you the one who handles the operation of the hotel?" Caden asked Lucas.

Lucas shook his head. "No. It's just one of the hotels under Wilson Group, but I don't handle the transactions of all the hotels."

"Then who is it?" Brie asked.

"It's under Aunt Emily. Remember, Dad and Aunt Emily started the hotel business years ago. The hotels are under the Wilson Group, but the entire management is being handled by her." Lucas explained.