No Memory

"Exactly! But the time was contradicting. The cafe was just five minutes away from Primrose. Lucas and Brie left at 6:35, then arrived at exactly 6:40. Elijah went out at 6:45 and then arrived at 7 p.m. He could get in there at 6:50 but he was ten minutes late. What did he do? Where did he go?" Investigator Lee explained.

His three subordinates nodded in agreement. They felt amazed at how their team leader analyzed the situation. He was known to be meticulous and observant in every little detail.

"But sir, we didn't see anything on the way to the cafe." Josh's eyebrows curved.

"Are you sure you didn't notice anything unusual?" Investigator Lee asked.

The three took another look at the CCTV footage. After a few minutes, Keisha suddenly banged the table startling Josh and Bryan.

"His speed. It's too slow. He's driving a sports car but he was just driving at maybe twenty or thirty." Keisha excitedly said.